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Forums - Sales Discussion - OFFICIAL FRANCE next gen sales LTD gfk

shanbcn said:
lombard2578 said:
John_Doe said:

sony france or yamauchi (can't remember) said about 1 or 2 months ago that PS3 reached 800.000 when GT5P was launched

and numbers seem to be a bit old. The wii is now higher than 26 million worldwide and 1.8m in france.

Absolutely not. The ps3 never reached 800 k when gt5P was launched. Really the numbers given by sony are new recent numbers (rounded), and the number of 26 milion wii is given by nintendo france (so not sony france), and it's their problems if the number is recent or not. About that, they said more than 26 million.

All these numbers have been given at IDEF, an event in France about videgames.

So Sony has speaken: new LTD hardware numbers in France for next gen consoles.

Nintendo has speaken: worldwide sales of next gen consoles.

Gfk has speaken: GTA 4 numbers in France until the end of may.


Did Sony also speak about Xbox numbers?



Yes, and Wii numbers, see the second page of this thread.


PS3: 800k

360: 700k

Wii: 1,8m

Around the Network
lombard2578 said:
shanbcn said:
lombard2578 said:
John_Doe said:

sony france or yamauchi (can't remember) said about 1 or 2 months ago that PS3 reached 800.000 when GT5P was launched

and numbers seem to be a bit old. The wii is now higher than 26 million worldwide and 1.8m in france.

Absolutely not. The ps3 never reached 800 k when gt5P was launched. Really the numbers given by sony are new recent numbers (rounded), and the number of 26 milion wii is given by nintendo france (so not sony france), and it's their problems if the number is recent or not. About that, they said more than 26 million.

All these numbers have been given at IDEF, an event in France about videgames.

So Sony has speaken: new LTD hardware numbers in France for next gen consoles.

Nintendo has speaken: worldwide sales of next gen consoles.

Gfk has speaken: GTA 4 numbers in France until the end of may.


Did Sony also speak about Xbox numbers?



Yes, and Wii numbers, see the second page of this thread.


PS3: 800k

360: 700k

Wii: 1,8m

Last updated data says 1,7m Wiis, which is why its hard to belive that Wii just sold 100k in last 2 months or even PS3 with just 50k.


The two updates were given by Sony, so same source is certainly a better way if they were two different sources.

aspirin said:

About GTA4 :

"La société GFK a profité de l'IDEF (salon professionnel qui se déroule actuellement à Cannes) pour dévoiler quelques chiffres de ventes, notamment sur le gros jeu de ce début d'année, j'ai nommé GTA 4. Ainsi, de sa sortie le 29 avril jusqu'à la fin mai, il s'est écoulé près de 525 000 exemplaires de GTA 4 en France. Un chiffre assez colossal lorsqu'on s'aperçoit qu'il ne concerne finalement que le premier mois de commercialisation du produit. On a aussi pu apprendre que c'était la version PS3 qui, en France, s'était mieux vendue que la version 360."

- from GFK during IDEF (summit for game publishers, distributors)
- 525,000 sold on XB360 and PS3
- the article says 1st month but it could be late April+May
- it sold better on PS3


I find better than you:


Gfk explique cette montée en puissance par un 1er semestre riche en nouveautés dont la sortie de trois jeux très attendus, Grand Theft Auto IV vendu à 525.000 exemplaires en France, Mario Kart Wii (453.000) et Wii Fit et ses 282.000 adeptes hexagonaux. Ses trois jeux ont totalisé en France un chiffre d'affaires de 85 millions d'euros.


So, there is Mario kart Wii and Wii fit numbers too.


For BKK2 and others wich like € there is the weight of the french market, and prevision for 2008.


Other source more accurate:

A la fin du mois de mai, GTA 4 s’est vendu à environ 525 000 exemplaires, Mario Kart à 453 000 unités et le Wii Fit à 282 000 unités. Soit un chiffre d’affaires cumulé de près de 85 millions d’euros en France.

So numbers at the end of may, so end of the week 22.


