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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

RolStoppable said:
spurgeonryan said:
I have nothing to say, and you have all done a great job so far.

I find it interesting that you are pursuing this policy lynch of HappyD, when it never worked in another way with RadishH. Why is that?

Then I'll have to...

Vote: spurge

As for your question, there's a number of players who are attention whores and like to be the focus of discussion, especially when they are townies. This only results in distraction and hinders town's progression. When we manage to get one of these people under control (like radish last round) another one of these guys emerges (in last round's case it was Nintendopie). It wouldn't hurt VGC Mafia to go beyond just threatening bad players and actually lynch them to get the message across. Otherwise it's pretty much guaranteed that we'll be looking at the same problem in every round to come.

Wouldn't you say prof is far more guilty of that than HappyD is?

With Happy, it comes across as a lack of experience. With prof, it's more than that; a genuine annoyance at the rest of the town, almost.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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RolStoppable said:
spurgeonryan said:
I have nothing to say, and you have all done a great job so far.

I find it interesting that you are pursuing this policy lynch of HappyD, when it never worked in another way with RadishH. Why is that?

Then I'll have to...

Vote: spurge

As for your question, there's a number of players who are attention whores and like to be the focus of discussion, especially when they are townies. This only results in distraction and hinders town's progression. When we manage to get one of these people under control (like radish last round) another one of these guys emerges (in last round's case it was Nintendopie). It wouldn't hurt VGC Mafia to go beyond just threatening bad players and actually lynch them to get the message across. Otherwise it's pretty much guaranteed that we'll be looking at the same problem in every round to come.

Rol, last round I was basically forced to claim due to pre-game idiocy leading to people voting me due to "policy", when there was no evidence shown that I was to continue playing in the same way as I had in previous rounds - this claiming led to Baalz starting a crazy lynch-train that eventually led to the death of a very powerful town role. In that respect, haven't we proved that lynching players just to "get a message across" is a bad idea? If they have a good role, they're forced to either share it (which would put them at risk), or to just die holding it.

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pezus said:
Where the fuck is Danne? What about Noctis? Korppi? Both Danne and Korppi were online recently but didn't bother to post in this thread. Noctis is just away like always

I've been here the whole time - and the reason I didn't post anything yesterday is because I had dinner with the boys and watch that god aweful game yesterday. But even then I stopped by here to check on things from time to time. Another reason I didn't post anything is because I can't quote on my "smart"phone: the internet browser will from time to time stop working in the middle of a writing, close down and start from my homepage.

Is that good enough for ya?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

RolStoppable said:
mantlepiecek said:

Rol, I want to know your list of suspects at present. Whom do you suspect?

You have been active when the game started and asked people questions, similarly to how you acted last round. Since then your activity has dropped and the post above feels a little bit like you recalled that you have to post at least something every now and then. You haven't been involved in the houseclaiming issue either.

So what's up, mantle? And who do you suspect?

I am trying to re-read the thread. I am still seeing what's happening right now to not miss anything important but I have missed a lot of posts trying to catch up, as far as I am concerned prof felt scummy, only after he role-claimed, I felt like he was town and it made sense I guess. Radish is confirmed townie according to pezus and kantor. That makes me feel that pezus and Kantor maybe town as well.

My main suspects are Wonk and Spurgeonryan, but nothing concrete about Wonk. Spurge is acting extremely random and has been too quiet, almost threatening every time someone asks him a question.


One thing I have observed :

People who know a lot about GoT :







My stance on house-claiming : I have no idea if it's dangerous to the town but right now if Pezus is correct, Radish is confirmed as town, so I guess our pool of suspects is shorter than before. I think he shouldn't have said that he is not a bodyguard though. That's just giving away unnecessary information.



32 more hours remaining for the day to end.

Can I just say, although I know that I'm town - I'm not sure about being labelled "confirmed town" just yet - what I'm saying is, we can't assume that "good" characters in the show/books are always going to be town-aligned in this round.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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TruckOSaurus said:
theprof00 said:

So about 16 posts.

