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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony PS3 Are You Impressed Yet?

DieAppleDie said:
i dont agree there
imo Wii has the best games, just not the best graphics...

LOL! Is this a joke?

Name one game not named Mario or Zelda that you'd put on a list of best games this gen? 

I wouldn't put any Wii games as best this gen if I did a Top 20 list. Just wanna see what ridiculousness you name. 

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EdHieron said:
mushroomboy5 said:
Bristow9091 said:
DieAppleDie said:
the PS3 is like a cool guy who arrives to late to the party...

This is pretty much exactly what I was going to say, lol.

More like the creepy guy that arrives the same time as everyone else but waits til the end of the party (like 2 in the morning) , when everybody is drunk, tired and just wants to go home, before he makes his move.

Sounds more like Wii U again.

Wii U is not at the party, its going to a new party :)

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434
Gamer_of_the_Year said:
DieAppleDie said:
i dont agree there
imo Wii has the best games, just not the best graphics...

LOL! Is this a joke?

Name one game not named Mario or Zelda that you'd put on a list of best games this gen? 

I wouldn't put any Wii games as best this gen if I did a Top 20 list. Just wanna see what ridiculousness you name. 

why discount mario and zelda? any game that is released for a system should count, anyway i will name one, xenoblade

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

Zelda TP
Zelda SS

Cougarman said:
EdHieron said:
mushroomboy5 said:
Bristow9091 said:
DieAppleDie said:
the PS3 is like a cool guy who arrives to late to the party...

This is pretty much exactly what I was going to say, lol.

More like the creepy guy that arrives the same time as everyone else but waits til the end of the party (like 2 in the morning) , when everybody is drunk, tired and just wants to go home, before he makes his move.

Sounds more like Wii U again.

Wii U is not at the party, its going to a new party :)

Well, it's certainly going to get smashed when the PS4 and 720 come out with all the most anticipated next gen games as launch titles with 4 times the power and only $100.00 higher launch prices.

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BHR-3 said:
i havent been impressed with anything from PS this gen

if you go back to 05-07 and look at all the hype with bluray and the CELL its pretty laughable now. the PS3 has been nothing but a nightmare for most devs the 50gb disk space has not been used to its potential with most all games this gen. lots of exclusive games took to long, have not been seen or released yet like twisted metal, socom, TLG, agent, gt5 and many loss exclusiveness assassins creed, la noir, resident evil, FF, and metal gear

sales wise is nothing to write home about "wait till 299" came and gone with little affect it only outsold 360 for one NPD after it went to 299 and still hasnt passed it WW even though HDD vs HDD skus has been cheaper than 360 since last fall

i'll never be impressed with ps3 most of its exclusives to me compromise gameplay for cinematics and im unsure if its future tiles will change that for me TLOU and beyond, and gt5 car list is just unacceptable

what would impress me for the future PS console would be if it can have up to par multi plats or surpass compared to the other consoles, have more mature themed games, a FPS and TPS that is comparable to gears and halo content and feature wise, and for GT to have a more broader car list from the western manufactures

and imo if the ps3 ever passes the 360 it shouldnt mean nothing celebrations should be kept at a minimal since it took so long, yrs from now when we look back at this gen most will accept that the 360 was like the ps2 for 7th gen with all that it accomplished, what it offered and how much of a household name it became during that time

None, NONE of the consoles of this gen compare to the epicness that was the PS2, maybe the SNES and that's waaaaay back. 360 did outstanding and arguably better than the PS3 but no way as good as the PS2. To summarize, Kinect.

Let me help you get off that high horse.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

"Well, it's certainly going to get smashed when the PS4 and 720 come out with all the most anticipated next gen games as launch titles with 4 times the power and only $100.00 higher launch prices."

thats wishful thinking at best
4 times the power? XD

PS3 is like that 25yo guy with the moustache who has to hang out with highschool kids cos everyone his own age thinks he's a dork, and the only reason the kids put up with him is cos he's old enough to buy them alcohol.

VGKing said:
BHR-3 said:
i havent been impressed with anything from PS this gen

if you go back to 05-07 and look at all the hype with bluray and the CELL its pretty laughable now. the PS3 has been nothing but a nightmare for most devs the 50gb disk space has not been used to its potential with most all games this gen. lots of exclusive games took to long, have not been seen or released yet like twisted metal, socom, TLG, agent, gt5 and many loss exclusiveness assassins creed, la noir, resident evil, FF, and metal gear

sales wise is nothing to write home about "wait till 299" came and gone with little affect it only outsold 360 for one NPD after it went to 299 and still hasnt passed it WW even though HDD vs HDD skus has been cheaper than 360 since last fall

i'll never be impressed with ps3 most of its exclusives to me compromise gameplay for cinematics and im unsure if its future tiles will change that for me TLOU and beyond, and gt5 car list is just unacceptable

what would impress me for the future PS console would be if it can have up to par multi plats or surpass compared to the other consoles, have more mature themed games, a FPS and TPS that is comparable to gears and halo content and feature wise, and for GT to have a more broader car list from the western manufactures

and imo if the ps3 ever passes the 360 it shouldnt mean nothing celebrations should be kept at a minimal since it took so long, yrs from now when we look back at this gen most will accept that the 360 was like the ps2 for 7th gen with all that it accomplished, what it offered and how much of a household name it became during that time

You have a Halo avatar dude. You're too biased for anyone to take your opinion seriously.

Play God of War 3. Nothing compromising about the gameplay. Oh and later this year there is Playstation All-Stars. Pure gameplay right there.

LOL. Wow you're such a you know what.

@underlined bold
No. Xbox 360 doesn't compare in any way to the PS2.
The PS2 had MUCH more marketshare, MUCH more games, MUCH more brand recogntion..etc. WORLDWIDE. The 360s accomplishments are impressive, in America. Outside its home country it is just another console.

my avatar is not from halo and if youve been on this site long or looked at my game collection you would know that all of my posts from 08-10 were heavy pro sony 

for me 360 will be compared to the ps2 or the successor to it b/c it has all the former ps2 3rd party exclusives which most sold the most on 360 WW including big name games like COD, GTA and assassins creed and in 05-06 it was the only place to play them in next gen versions most 3rd party games werent even releasing on ps3 but on ps2 those years.  games to this day lead on 360 and then ported to ps3 poorly it was the opposite last gen.

some of your last sentence is true but compared to last gen sony has lost ie. lost 3rd party exclusives, lost market share in the west and slowly losing it in europe, and its the 360 that is most improved in all those categorizes from last gen and i believe will continue next gen if there arent changes on sonys side


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EdHieron said:
Cougarman said:
EdHieron said:
mushroomboy5 said:
Bristow9091 said:
DieAppleDie said:
the PS3 is like a cool guy who arrives to late to the party...

This is pretty much exactly what I was going to say, lol.

More like the creepy guy that arrives the same time as everyone else but waits til the end of the party (like 2 in the morning) , when everybody is drunk, tired and just wants to go home, before he makes his move.

Sounds more like Wii U again.

Wii U is not at the party, its going to a new party :)

Well, it's certainly going to get smashed when the PS4 and 720 come out with all the most anticipated next gen games as launch titles with 4 times the power and only $100.00 higher launch prices

look i am not saying wii u will smash PS4 and Nextbox because i cant predict the future but 6 or 7 years ago people were saying the same thing about wii and you know how that turned out, the future is not set in stone a new gen is starting and i believe any of the big 3 have a good chance to be the no.1 seller.

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434