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I will never eat again while watching futbol. I was so nervous for spain that I couldn't finish eating lol. I'm hoping it will end up Germany vs Spain. Though Spain today didn't seem to connect.

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Why were you nervous? I dont really get the spanish team. Its really 3 countries in one. Much like the english/scotts/welsh beeing nervous for a United kingdom if that team existed. I dont think they could take it seriously...

I can only assume you're castellan if you're nervous. Doubt the others care for anything but to rub it in on the castellans that it was their players/player that carried everyone.

Good old Ireland. That was, unfortunately, our best performance of the tournament by a long way. Trap out!

How are the England fans feeling about tonight? I'd say they'll do enough and come second. Looking at the quarter final draw would you rather come first or second though? Obviously Spain would be tough but if England could somehow get past them then the semi on that side of the draw would probably be easier. So it would be Spain followed by Czech Republic/Portugal or Italy followed by (probably) Germany. Not sure which of those is tougher really.

And would you start Rooney? What about Walcott? Yes and no respectively for me.

We'd prefer to come First, it's against Italy. But based on Spain last night, maybe not. The tournament is tough, that's how the Euros work, I'm guess Spanish fans are currently not liking the idea of having us or France in the quarters because anyone can still win (remember Netherlands and Russia are out), it's not like Spain walked their group. All teams should be afraid of the winners, Germany. :P

Rooney has to start, that's like Argentina not playing a fit Messi. Walcott is our best right midfield but I'd like to see Chamberlain start on that side being subbed for Walcott later, swap pace for pace. Why no on your Walcott view?

Hmm, pie.

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The Fury said:

We'd prefer to come First, it's against Italy. But based on Spain last night, maybe not. The tournament is tough, that's how the Euros work, I'm guess Spanish fans are currently not liking the idea of having us or France in the quarters because anyone can still win (remember Netherlands and Russia are out), it's not like Spain walked their group. All teams should be afraid of the winners, Germany. :P

Rooney has to start, that's like Argentina not playing a fit Messi. Walcott is our best right midfield but I'd like to see Chamberlain start on that side being subbed for Walcott later, swap pace for pace. Why no on your Walcott view?

I know we had this discussion about Walcott a few days ago (that was you right?) and he proved me wrong, to an extent, but I think in a game that England only need a draw from he could be too much of a liability. How many times has he started for England and been anonymous? Presumably Hodgson will set the team up to play tightly again and the longer the game remains 0-0, or if England get ahead, the more Ukraine will have to press and I think it's then that space will appear behind the defence for him to exploit. 

Germany is going to absolutely demolish Greece. Either them or Spain is winning it this year. Only problem is that Germany has a lot of young players, and they play bad second halves.





deathgod33 said:
Germany is going to absolutely demolish Greece. Either them or Spain is winning it this year. Only problem is that Germany has a lot of young players, and they play bad second halves.

True, our second half performances are awful so far.
Against Denmark I think we played our best football in the first half (just didn't use our opportunities) and then a sudden drop in half two.

Barozi said:
deathgod33 said:
Germany is going to absolutely demolish Greece. Either them or Spain is winning it this year. Only problem is that Germany has a lot of young players, and they play bad second halves.

True, our second half performances are awful so far.
Against Denmark I think we played our best football in the first half (just didn't use our opportunities) and then a sudden drop in half two.

I don't know about that, I thought you were very good in the second half against the Dutch. In some ways the period after Van Persie's goal was Gerrmany's most impressive of the tournament so far. They took the pace out of the game and totally restricted the Netherlands' time on the ball without a hint of panic. I know a lot has been said about how poor the Dutch were but they created plenty of chances and lots of teams would have crumbled after that goal. Playing with that level of control and maturity when leading is just as important in tournament football as creativity and attacking when drawing or behind. Although I still just about think Spain are  better Germany have impressed me most in the group stage. Given their easier quarter final draw (assuming Spain don't end up playing Ukraine) I would make them my slight favourites to win it.

kennyrester said:
The Fury said:

We'd prefer to come First, it's against Italy. But based on Spain last night, maybe not. The tournament is tough, that's how the Euros work, I'm guess Spanish fans are currently not liking the idea of having us or France in the quarters because anyone can still win (remember Netherlands and Russia are out), it's not like Spain walked their group. All teams should be afraid of the winners, Germany. :P

Rooney has to start, that's like Argentina not playing a fit Messi. Walcott is our best right midfield but I'd like to see Chamberlain start on that side being subbed for Walcott later, swap pace for pace. Why no on your Walcott view?

I know we had this discussion about Walcott a few days ago (that was you right?) and he proved me wrong, to an extent, but I think in a game that England only need a draw from he could be too much of a liability. How many times has he started for England and been anonymous? Presumably Hodgson will set the team up to play tightly again and the longer the game remains 0-0, or if England get ahead, the more Ukraine will have to press and I think it's then that space will appear behind the defence for him to exploit. 

Probably me, as I am a fan of him (Saints rules). Anyway, depending on how we play, yes maybe but that'sthe problem with England. Why would we play defensively? Croatia last night were against the best international team in the world and yet they didn't just sit on the goal line. 

He's hardly anonymous. He's one of only 10 players in our 20 outfield players that has ever scored for England, Milner and Downing have never scored and he's still only 23. Downing has been in the squad on off since 2005 apparently, uyet to be honest I can't remember any game when I could say 'wow, downing was great in that'. or 'Downing made a difference.'

That said, I do think Chamerlain should start on the right. Get Young in his left position (hopefully he will play better than the last 2 games now Rooney is back), Chamerblain on his good foot where he played a full season for Saints and then swap him for Walcott later to add pace.

Hmm, pie.