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Forums - Sony Discussion - Should the PS3 have had Blu Ray?


Answer the damn question!

Yes 124 77.99%
No 35 22.01%

As far as quality-of-life changes for this generation goes, I'm still quite old fashioned (I buy games on disk rather than download them wherever possible, i.e. WipEout HD Fury, Ratchet and Clank: Quest For Booty).

But not having to switch disks because of blue ray is a really nice change. Not mind blowing, but nice enough to have.

Voted yes!

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Zappykins said:

Blu-ray was expensive, and for a long time, as you said, the PS3 was the least expensive good quality blu-ray around - so many, many people bought it first on that feature.

To answer your questions:

A. Yes, having the Blu-ray on the PS3 I think is the single biggest reason Blu-ray won the format war. The DVD manufactures did not like Blu-ray as they had to buy all new equipment, where with HD-DVD they could transition from their current DVD manufacturing much easier and with a lower cost. They could have upgraded parts of their equipment and not replaced as much. Having in the PS3 gave consumers a lower entry point of Blu-ray.

In my opinion had Microsoft put the HD-DVD in the Xbox the war would have been over much sooner and with HD-DVD's on top. I think they saw streaming replacing it as soon as they got Silverlight at enough quality to enough consumers (around 08).

2) No, the war was not worth winning. The war was unnecessary - if Sony had agreed to allow Microsoft to write the code for accessing the HD format, as the other manufactures wanted, then we would have had one format. The whole war could have been avoided in what came down to a with a simple agreement. The manufactures, the producers and the consumers ultimately all lost in the war.

Like the Video Cassette War of the 80's Sony really caused the HD format war, but this time instead of sneak out their format first, they came later with Blu-ray after HD-DVD was on the market. The result was delayed manufacturing, delayed adoption by the production companies, and most importantly delayed adoption by the consumer of the two competing formats.  So now, many manufatures and consumers that chose the HD-DVD side have all this expensive equiptment they can't use - wasted money.

It pushed back the adoption of the new HD format by the consumer - while at the same time streaming improved.

I like my Blu-ray, and it some ways I'm glad it one. It has a bit more storage and I like how scratch resistant the disk are (HD DVD might be too, but I haven't held one.) However, I do realize Blu-ray is dead. It's an old dying media and so few people are buying physical disk - and why would they. I hardly buy one as I would rather just stream it, or buy a stream (the only exception is when a disk is so much less expensive – as streaming doesn’t get discounted as much.)  So few games use mulitiple disk that I don't that it matters. (I can only think of the Final Fantasy, and LA Noir - others?)

With streaming you can punch up your movie and watch it in excellent quality, you don’t have to search through your collection, move off your couch, and you want the movie you want, not 10 minutes of unskippible ads, that you have to keep fast forwarding on and other such crap (like a home screen that gives away spoilers and ruins the surprise.) It’s like being punished for buying a movie. I’ve compared blu-ray with 1080p 5.1 streaming on my Xbox 360 and the difference are negligible.

TL/DR: Sony won with Blu-ray, but it was an empty win. Cause it was an unnecessary silly and expensive war – and left the door open long enough for streaming to ultimately win.  And Blu-ray is dead.

Good post. But I'm confused. Do you think Sony would have been better off without Blu Ray or no.

Millenium said:

Yes, without the PS3 'HD-DVD' would have had a fair shot at winning the "HD War", and Sony would have missed out on a percentage of royalties (Not that I expect this amount of money to be huge...).

I ask you this: Do you think the money Sony made from Blu Ray royalties would be larger than the money saved from a Blu-Ray-less PS3 and the money gained by selling more, cheaper PS3s?

Gilgamesh said:
It got people buying the PS3 strictly for the blu-ray player when there was very little interesting games. So yeh it helped.

Yes, Blu Ray was a pretty big advantage for the PS3. However, without Blu Ray, it would have had an even greater advantage: Lower price.


Blu-Ray movies increased the sales of the PS3, made Blu-Ray a success and it was a brilliant feature to have. Some games also took advantage of it, while it's not exactly a big deal, it eased pressure on developers to compress or remove content and assets and allowed uncompressed video files which were easier to make (mostly) and looked far better than in-game cutscenes. Blu-Ray bumped up the price of the PS3, but not by too much, it would have made SONY more money instead of losing money.

Cell on the other hand was a mistake.

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Turkish said:

FF13 on 1 disc with losless audio and 1080p movies
MGS4 in all its glory
etc etc

Look at all the Sony exclusives, their filesize is usually bigger then 30GB so they really do take advantage of Bluray.

Can you just imagine MGS4 or Uncharted on dvd?

You make a good point. But I think most would be fine with multiple disks, slightly less grahpics/sound, etc.

Jay520 said:
Millenium said:

Yes, without the PS3 'HD-DVD' would have had a fair shot at winning the "HD War", and Sony would have missed out on a percentage of royalties (Not that I expect this amount of money to be huge...).

I ask you this: Do you think the money Sony made from Blu Ray royalties would be larger than the money saved from a Blu-Ray-less PS3 and the money gained by selling more, cheaper PS3s?

Do I think  Sony will make more from the royalties in the long run than they lost due to adding Blu-Ray to the PS3? Yes.

Sony's "lucky" because the world isn't ready to switch over entirely to 'download only'.

For Sony's game division? No, it was an utter disaster for their game division. It caused MASSIVE losses for years that they still haven't recouped. I would also argue it provided almost no benefit for games. I saw someone mention MGS4.... failing to mention the constant and dreadful install times. Where having it on multiple discs would have been MUCH faster. FF13 is really the only good example I can think of where it was no questions better than on DVD.

For Sony as a whole. Probably yes. However it is very hard to say. Had the PS3 not had Blu-Ray I think there was still a fair chance that blu-ray would have beat out HD-DVD. However it possibly would have taken much longer and caused a loss in potential profits. So as a whole yea it probably was a good idea.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

Jay520 said:
Gilgamesh said:
It got people buying the PS3 strictly for the blu-ray player when there was very little interesting games. So yeh it helped.

Yes, Blu Ray was a pretty big advantage for the PS3. However, without Blu Ray, it would have had an even greater advantage: Lower price.

Well I doubt it'd be that much of a difference, instead of Sony losing $200 plus on each console at launch they'd be still losing about $100 with a DVD player. Still losing a lot of money.

brendude13 said:

1.) Blu-Ray movies increased the sales of the PS3,

2.) made Blu-Ray a success and it was a brilliant feature to have

. 3.) Some games also took advantage of it, while it's not exactly a big deal, it eased pressure on developers to compress or remove content and assets and allowed uncompressed video files which were easier to make (mostly) and looked far better than in-game cutscenes.

4.) Blu-Ray bumped up the price of the PS3, but not by too much, it would have made SONY more money instead of losing money.

1.) Yes but, the ability to play Blu Rays Vs Lower Price. Which would have helped it more?

2.) True. However, was the Format War worth winning considering DVD is till largely prevelant AND Digital media is clearly taking over?

3.)This is true, but there are only a handful of PS3 exclusives that look/sound/perform better than the best on the 360, and only marginally so. It's not really a big deal imo. A lot of the best selling games aren't technical powerhouses anyway. And for the ones that are, technicals aren't that important compared to the games' gameplay, story, longevity, appeal, etc.

I find this hard to believe. Espescially considering the standard price of a Blu Ray Player once ranged well over the cost of the PS3. You may be right though.