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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

120 hours for the day to end. This means we have to scumhunt better than the last game.

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mantlepiecek said:

Alright, checking in.

FoS : Supermario     

For voting theprof. I hope he was joking though. If prof is a townie then he could have some abilities which will help us. So no revenge-voting please.

Rol also voted for prof (and SM said he agreed with Rol's reasoning). Are you not suspicious of him as well? Also, Noctis voted for Stefl and HoS'd Wonk because of a grudge from the last round. Do you find that suspicious?

mantlepiecek said:

For voting theprof. I hope he was joking though.

I thought it was obvious?

Now, say "I am pro town."

This goes for everyone else too, it is very important that you do so.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

insomniac17 said:
mantlepiecek said:

Alright, checking in.

FoS : Supermario     

For voting theprof. I hope he was joking though. If prof is a townie then he could have some abilities which will help us. So no revenge-voting please.

Rol also voted for prof (and SM said he agreed with Rol's reasoning). Are you not suspicious of him as well? Also, Noctis voted for Stefl and HoS'd Wonk because of a grudge from the last round. Do you find that suspicious?

No, I am not suspicious of Rol. Unlike supermario he didn't go on a spree of HoS's and vote.

Noctis I am not sure. We will have to see him play. His is the only vote on stefl.

mantlepiecek said:

No, I am not suspicious of Rol. Unlike supermario he didn't go on a spree of HoS's and vote.

Noctis I am not sure. We will have to see him play. His is the only vote on stefl.

Well, supermario did imply that he was joking, at least with his vote. Does that change your mind? Also do you not agree with his HoS's then?

I actually voted for Stefl at the very beginning. However, my vote was completely random and is meaningless, rather than a revenge vote.


I am pro town.

Around the Network
insomniac17 said:
mantlepiecek said:

No, I am not suspicious of Rol. Unlike supermario he didn't go on a spree of HoS's and vote.

Noctis I am not sure. We will have to see him play. His is the only vote on stefl.

Well, supermario did imply that he was joking, at least with his vote. Does that change your mind? Also do you not agree with his HoS's then?

I actually voted for Stefl at the very beginning. However, my vote was completely random and is meaningless, rather than a revenge vote.


I am pro town.

I disregarded your vote since you said that it was random.

Yeah, I think supermario is joking.

No, I don't agree with his HoS's. His HoS on spurge, seems a joke since spurge does all kinds of things, he got himself modkilled last game in like ten minutes.

I am protown.

mantlepiecek said:

"If there is a tie at deadline, the first player who reached the tied amount of votes will be lynched OR if a tie exists between players that had more than the final amount, then the player who was last to be unvoted will be lynched."


I don't understand the italicized. What is this supposed to mean?

Say Player A reaches 4 votes, then Player B reaches 4 votes. If the deadline rolls around at that point Player A would be lynched. If instead Player A gets an unvote and then Player B gets an unvote and then the deadline comes, Player B would be lynched regardless of who accumlated 3 votes first. A different way to explain it would be of players involved in a tie, whoever was the most recent solo leader is lynched.

I forgot about votes for No Lynch though. No Lynch trumps the above rules in the event of a tie. I will add this to the OP when I'm sober.


prof[L-9] - Rol, mario
Stefl[L-9] - insom, Noctis
No Lynch[L-10] - FF


spurgeonryan said:
I would never report anything in this thread. I was just letting you know about beyond this thread. It has gotten out of hand every hour on the hour from you. That is all I have to say on the matter in his thread.

I read it your majesty.

So now that you have read your PM, care telling us if you are mafia or town?

I've received my role PM, and I'm ready to start, sers.

May the Lord of Light, the Seven and the Drowned God watch over us all.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Got my PM. I did a little research on GoT before this game started so I at least had an idea of what it involves- it sounds like a pretty interesting show

I'll answer your lie detector, but I don't want this to become a massive distraction like it did last round: I'm pro-town

Also @Mario: Loving your new avatar! :D

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