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Forums - Sony Discussion - Shhh, Sony Has 20+ Unannounced Exclusives

URNotE said:


12 January 2008

Sony has more than 20 secret PS3 projects in the works, 2 of which are from Team ICO

Yesterday in a heated IM discussion about which of the three console makers is going to have the strongest line-up this year, a friend of mine who works at Sony Computer Entertainment Japan blurted out that Sony's internal studios have up their sleeves more than 20 yet-to-be-revealed projects for PlayStation 3.

Intrigued by this I asked if he could give me some examples. Project Siren (makers of the Forbidden Siren franchise), Team Saru (creators of the Ape Escape series) and Team ICO are three of the studios who're getting ready to reveal their new projects this year. After some more pushing, he told me that all he knows about Team ICO is that the team is working on two games, both for PS3.

My guess now is that Team ICO is indeed working on two games, none of which is for PSP. Most probably one is for PSN (hence the need of staff specialized in networking technology) and the other is headed for a Blu-ray disc release.

Maybe Fumito Ueda's words at the end of 2007 do show that his team is preparing an announcement.

  1. Holy crap! You mean a console has multiple unannounced games in the works! Fuck stop the presses damnit, get this news out there NOW!!!! This is totally unheard of!!!!!!11
  2. So a "friend" let slip out that they have 20 unannounced projects in the works and then he proceeds to list out this secret information?  This smells like bullshit or bad PR spin, they both smell the same to me.

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S-L-I-P said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
URNotE said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
weezy said:
sony is the last company that could be holding out with secrets.

right now if SONY had anything to show they would show it ASAP.

^what he said

uhhh no not what he said....

Yeah what he said, PS3 needs something to get new people to buy their system, right now all you are getting is those who would buy a PS3 anyways, sony fanboys basically, but there were over 90 million people on the PS2 who didn't buy MGS, GTA, FF, what do they have to net those people?

Does it make a difference? Those were the games that made the PS2 what it is today.

 No they didn't, they made the fanboys happy, but they didn't make the PS2 the number one console, not even close


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

this is basically a useless post about stuff we already knew about... if everyone thought they were just coming out with the stuff they announced already then you were kidding yourself... and its not even 3rd party its 1st party... Nintendo and MS... are the same .. useless post. and blog.... its all based on a AIm convo nuff said...



  The King Of The Iron Fist tournament

It's realistic to assume, I mean alot of these are going to be PSN anyway but there will be plenty which are Blu-Ray. Don't see the big deal about being exclusive, as long as I can play it on my PS3 and it's awesome I don't care.

2008 line up seems pretty fine at the moment anyway, albeit it could be hit by delays and needs some sort of confirmed releases.

it dosent really matter--it would only be a "huge item" if they were the only company with hidden games--but seeing as the other coupld simply come out with 50-60 unannounced "exclusives" its a moot point


Around the Network

i actually agree with twesterm



  The King Of The Iron Fist tournament

yo thats pretty sweet! hope they're some great games!

And before I get called a fanboy piece of garbage for my above post, I would mock the OP if her were posting about the Wii or 360. Only a complete idiot would be surprised that any console has multiple unannounced projects in the works (exclusive or not).

The other point that deserved to be mocked in this story is the whole setup: a "friend" let vital information slip and then expands on it. I'm sorry, that's just stupid.

They could be PSN titles, not blu-ray, or some mix inbetween. Cuz obviously, PSN games are exclusive to Sony. These are not all bd titles, but some are. I believe this, and they don't need to show off or talk about any other games, they have much coming out for the system in the next six months. They will speak on these when E3 rolls around, to outline the second half of the year, and by then, some of them could already be out on the PSN.

S-L-I-P said:
Soriku said:
S-L-I-P said:
I doubt they would have 20+ Unannounced exclusives... There is a very big chance his friend was exaggerating.

Lol. It's not URNotE's friend, it's the blogger's friend...


 "There is a very big chance HIS friend was exaggerating....."

no way i think 20 is to small. sony has 15 major 1st party studios i would EXPECT sony to have them work double time and work on 2 games (like insomniac with ratchet, resistance every other year) each having one game out every year. Insomniac is not even a sony 1st party they are just close relations with them. nintendo has not had 20 games on the wii this year thats stupid and i no for a fact this is true in fact i think this is a little to less i expect almost 30 but mab all teams arent as big so 20 is prolly a "at least" type thing