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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Has the WiiU made Sony and Microsoft irrelevant?

Nintendo is back, and better than ever!!


So we have seen the release of the following two threads,


PS4 Less Powerful Than The Nintendo WiiU? Dream On, Says Shuhei Yoshida



Did Microsoft just make Nintendo's Wii U tablet irrevelant?


Enter Nintendo

Apparently Nintendo has come up with the answer to the HD twins. It's a first person shooter.


Miyamoto wants to make a... FPS!?


A young lad named Basil, from whom we have testimony, has revealed that in face of Nintendo, he could only react in one way:


So I ask a question to you, given the following pictures, has Nintendo made Sony and Microsoft irrelevant?


*For those of you wondering, this is a joke thread, don't take it seriously*

Around the Network

Like this kind of thing?

BasilZero said:

Pretty much


/end thread

Bahaha, pretty much. This is really a big joke I want to see how they react.

So your solution to two silly thread from the two other camps is making a silly Nintendo threads?

Very dissapoint HappyD... :(

spurgeonryan said:
No, that Chart proves nothing IMO.

What about the "It only prints money*Iwatamoto laughs*" gif?

Around the Network
Millenium said:
So your solution to two silly thread from the two other camps is making a silly Nintendo threads?

Very dissapoint HappyD... :(

Yes but at least mine's a joke, theirs' isn't.

This isn't even a good joke thread.


Carl2291 said:
This isn't even a good joke thread.

Damn, I thought it was funny. How to get back at guys like Turkish, I'm out of ideas.

The man has outdone me

You dont really "get back" at people like Turkish. You just laugh at them


Hahaha :)