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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

RolStoppable said:
Alright, after catching up to the latest posts and skimming through earlier posts again, I have to say something important.

There are various people who accuse others of being "too eager to lynch someone". A general problem in VGC Mafia is that the majority of the town prefers to stay quiet and is content that a couple of players does the work and then gets slaughtered at Night, because the own survival is put above the winning as a team aspect of the game. Some townies keep all their thoughts to themselves to stay alive, seemingly oblivious to the fact that such behavior makes it harder for the other townies to get a read of them. This keeps the pool of suspects high and plays into the hands of scum who, in extreme cases, could even dictate the Day-game if town's inactivity is big enough. But the Day-game is where we make our decision on who to lynch. It's our kill, it shouldn't be an extra kill for scum.

Now back to the "too eager to lynch someone" issue. It's bad enough if the majority of the town doesn't actively participate in the game, but discouraging discussion with the implication that those who do scumhunt are suspicious makes it even worse. This will make the townies who are quiet to begin with even more cautious to say anything.

Let's play the damn game and make it as hard for scum as possible. As a townie you have no reason to be afraid of anything during the Day-game. It's only scum who prefers a low activity game and this round is a special one, because we have predetermined time limits for each and every Day. We need to get things done in time and this will become increasingly more important as the game progresses.

I totally agree with this post!

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I may as well compile a small list of suspicions.

Spurge still makes me slightly uneasy, though admittedly there's little to back this up.

Korppi's absence is worrying.

FF's vote of supermario128 is still a little suspicious to me.

Smeags' last two comments have been unrelated to Mafia, so he's been in the thread, but not really contributing.

Noctis appears to find everything hilarious for no apparent reason. Not really a scum tell, but...odd.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

theprof00 said:
Hmmm house claims might not be a bad idea long as that's OK :D

Ive been thinking the same thing! But I dont really know yet how the houses will play in into this. As far as I know (this is only based on my name and role) I dont see an obvious connection between my name and role. Id say that there would have been far better characters to this role. So there might not be an apperant connection between name and role.

But it would be interesting to see if if theres a connection between houses and alignments...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Im off to bed now gents and ladies. See ya tomorrow!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

theprof00 said:
hatmoza said:
I'm confused prof, you specifically said Kantor defended you, but you recently confess that you made ANOTHER mistake? And it was actually mantle who defended you?

I understand a mistake rattles your cage, but once that subsides, please contribute your thoughts to what you think about mantle defending me.

I know you wanted me to just give you my thoughts on mantle defending but I also took the liberty of looking at both Mantle and Kantor defending you since you can't distinguish the the two cases.

This is what happened. I was expressing how lovely it would be to lynch Pezus or Radish for falling into Rol's trap. Kantor comes along and lists you with the people who fell for the trap as well. After getting the link of your slip up, and before I even respond to it, Kantor defends your mistake for reasons YOU listed in the your post itself. Now personally, I don't find that type of defending suspicious because 1) Kantor was the one who mentioned you fell into the trap when I was completely oblivious to that fact. I don't understand why he would even bring it up if his intention wasn't to grill you for it.I don't get a scum vibe at all from it. and 2)he didn't go out of his way to defend (no acting) he just restated that you were on the phone and deprived of sleep.Honestly, you should be more suspicious of me for ignoring your gay parade 3 hour of sleep phone posting excuse. 


Ok Mantle. This was... pretty early in the game when he defended you. It actually took me a while to find it because I didn't think it was in the first  couple dozen posts of the game. Overlooked by me because I was focusing on Spurge's "I don't wanna derp read my PM" post. Anyways, here:

and my opinion about it  (thanks to recent discoveries) is that he had completely no idea what the term "revenge vote" meant in the game of mafia. That said, his reason to FoS mario was a reasonable one. Lets not forget mario FoS' the two people arguing : me and Spurge. How does that work anyway? Usually two people arguing implies one of them is town and the other is scum, or they are both townys bickering. What 2 dumb scum would argue in the beginning of the game? I hate that. Mario also FoS 2 people last who were arguing. That fucking blows my mind... he was scum last game he did that.

