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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who Is Winning E3 So Far?

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So I just showed all of the big 3 conferences to my college friends and all of them like video games but don't keep up with the news so they didn't know any info on the presented games or cared about exclusivity.I skiped all the crap talk in-between the demos and trailers. I then asked them what was their favorite game they saw, least favorite game, and who had the best conference:

Friend #1: (favorite) Pikmin 3, (Worst) Pottermore, (Best) Nintendo

Friend #2: ZombiU, Pottermore, Nintendo

Friend #3: Just Dance 4, Black Ops 2, Nintendo

Me: Pikmin 3, Pottermore, Nintendo

They really liked the trailers and demos in the MS press conference and thought the South Park game and Halo were the best from them. They liked Tomb Raider. Thought Usher was weird to have at E3. Thought Wreckateer was stupid fun clone of "Crush the Castle"( I thought it was angry birds.) Did not care for sports games or smartglass. Felt that Beyond and the last of us were boring since all they do was admire the graphics for a couple minutes but got interest when something happened. Said they should be movies instead of games. Hatted Pottermore but made them watch it. They saw Sony Smash as a Smash Clone (in a bad way.) We saw less than 2 minutes of GoWA and then tey told me that its the same game and told me to go to the next one (I showed them the elephant labotamy and they were grossed out and now I think they like the game even less. Friend #3 said "that poor elephant.") They all liked Pikmin 3 a lot. Thought Batman was kind of cool. Both Loved and thought was stupid to NSMBU. They all liked scribblenauts unlimited. Only Friend #3 didn't like ZombiU. Only Friend #3 loved Just Dance 4. They didn't know what to think about Nintendoland. They all agreed that Nintendo was the best.

don't waste time

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So, to sum it all up: is any company winning or are there just some companies that are losing less than the others?

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Fans of gaming.


-by the way, after talking to several people, I think Nintendo did much better with the casual gaming crowd then I originally thought. By casual gamers I'm not talking about grandmas or people playing dancing and fitness games, by the way, I'm talking about the sort of people that buy 3-4 games on average for thier Xbox a year, probably a COD or Madden, but don't regularly follow gaming news. Maybe I should just start calling these folks casual core, lol.