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Forums - Website Topics - I thought we were suppose to be working to return some quality back here?

Rudisha said:
laziness, huh? I wonder what other behavioural flaws you have?

You are starting to cross a line, Rudisha. Watch it, NewComers don't necessarily get special exceptions.

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Rudisha said:
laziness, huh? I wonder what other behavioural flaws you have?

hah, I like this guy ^


Edit: Curse you Oatmeal creme 

spurgeonryan said:
Sadly when it was stricter here just six months ago when Machina and Seece and Monty were in charge (Dont kid yourself, they were all in charge) there was half of the activity that there is now. It was all their way or the highway like you 3-5 people want it to be. Compromise is good. Dictatorship is what you are suggesting.

You do not like big threads, fun spam threads, only want gaming threads, etc. Maybe I have missed the forum that successfully does that, but I have not seen one yet. If anyone says Gaf I will laugh my God damned Head off!
The industry has changed, gamers have changed, this site has changed, the internet has changed, every thing changes. Users are not as hard as they once were when moderation was harder on people back in the day. You will get rid of alot of great members with petty bans just to make a point, as ioi goes bankrupt.
Is there a reason why only, maybe 30 out of the 2,000 members on here a day have post in this thread? They do not care. Only you old timers do.
Last six months of 2011 and first two months of 2012 were miserable here. Everyone getting in petty fights over everything, and it was usually started by the old timers. Now the site is busy again, threads have prospered, and not only spam threads. You all are blind.

Fair and equal ioi. Your old members are not going to just come back. Your new members are who you want to keep happy now. There will be complaining no matter what. Remember how you said there will be a site change and everyone said yah!!! Back to how it was, then you said what the changes would be and there were more complaining. It will not end. Not even if the makers of this thread got their way. When their latest thread failed they would go back to gaf. It feels good to have 500 posts in your thread, so why wouldn't they? They say they are your loyal members, until things get too tough.
Just do not forget us who did not leave when everyone else has. The ones who sat through policy change after policy change, after warnings and bans and kept coming back for more.

That is what I think about the matter. If people do not like a thread then stay the hell out of it!!! I do not think I have post in one Microsoft thread other than a few that my friends here have made....ever! Just stay out of them. If one of your piss poor ideas for a thread do not get popular then blame it on yourself. Chalk it up as a loss and move on to the next one. RolStoppable seems to have no problem pushing out hit threads once a month. What are you excuses? Blame game.

Lastly, Machina was my favorite mod, I loved arguing with Seece, and Monty brough class to this site, but everyone must admit that they were really strict and it hindered any growth at all. I remember for about three months at the end of last year that it was next to impossible to get a 100 post thread out by anyone. ANYONE! Now, unless you are blind, that happens in a day. Strictness can be good as well as being lax. But there has got to be moderation with everything. Too strict and it gets rediculous! The same goes with easy going sites. The Soriku rule of 5-10 words should be enforced in threads that it can be. Even I have gotten annoyed at some spam trees and spamming. You cannot get any posts in edge wise. But only a little.


Great Post, Ryan. It really sums up everything.

spurgeonryan said:
Sadly when it was stricter here just six months ago when Machina and Seece and Monty were in charge (Dont kid yourself, they were all in charge) there was half of the activity that there is now. It was all their way or the highway like you 3-5 people want it to be. Compromise is good. Dictatorship is what you are suggesting.

You do not like big threads, fun spam threads, only want gaming threads, etc. Maybe I have missed the forum that successfully does that, but I have not seen one yet. If anyone says Gaf I will laugh my God damned Head off!
The industry has changed, gamers have changed, this site has changed, the internet has changed, every thing changes. Users are not as hard as they once were when moderation was harder on people back in the day. You will get rid of alot of great members with petty bans just to make a point, as ioi goes bankrupt.
Is there a reason why only, maybe 30 out of the 2,000 members on here a day have post in this thread? They do not care. Only you old timers do.
Last six months of 2011 and first two months of 2012 were miserable here. Everyone getting in petty fights over everything, and it was usually started by the old timers. Now the site is busy again, threads have prospered, and not only spam threads. You all are blind.

Fair and equal ioi. Your old members are not going to just come back. Your new members are who you want to keep happy now. There will be complaining no matter what. Remember how you said there will be a site change and everyone said yah!!! Back to how it was, then you said what the changes would be and there were more complaining. It will not end. Not even if the makers of this thread got their way. When their latest thread failed they would go back to gaf. It feels good to have 500 posts in your thread, so why wouldn't they? They say they are your loyal members, until things get too tough.
Just do not forget us who did not leave when everyone else has. The ones who sat through policy change after policy change, after warnings and bans and kept coming back for more.

That is what I think about the matter. If people do not like a thread then stay the hell out of it!!! I do not think I have post in one Microsoft thread other than a few that my friends here have made....ever! Just stay out of them. If one of your piss poor ideas for a thread do not get popular then blame it on yourself. Chalk it up as a loss and move on to the next one. RolStoppable seems to have no problem pushing out hit threads once a month. What are you excuses? Blame game.

Lastly, Machina was my favorite mod, I loved arguing with Seece, and Monty brough class to this site, but everyone must admit that they were really strict and it hindered any growth at all. I remember for about three months at the end of last year that it was next to impossible to get a 100 post thread out by anyone. ANYONE! Now, unless you are blind, that happens in a day. Strictness can be good as well as being lax. But there has got to be moderation with everything. Too strict and it gets rediculous! The same goes with easy going sites. The Soriku rule of 5-10 words should be enforced in threads that it can be. Even I have gotten annoyed at some spam trees and spamming. You cannot get any posts in edge wise. But only a little.


