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supermario128 said:
"The people who spam or /and are trying to get known are/were most likely wearing them."

I agree with everything you wrote, except for this statement. Spamming is pointless because all it does is increase your post count, which is also pointless. No one cares how many posts someone has... Also, I could care less if people know me or not. I am here for one reason, and one reason only and the people who truly "know me" will know what that reason is.

I especially agree about "official threads". If something new is posted in them with an updated title how am I supposed to know where to even look within that thread? For example, I recently saw an edited title for the Nintendo thread that caught my interest, but quickly gave up when I couldn't actually find the story. The forums need an overhaul as we have too many specific forums and it needs to be streamlined a bit. I'm not sure what the site redesign will bring, but hopefully it fixes some of the stupid design changes that took place from going from 3.0 to 4.0 or whatever we are currently at. Honestly, I think everyone would have been a lot happier if we never updated to this mess of a site we are currently on. Sure, the hub is actually a hub now, and things are a bit better. However, that redesign better be coming soon.

supermario!!!!!!! your back!!! when!? ..guys my 1st friend on VGC. I did not mean to offend you. Would have been less arrogant with that statement if i knew you were doing it too.