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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom Summer Jam Thread! Monster Hunter 4 Spring 2013 release date! Official Trailer inside! First footage ever for PS3 Resident Evil 6!

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I will not post anything not Capcom summer jam related

Ok 11 61.11%
Ok 4 22.22%

Post the gifs :)

They look good. Just by reducing the image the quality improves a lot!

(of course it's not going to be this small, though)

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MDMAlliance said:
logic56 said:

ok,how about this

3DS is to Vita what PSP is to Vita

better comparision, still terrible but better


Nope.  It's funny when people start talking about specs, they start talking all about how "PSV is quadcore processor and graphics while the 3DS is only dualcore processor and singlecore graphics" and "512MB RAM on PSV while the 3DS only has 128MB RAM."  

Yes, these are pretty much the specs on these systems, but they use different technology and implement them differently.  The 3DS clearly outpowers the PSP btw as the PSP has only half the specs the 3DS does with older technology.  

The 3DS uses FCRAM and the PSV uses DRAM.  This makes the difference between the PSV and 3DS specs a little skewed when trying to compare them by the numbers on the specs.  I would say that the 3DS and PSV are closer than the numbers make you believe.  The difference is still relatively large, but not nearly as much as you're making it out to be.

but large enough to make any game on the 3DS look like a complete waste of everyone's time

no one cares when it's Nintendo games becasue Nintendo will never push the envelope for anything, but for franchises that clearly aim for the bar having it set so low has disheartening to anyone truly looking for something more. (shadows you gotta be kidding me)

imagine if skyrim was announced, after oblivion on the ps3 and 360, exclusively for wii... sure Nintendo fans will be jumping up and down with glee because it's skyrim on the wii but at the end of the day, it's skyrim......on the wii

even if no one cared for a true next gen experience (because you aint getting it with this shit) the least they could have done was a made a psp version

that's why I say shame on you Capcom

lets just hope for this franchise sake that it's only on the 3DS becasue it came out sooner and that they didn't get Vita dev kits in time and that there will be a Vita version exclusively for Vita so we would be able to see just how far they can really push this franchise. (even then it would still suck for all the poor souls who would have forked out the cash on a 3DS for this game)

Can logic56 get banned for making such statements?

@logic56 Seriously people, don't waste your time talking to him. It's not worth it.

One thing I noticed was, of course, the cutscene at the beginning of the trailer. Do you guys think this game will have more in-depth cutscenes with an actual story in this game?

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

I have to admit, I've never noticed it before, but the monsters animations in this series look fantastic!

Around the Network
MDMAlliance said:
Can logic56 get banned for making such statements?

I'm pretty sure he does it in most Nintendo threads, well at least that's a recurring name that I keep seeing. You only brought this upon yourself replying to him lol.

Kyuubi Ricky SSJ2 said:
MDMAlliance said:
Can logic56 get banned for making such statements?

I'm pretty sure he does it in most Nintendo threads, well at least that's a recurring name that I keep seeing. You only brought this upon yourself replying to him lol.

I didn't know, but after he said that I'm not going to reply to him anymore.

Hope when they make the inevitable Vita port/stand alone I hope graphics are improved alot, looks a lot less than I was expecting :(

logic56 said:

but large enough to make any game on the 3DS look like a complete waste of everyone's time

no one cares when it's Nintendo games becasue Nintendo will never push the envelope for anything, but for franchises that clearly aim for the bar having it set so low has disheartening to anyone truly looking for something more. (shadows you gotta be kidding me)

imagine if skyrim was announced, after oblivion on the ps3 and 360, exclusively for wii... sure Nintendo fans will be jumping up and down with glee because it's skyrim on the wii but at the end of the day, it's skyrim......on the wii

even if no one cared for a true next gen experience (because you aint getting it with this shit) the least they could have done was a made a psp version

that's why I say shame on you Capcom

lets just hope for this franchise sake that it's only on the 3DS becasue it came out sooner and that they didn't get Vita dev kits in time and that there will be a Vita version exclusively for Vita so we would be able to see just how far they can really push this franchise. (even then it would still suck for all the poor souls who would have forked out the cash on a 3DS for this game)

Imagine what pc gamers felt when betsheda went full console centric with the elderscrolls.At least they are keeping the integrity of the game here.

Also it doesnt really benefit capcom putting it o the psp and they would have announced a vita MH already if that was the case, MH is a franchsie that is so succesful for capcom for how cheap it is, at least we are getting some change this time, the vita wouldnt have benefit in this regard.

Deoz said:
logic56 said:

but large enough to make any game on the 3DS look like a complete waste of everyone's time

no one cares when it's Nintendo games becasue Nintendo will never push the envelope for anything, but for franchises that clearly aim for the bar having it set so low has disheartening to anyone truly looking for something more. (shadows you gotta be kidding me)

imagine if skyrim was announced, after oblivion on the ps3 and 360, exclusively for wii... sure Nintendo fans will be jumping up and down with glee because it's skyrim on the wii but at the end of the day, it's skyrim......on the wii

even if no one cared for a true next gen experience (because you aint getting it with this shit) the least they could have done was a made a psp version

that's why I say shame on you Capcom

lets just hope for this franchise sake that it's only on the 3DS becasue it came out sooner and that they didn't get Vita dev kits in time and that there will be a Vita version exclusively for Vita so we would be able to see just how far they can really push this franchise. (even then it would still suck for all the poor souls who would have forked out the cash on a 3DS for this game)

Imagine what pc gamers felt when betsheda went full console centric with the elderscrolls.At least they are keeping the integrity of the game here.

and Bethesda didn't?

Also it doesnt really benefit capcom putting it o the psp and they would have announced a vita MH already if that was the case, MH is a franchsie that is so succesful for capcom for how cheap it is, at least we are getting some change this time, the vita wouldnt have benefit in this regard.

no they wouldn't, they wouldn't have to announce a Vita version until is ready, and vita is cheap to develop for yo