FishyJoe said:
No Wii numbers although they say both PS3 and 360 are a good distance away.


I would say in France the Wii would be close to outselling the combined totals of both 360 and PS3. In Germany the Wii has sold over one million  consoles.

Around the Network
Leandrovisk said:
same source from my is valid...there no


Is not the same source, your article quotes a ramdon guy with some odd figures, this article cites Gfk, is not the same... and if remember correctly even this article was a little off proved by gebx...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

Nobody has seen the numbers of wii fit and mario kart wii in France. It's not good.

About the hardware, here certainly the best and most accurate link about what Nintendo, Sony and microsoft France have said at Cannes for the IDEF:

ANNES (AFP) - Le fabricant japonais de consoles de jeux vidéo Nintendo a vendu dans le monde plus de 26 millions de Wii depuis son lancement en décembre 2006, contre près de 20 millions pour la Xbox 360 de Microsoft et 14 millions pour la PlayStation 3 (PS3) de Sony, ont-ils indiqué mardi.

"La Wii reste en tête des consoles, la dynamique est toujours très forte grâce à l'afflux massif de femmes, de seniors, de clients différents de ce que l'industrie du jeu vidéo avait l'habitude de toucher", a déclaré Stephan Bole, PDG de Nintendo France, en marge du salon de l'Idef (Interactive and Digital Entertainment Festival) à Cannes, qui réunit les professionnels du secteur.

Nintendo n'a pas l'intention de baisser le prix de sa console de salon, vendu à 249 euros, a-t-il ajouté.

Ses concurrents, qui proposent des machines plus sophistiquées, ont quant à eux déjà procédé à des réductions de prix pour relancer leurs ventes.

Sony, qui vend désormais sa console 399 euros contre 599 euros lors de son lancement fin 2006, a écoulé environ 13,7 millions de PS3, a indiqué Georges Fornay, président de Sony Computer Entertainment France.

Sur le seul territoire français, "nous avons dépassé Microsoft", avec 800.000 exemplaires vendues, contre 700.000 Xbox (et 1,8 million de Wii), a-t-il précisé.

Au niveau mondial, Sony espère doubler son rival américain l'an prochain, quitte à procéder à une nouvelle diminution des tarifs, même si ce n'est pas d'actualité pour l'instant, selon M. Fornay. "Nous ne sommes pas forcément dans la course à la baisse de prix, mais nous sommes pragmatiques et flexibles", a-t-il souligné.

Microsoft, dont la Xbox 360 est la moins chère du marché (199 euros), revendique "près de 20 millions de consoles vendues dans le monde" depuis sa mise sur le marché fin 2005.

La baisse récente, annoncée en mars, "nous a permis de reprendre le leadership", a estimé François Ruault, directeur de la division produits de loisirs du groupe en France.

Conclusion: Nintendo matters are not accurate, but Sony and Microsoft matters seems accurate. Now if someone think we need a thread for the new accurate numbers of shipped ps3 and 360, he can do it if he want. The end of second quarterly is soon, so maybe we don't need that for the moment. About the famous leadership taken now by microsoft, i have nothing to say, but what i can understand is that recently the 360 in France has sold more than the ps3, which seems possible with the two last update we have obtained.

Interesting software numbers, Mario Kart Wii sold almost as much in France as UK.

GfK France through May:

GTA IV: 525,000
MK Wii: 453,000
Wii Fit: 282,000

Chart-Track UK through May (90%):

GTA IV: 1,212,000
MK Wii: 454,000
Wii Fit: 376,000

Microsoft aim to have sold 1,000,000 360s in France by the end of this year. They had sold 700,000 through June, so they're aiming for 300,000 through the second half of 2008.

Initial shipments:

Too Human: 20,000
Gears of War 2: 140,000

Live! subscribers: 300,000

Claimed game attach rates:

360: 5.8
WII: 3.9
PS3: 3.5

Claimed accessory attach rates:

360: 3.3
WII: 2.8
PS3: 1.5

Microsoft France Interview

Call of Duty 4 LTD (All formats): 450,000
