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I sort of agree with Xxain here. You go to the MS. Section, it's dead. Go to the Nintendo Section, it's dead. Go to the Sony section, that's dead too. The gaming section is semi-alive. The sales section is pretty much dead. Off-topic seems to be the only thriving section. Something needs to be done, I'm not sure what though.

Firstly, I think the subforum system should be looked at. Bring back the drop down forum index thing so people can go from subforum to subforum with one click. That was much better than the forum index we have now. Getting people to use the subforum more often is a great way to prevent those elimination threads from overcrowding a gaming thread. As of now, people just use the Hot Topics page because the subforums takes to long to go through. Also, get rid of unnecessary forums like latest chartz AND sales discussion (should be one forum). Also combine politcs, music, movies, etc into one forum.

I think all of these will get people using subforums more. I think the subforums really helped foster a community feel back in the day. The Sony section had it's own atmosphere with it's own unique group of people. Same for the Microsoft & Nintendo section. Bonds were established in sub forums. I don't know, it just felt more homely. But now, because of how crazy the system is, no one uses it. So the aforementioned stuff doesn't happen. Everyone is just thrown in the same page.

Of course, the Hot Topics page should still be here. It is useful.

And lol @ Rudisha.