Said the entire day was about houses which he cared not to talk about.  Admitted to active lurking. Only became opportunistic when people got into defendable mistakes, NEVER followed through (don't want to be attached to a mislynch, right?).Hasn't promoted discussion, just disagreements. Half of his posts are casual jokes and comments. His top three suspects are not even on anyone's radar. Hasn't questioned his suspects (until his suspect questioned him). Has only 2 pieces of worthless evidence yet they're his top suspects..


That's it that's all.

Not much else I can say if you don't see it here and now.

1I know next to nothing about Game of Thrones, I can't analyze flavor like you do.

2HappyD has a tendency to post as if his theories are already proven, that's what I addressed.

3How is the fact that my suspect are not on anyone's radar a bad thing? I know you would love for everyone to bend to your will and follow you like sheep but not everybody thinks like you so people will have different opinion and thus different suspects.

4I haven't questioned my suspects precisely because my suspicious are based on what you call worthless pieces of evidence. I don't have any strong suspect right now, just hunches and after the last game where I totally misread Baalz on Day One, I don't have that much faith in my hunches.

5Now, since you've played with me for so long, I'll ask you this: What do you think is my strong suit in Mafia?


1I said that you could have said something during the house talk. You commented previously on HD's claim about "house-groups", and acknowledged that you looked up your character a bit. Yet during an argument in which insults are flying....not to mention that several times, non-flavor related discussion was occurring (like that of your questioning hd about 2 mafia teams), you said nothing. Now, you say you know about nothing about game of thrones. You have a good two days of discussion, and you haven't really commented on any of it, only the bold flagrant mistakes like "probably" and "2 mafia teams".

(Would you mind telling me what wiki you searched, btw?)

2Excuse me but what does this mean? I notice you have really no stance on it either way, you're just saying it matter of factly.  Can you expand on this, please?

3Not at all. I don't expect everyone to follow my lead, because I in fact take my leads from others. My point is that you might as well just pick random people out of a crowd. Please build a case for me around Mario (probably the only one on your list with enough material), I would like to hear it. Furthermore, you didn't like Baalz, and then suddenly he disappeared from your list. Care to explain what happened there?

4. So then why did you call them your suspects? You had the same thing on Wonk at your first suspect list, and your second suspect list. So, Baalz fell off, but Wonk stayed on, depite no new evidence appearing. Spurge gave you a bad feeling. Here I'll give you something. However, I don't see any effort put into these suspects. There are plenty of things you can look into. I could likely build a case against any one of these people, and then decide whether the evidence fits the profile. Your lack of effort doesn't show lack of understanding of flavor, it shows lack of caring to lynch mafia. How then do you explain that the only posts of content were in response to what I would call, misunderstandings?


5. Your debating skills.

TruckOSaurus said:
RolStoppable said:
TruckOSaurus said:


Same question I asked wonk: What's your opinion on a policy lynch of happyD?

I don't think it's necessary. He does show some of the same traits as during Round 40 but he has seriously toned it down. I don't think he's a lost cause yet and I'd like for him to have a chance to get better.

Thanks Trucks, and it has been tough because his comments actually provoke me, but I've been doing my best to actually ignore him and final-fan and hatmoza. It hasn't been easy for me but I want to make you proud of inviting me to the game.

Also, as you know, I am practicing on the mafiascum forums, and I can assure you I have seen players incredibly better than Rol, Final-fan and Hatmoza put together. Thanks for believing in me.

RolStoppable said:
radishhead said:

Rol, last round I was basically forced to claim due to pre-game idiocy leading to people voting me due to "policy", when there was no evidence shown that I was to continue playing in the same way as I had in previous rounds - this claiming led to Baalz starting a crazy lynch-train that eventually led to the death of a very powerful town role. In that respect, haven't we proved that lynching players just to "get a message across" is a bad idea? If they have a good role, they're forced to either share it (which would put them at risk), or to just die holding it.

You claimed/implied jailkeeper on Day 2 when prof was upset because he was roleblocked. All the policy lynch pressure of Day 1 had nothing to do with your roleclaim. In fact, on Day 1 you were already on the verge of giving up and stated that you wouldn't be that much of a loss anyway, because you only had a minor role. That's when I called you out for being a lazy bastard.

I said I only had a minor role? That doesn't sound like something that I would say :S

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

HappyD, do you think perhaps, that Trucks could possibly like to see you lynched today?

Trucks please tell me what wiki you used to look up you character.