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What would you rate Halo 4?

Perfect 10 103 45.78%
9.5 - 9.9 28 12.44%
9 - 9.4 40 17.78%
8.5 - 8.9 5 2.22%
8 - 8.4 12 5.33%
7.5 - 7.9 5 2.22%
7 - 7.4 6 2.67%
6.5 - 6.9 1 0.44%
6 - 6.4 2 0.89%
Spartan IV 8 3.56%
Lostplanet22 said:
Still not a big fan of Spartan ops and am so happy it is finished. The cutscenes are great and were the only reason that I went back to the game :). Can't really put my finger into it but I enjoyed a lot more firefight from Halo Reach than I do spartan ops. I really had to drag myself through the first season.

I enjoyed the continuation of the story through the cutsecenes but the missions thmselves get repetitive and very boring after a while. Also irratating you can't select the difficulty you play them at online, although in later chapters it seemed to get locked on legendary.

Would you actually complain if they did a second season complete with a new cinmetatic storyline? Or is it the ranking system that you're missing, which is supposedly being introduced in Halo 4 in April.

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As the new map pack is out today, I'm back to considering whether its worth get the season pass. Was told to save my money on the last one but what are people's opinions of the Majestic maps? Are they worth it or am I still better sticking to the standard maps?

Dat Backgrounds&Skyboxes *watermouths*

Majestic Map Pack isn't too bad.
Nice small maps, no vehicles. Good for 4v4 or FFA, anything bigger doesn't work.
Definitely better then the last maps. Achivements are going easy for me outside of the double with a pulse gernade. Ugh.

It's just that simple.

MonstaMack said:
Majestic Map Pack isn't too bad.
Nice small maps, no vehicles. Good for 4v4 or FFA, anything bigger doesn't work.
Definitely better then the last maps. Achivements are going easy for me outside of the double with a pulse gernade. Ugh.

That achievement is going to be a pain in the ass to get.

Reminds me of trying to get a double kill with a spartan laser in Halo 3 lone wolf. Still never got that achievement -_-

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smroadkill15 said:
MonstaMack said:
Majestic Map Pack isn't too bad.
Nice small maps, no vehicles. Good for 4v4 or FFA, anything bigger doesn't work.
Definitely better then the last maps. Achivements are going easy for me outside of the double with a pulse gernade. Ugh.

That achievement is going to be a pain in the ass to get.

Reminds me of trying to get a double kill with a spartan laser in Halo 3 lone wolf. Still never got that achievement -_-

I thought the same when I first saw that achievement. "This is going to be pain in the ass" But abruptly I got it after playing a few matches. You can't imagine the cheers that I had :D That was amazing >:P I got it in King of the hill, and oddly this didn't happen inside the hill. But no more stress about that.

That achievement needing 5 airassassinations is going to be hard and time taking...

EDIT: ^ It really is... According to Halo Waypoint I have had only 8 of those before in matchmaking, in over 900 games.. Ugh... I guess I will have to boost them eventually.

I've done the camo cheevo, Promethean achievement, Close call x2 and the thruster pack. I got one per match. The Jet pack one I haven't done but it seems pretty easy and i swear I've done it by now it just didn't pop.

The airssassination looks terrible. I haven't done even one yet..... I just can't get even regular assassinations too often. Damn.. I've only had 1 pulse grenade kill. I'm only a few achievements away from 1500/1500! Damn you 343i.

Awesome game tough.

I saw that video yesterday and it was very good! Maejstic maps look fantastic! Maybe the most beautiful of all maps in Halo 4.