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Forums - Sales Discussion - OFFICIAL FRANCE next gen sales LTD gfk

Slimebeast said:

So you believe in a 3d price PS3 drop to counter MS this spring?
Actually I wouldn't mind that, I'd probably buy a $300 PS3 myself.


The site discussions are very much about predictions. And the more confident I sound when predicting, the more praise & glory I will get when prediction comes true.

Like said before. Still sticking to what I said.

We'll wait and see what happens. The possibility lies in GDC.

Also Surfer girl said that both Microsoft and Sony will announce new SKUs this year.

 @ praise and glory

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

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You beleive the Arcade dropping to $179?

CrazzyMan said:
lombard2578 said:
CrazzyMan said:

While ps3 numbers went from 433k to 544, instead of 563.
x360 numbers went from 595k to 604, instead to 589.

Why is that? =) VG don`t trust on 100% GFK or what? =)

It's because old numbers for 360 are to high.

For end september, we have 500,000 at vgchartz instead of the 430,000 said by microsoft before the launch of halo 3. So, ioi is right for the last numbers, which must be more high. And it's the old numbers (before january 2007) who must be reduced.

Why not then making like 573k for ps3 then? =)
I mean:

hardstyle said:
In France, I noticed that PS3 is very popular compared to 360 (not as much as Wii, though). But still, PS3 is considered like THE next-gen console. Wii is more considered as a "funny" console to play with friend.

 I have made a more complete answer in my precedent post with explicit numbers.

These are 2007 figures right?

> PS3 : 563.000

> 360 : 589.000

Seems the VGcharts data has been updated quite a bit but is still undertracking the PS3 and overtracking the 360:

VGChartz 2007:

> PS3: 544,742

> 360: 604,122

Anyway excellent PS3 figures for France! The PS3 may well have already overtaken total 360 sales there like it did in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany and probably some other European areas including for the Benelux! Very good considering the 1 year and 5 months headstart for the 360!

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Reading back some other threads relating to France, there are quite a few sources which in the past already seemed to indicate that VGChartz undertracks the PS3 and overtracks the 360 for the country, the comparitive accuracy at times seem to have been quite horrible even... I hope this improves.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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gebx said:
The article says that the Wii just passed a Million "
se déroule cependant à bonne distance du succès de la Wii, qui a pour sa part déjà dépassé le seuil du million d'unités écoulées dans l'Hexagone"

Why does it refer to France as the "Hexagone"??

If you draw a broken line from Caen (north west, closest town to britain) to Strasbourg (well a bit north of it as it is not on the north-eastern corner separating France and germany), to the east part of the Cote d'Azur (at the France-Italy border), back west to the east part of the Pyreneans, along the Pyrenees until you hit the Atlantic, north west in direction of Brest (in Britanny) then back to Caen you have a irregular hexagone, hence why L'Hexagone is the nickname of France in a similar way that The Big Apple is the nickname of New York.

 See this page for a graphical explanation (scroll down 1 page): 

I hope Diomedes sees this thread and understand that this is the kind of hard data that Ioi can use to improve his tracking (especially during the Christmas period) and not vague numbers that we don't know the origin of.

 That said it looks like 360 was spot on unlike what Diomedes thought but PS3 was indeed undertracked in France like he thought.

Hopefully this will help Ioi give us a better trackig in France both outside the holiday season and during the holiday season next years (and the following years of course). 

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


Just a remark about these official numbers.

It's strange that no big french website of videogame have speak about these numbers.

Very strange.

I don't read "les echos", because i don't have it.
But, it's the source of the numbers, has said the link:

has someone read "les echos " to confirm the numbers?

France is not, I repeat is not a big region.

End of 2008 predcition:

Wii: 34 million

360: 23-26.5 million

PS3: 15-18 million

lombard2578 said:
Just a remark about these official numbers.

It's strange that no big french website of videogame have speak about these numbers.

Very strange.

I don't read "les echos", because i don't have it.
But, it's the source of the numbers, has said the link:

has someone read "les echos " to confirm the numbers?

 So lombard, you question the numbers?

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Neos said:
lombard2578 said:
Just a remark about these official numbers.

It's strange that no big french website of videogame have speak about these numbers.

Very strange.

I don't read "les echos", because i don't have it.
But, it's the source of the numbers, has said the link:

has someone read "les echos " to confirm the numbers?

So lombard, you question the numbers?

 I'm surprised, but after a little search, at this link, i find the article in "les echos"

I can't read it, but if the artricle exist, the numbers must be true.