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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

Just as an aside, everyone who hasn't done so already should read the books. There are five of them, a total of roughly 5000 pages, and you have:

10 months before Season 3 starts
A good 2 years before he finishes writing the sixth book.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Okay, checking in!

The stars in the sky told me to:

Vote: Final-Fan

For now:

Vote: No Lynch

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

supermario128 said:

HoS: Hatz
You start things off with an ellipsis in your opening post, which is often very telling. Then you go after Spurge right away which makes me think you are a little too eager.

HoS: Spurge
Honestly, I'm not sure of anyone who would go to the thread unless they read their PM first. Obviously there are instances where someone won't read their PM until night one, but that is obviously not the case because you wouldn't have told us otherwise.  

Vote: Prof
Like Rol said, he is a hindrance to the town. Just look at last game for all the proof you need. Plus, he thinks he can never be lynched in this game. We need to show him he can be. Also because he is bound to be mafia at some point and I think he is this game.


Before we go any further I would like everyone to say one simple phrase, and I'll start things off.

I am pro town.

Now everyone else do the same.

I'm gonna try to bite my tongue only because I have a town read on you for promoting discussion.

First. I really don't think you are stupid enough to subtly imply you are a lie detector. Even if you are not, congratulations for the attention you have just absorbed away from the town. Every watcher, tracker, protective role that exists is now going to consider paying you a visit because they are going to think what any other towny is thinking right now, scum are gonna get you.

What did I say in my 2nd or 3rd post of the game. Do not claim. So, right now,  especially on day 1, I don't give a hoot what your role is. I don't care if you are a towny that can shoot rainbows out of his. What I'm trying to say here is DON'T roleclaim, and carry on.

That said, I am town. I applaud you for getting the ball rolling. This  will definitely get the game started with talk. but at what cost? I dread the thought that so many night actions are going to be wasted on you tonight.


Now,  my ellipses... you do realize that there was no flavor when I posted that, no? More so, I am interested in your explanation to how they are telling. Explain that to me. That part didn't click in my brain. Also explain the logic behind HoSing me -and please try to witness the irony here- for my suspicion on Spurge WHEN you immediately HoS Spurge for the same reasons I was suspicious of him.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

To fullfill supermarios wish:

I, Stefl1504, am protown.

Around the Network
Final-Fan said:
I'm going to drop a huge hint about my character name: it's spelled funny. That should narrow it right down.

Seriously, though, I think it;s time to shake things up.

Vote No Lynch

I can't remember the last time we had a quick day one end with No Lynch. I'm almost encouraged to follow suit, but my brain is telling me wait for everyone to participate... or until prof goes crazy.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Players who have yet to post:

  • Happydolphin
  • TruckOSaurus
  • Smeags
  • Korppi
  • DanneSandin

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Checking in.

Kantor said:

Players who have yet to post:

  • Happydolphin
  • TruckOSaurus
  • Smeags
  • Korppi
  • DanneSandin

Isn't it a bit early to make that list? It's not like day 1 was going one for a long time now...

Stefl1504 said:
Kantor said:

Players who have yet to post:

  • Happydolphin
  • TruckOSaurus
  • Smeags
  • Korppi
  • DanneSandin

Isn't it a bit early to make that list? It's not like day 1 was going one for a long time now...

Just keeping track. I'm not suspecting them or anything, just seeing how long until we can start properly.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective