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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom Summer Jam Thread! Monster Hunter 4 Spring 2013 release date! Official Trailer inside! First footage ever for PS3 Resident Evil 6!

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I will not post anything not Capcom summer jam related

Ok 11 61.11%
Ok 4 22.22%

There was gameplay(I think), but we don't have anything yet.

So, is the Monster Hunter conference over now?

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

Around the Network
VicViper said:
Small news: First DLC for MG3G ever.

according to several twitter feeds (@SN_COKE_BW, @tsurugiblade)

they just announced some DLC weapons/armors (and corresponding quests) in collaboration with Universal Studios (who makes MH in real life theme park I believe) for MH3G

AKA, nothing for America will be announced.

Quote from Capcom: "You can only appreciate the 3D effect on the system, all footage are captured in 2D mode." Pretty much said and done.

Wish I could post the pic, but here is it from Neogaf

Via 4gamer

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

Hopefully we'll hear more awesome Monster Hunter news (and Ace Attorney) later on today and tomorrow! For now, I must rest!

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

Nothing aboute xclusivity.
Wtf crapcom

Around the Network

TGS guys, thats when youll get it as a confirmed exclusive.


Well, like I said, one more year of speculation. I still think a Vita version is entirely possible, even probable, but that 3D disclaimer in the trailer says a lot too. So, it's another - or the same - waiting game.

The only bad thing is that the epic year (2D Mario + Animal Crossing + Monster Hunter) is not going to happen anymore. The good thing is that 3DS received a big game for 2013 - things were rather bleach for the system next year - only Megaten 4 confirmed so far, I think.

Really, TGS this year is going to be huge for all systems.

Oh well, going back to sleep after some accidental nap here, someone update this thread with ex troopers and Resident evil 6 news for me, ok?

Good nigh.. morning

Official Trailer is up!

Yeah, 3DS logo... see ya later guyzzz

The game has been in development for about a year. We have a launch window. It's only ever been announced as a 3DS game. We have '2D footage of a 3D game'. Multiple opportunities to announce another version have been and gone.

You guys can only keep dragging this out for so long before it becomes totally illogical. But hey, anything is possible...