2,000 registered members per day, you say.

Tell me more.

"The people who spam or /and are trying to get known are/were most likely wearing them."

I agree with everything you wrote, except for this statement. Spamming is pointless because all it does is increase your post count, which is also pointless. No one cares how many posts someone has... Also, I could care less if people know me or not. I am here for one reason, and one reason only and the people who truly "know me" will know what that reason is.

I especially agree about "official threads". If something new is posted in them with an updated title how am I supposed to know where to even look within that thread? For example, I recently saw an edited title for the Nintendo thread that caught my interest, but quickly gave up when I couldn't actually find the story. The forums need an overhaul as we have too many specific forums and it needs to be streamlined a bit. I'm not sure what the site redesign will bring, but hopefully it fixes some of the stupid design changes that took place from going from 3.0 to 4.0 or whatever we are currently at. Honestly, I think everyone would have been a lot happier if we never updated to this mess of a site we are currently on. Sure, the hub is actually a hub now, and things are a bit better. However, that redesign better be coming soon.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

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supermario128 said:
"The people who spam or /and are trying to get known are/were most likely wearing them."

I agree with everything you wrote, except for this statement. Spamming is pointless because all it does is increase your post count, which is also pointless. No one cares how many posts someone has... Also, I could care less if people know me or not. I am here for one reason, and one reason only and the people who truly "know me" will know what that reason is.

I especially agree about "official threads". If something new is posted in them with an updated title how am I supposed to know where to even look within that thread? For example, I recently saw an edited title for the Nintendo thread that caught my interest, but quickly gave up when I couldn't actually find the story. The forums need an overhaul as we have too many specific forums and it needs to be streamlined a bit. I'm not sure what the site redesign will bring, but hopefully it fixes some of the stupid design changes that took place from going from 3.0 to 4.0 or whatever we are currently at. Honestly, I think everyone would have been a lot happier if we never updated to this mess of a site we are currently on. Sure, the hub is actually a hub now, and things are a bit better. However, that redesign better be coming soon.

supermario!!!!!!! your back!!! when!? ..guys my 1st friend on VGC. I did not mean to offend you. Would have been less arrogant with that statement if i knew you were doing it too.

Xxain said:
supermario128 said:
"The people who spam or /and are trying to get known are/were most likely wearing them."

I agree with everything you wrote, except for this statement. Spamming is pointless because all it does is increase your post count, which is also pointless. No one cares how many posts someone has... Also, I could care less if people know me or not. I am here for one reason, and one reason only and the people who truly "know me" will know what that reason is.

I especially agree about "official threads". If something new is posted in them with an updated title how am I supposed to know where to even look within that thread? For example, I recently saw an edited title for the Nintendo thread that caught my interest, but quickly gave up when I couldn't actually find the story. The forums need an overhaul as we have too many specific forums and it needs to be streamlined a bit. I'm not sure what the site redesign will bring, but hopefully it fixes some of the stupid design changes that took place from going from 3.0 to 4.0 or whatever we are currently at. Honestly, I think everyone would have been a lot happier if we never updated to this mess of a site we are currently on. Sure, the hub is actually a hub now, and things are a bit better. However, that redesign better be coming soon.

supermario!!!!!!! your back!!! when!? ..guys my 1st friend on VGC. I did not mean to offend you. Would have been less arrogant with that statement if i knew you were doing it too.

He's been back for a very long time.

I sort of agree with Xxain here. You go to the MS. Section, it's dead. Go to the Nintendo Section, it's dead. Go to the Sony section, that's dead too. The gaming section is semi-alive. The sales section is pretty much dead. Off-topic seems to be the only thriving section. Something needs to be done, I'm not sure what though.

Firstly, I think the subforum system should be looked at. Bring back the drop down forum index thing so people can go from subforum to subforum with one click. That was much better than the forum index we have now. Getting people to use the subforum more often is a great way to prevent those elimination threads from overcrowding a gaming thread. As of now, people just use the Hot Topics page because the subforums takes to long to go through. Also, get rid of unnecessary forums like latest chartz AND sales discussion (should be one forum). Also combine politcs, music, movies, etc into one forum.

I think all of these will get people using subforums more. I think the subforums really helped foster a community feel back in the day. The Sony section had it's own atmosphere with it's own unique group of people. Same for the Microsoft & Nintendo section. Bonds were established in sub forums. I don't know, it just felt more homely. But now, because of how crazy the system is, no one uses it. So the aforementioned stuff doesn't happen. Everyone is just thrown in the same page.

Of course, the Hot Topics page should still be here. It is useful.

And lol @ Rudisha.

Jay520 said:
I sort of agree with Xxain here. You go to the MS. 

The MS section has been dead for at least two years during a mass exodus that happened after a site redesign. That is when the site first started being not as fun. Hell I probably spent more times in the MS threads then the Sony threads before that because it was funner. Everyone agreed in the Sony forums, but the conversations were more combative in the MSforums. a lot of ms guys hated it and left seemingly at once. The lack of MS forums is nothing new. 


Most of all I will so this thread has too much drama. It is just a website. Especially you Jay .

wow spurge, you are being so agressive.............and i like it