Anyways.Sidetracked. Now, the part the puts mantle in how water was his assumption that you were town and likely have a strong role, which makes no sense. Why would one assume so much 30 posts in the game? It felt forced. Other players did the exact same kind of vote, why he singled you out is puzzling.

A light bulb just went out in my head... prof, I swear to god if this was some scheme for me to come the realization that you and Mantle are siblings as a sick trolling joke because of my bad luck with sibling roles, I'm going to march in that gay parade using you as my fabulous new pair of boots!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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Wonktonodi said:
the trap of mentioning someone who isn't playing is a poor trap. It's much more of a made you look then a decent trap.


Bingo. It's sniffing for townie points imho, I don't like it. Also, discussion that distracts from lynching scum is worse than silence, I find. @hatmoza. I am. @Rol. I already told town my stance on SM128's request (repeated by Insomniac). I don't reply to traps against townsfolk. But since there is ill will among us... I am town.

RolStoppable said:
Wonk didn't like my trap, but I won't let that discourage me. Not now and not in the future. Also, let's not forget that it was wonk who had to bail out one of his scummates on Day 1 of the last round. Of course, any trap is only as good as the people who analyze it. I already acknowledged that this kind of trap doesn't net us any conclusive results, except radish is still the old radish. Didn't radish make an announcement to go scumhunting today? Doesn't look like he followed up on his promise.

I'm not the same - I genuinely read every post carefully, looking for opportunities to ask questions and generally be a nuisance, but I couldn't find much - as you can see, I did make some comments about things. I'll continue to do this tomorrow, and hopefully as the game gets a bit more heated up then there will be more things to talk about, rather than at the moment which is just a mash-up of claims, comments about last round and other things which I can't think of anything to question on. HOWEVER, this Prof vs Hatmosa thing looks really interesting, and I'll insert opinions etc. about that when I get the chance to read it (just saw Hatmosa's most recent post, and it looks like a big one - I'll look at it tomorrow); don't see the repetition of the word "tomorrow" as me trying to delay any activity -I'm back to school tomorrow, and I don't want to be tired :(

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Hatmoza, I don't like how you would assume that scum wouldn't bicker in-thread. That's awefully shady of you considering scum have as prime intent to blend with town during daytime. If you're trying to mislead town, that was a nice shot. Otherwise, smart scum would rather argue to appear non-affiliated.

supermario128 said:
hatmoza said:

Quoting you"

"Some might ignore it completely and those people especially are probably scum. I'm going to have to look back and see who didn't even acknowledge my question."

Really... you never said that, ay? I do give you credit for adding the "probably" to avoid generalizing, but no, that's exactly what you said.


And yes, you definitely smell. Especially the more I question you.

I like how you completely ignore the word "probably". lol


"...the abscence of flavor in the OP when the game started (not paying attention). Despite telling him point blank that my "I love the flavor opening..." post was me being sarcastic about the missing opening flavor. "

Either way, I still found it suspicious. Why are you defending yourself against a HoS anyway. It isn't like I voted for you. Maybe you are mafia after all, eh?

Can't you read? hatmoza said " I do give you credit for adding the "probably" to avoid generalizing" and then you go on to say "I like how you completely ignore the word "probably". lol". He didn't ignore it at all, also "probably scum" implies "a good chance of being scum" so yes you did say you consider people who didn't answer your question to be scum.

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Kantor said:

Korppi's absence is worrying.

I've got under 300 posts on this website, and a post/day count of 1.3. Even when I am logged in on this site, I'm never exactly... exuberant to partake in most conversations. Which is admittedly a shit characteristic to possess in a Mafia game because it makes you look scummy and doesn't help the Town at all, but it's no worse than forcing it out when you don't have anything to add and ending up sounding like scum, I suppose.

But anyway, I'm still quite new to online Mafia (as you can no doubt tell), and it's still day 1. Give it time.