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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Seriously why did Sony release the PS VITA?


Did Sony make a mistake?

Yes, they shouldn't have released it 38 17.12%
No, lets just wait till E3 83 37.39%
When was the last time th... 73 32.88%
see results 28 12.61%
Andrespetmonkey said:

I have said it before, but it needs to be repeated: Playstation fans are adorable :)

Sony obviously made mistakes releasing the Vita. Denying that would indicate a severe case of fanboyism. FattyDingDong makes a good point saying that Sony released the system without giving it proper support and is now simply asking you all why they did that.

Seems to me that even discussing Sony's strategies is considered Sony-trolling nowadays.

Marketing wise, yes, the support was not there in the US. To say it's lacking software support is ridiculous, it had arguably one of the best launch lineups ever, we have Resistance, LBP, Gravity Rush and the MGS collection coming in the next month. Fall is already huge, COD, FIFA, AC have been announced, an exclusive Bioshock games is coming, killzone etc. And this doesn't include the inevitable slew of announcements we'll be getting at E3.

Now, I can criticise the shit out of the PS Vita, the lack of system sellers in Japan, the over-priced propriority memory cards, the silly AR push, the crappy cameras... But to say it haz no gaemz, which is one of fatdongs points, is like I said, ridiculous.

It has no great system sellers though, just like the 3DS when it released. Sony could have waited until they had titles like Call of Duty (which they still don't), which is why Fatty is wondering why Sony released the Vita.

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Andrespetmonkey said:

I have said it before, but it needs to be repeated: Playstation fans are adorable :)

Sony obviously made mistakes releasing the Vita. Denying that would indicate a severe case of fanboyism. FattyDingDong makes a good point saying that Sony released the system without giving it proper support and is now simply asking you all why they did that.

Seems to me that even discussing Sony's strategies is considered Sony-trolling nowadays.

Marketing wise, yes, the support was not there in the US. To say it's lacking software support is ridiculous, it had arguably one of the best launch lineups ever, we have Resistance, LBP, Gravity Rush and the MGS collection coming in the next month. Fall is already huge, COD, FIFA, AC have been announced, an exclusive Bioshock games is coming, killzone etc. And this doesn't include the inevitable slew of announcements we'll be getting at E3.

Now, I can criticise the shit out of the PS Vita, the lack of system sellers in Japan, the over-priced propriority memory cards, the silly AR push, the crappy cameras... But to say it haz no gaemz, which is one of fatdongs points, is like I said, ridiculous.

Every game that you cited is also "available" on PS3.

There aren't real exclusives on Vita. Ok, there is a new AC, a new Bioshock, a new Resistance, but people will see these games as ports, or as minor PS3 versions.

I own a PS3 and I like it, and I don't want to play Uncharted on the go, I want it in my living room. What Sony doesn't understand is the "handled philosophy", handled market is totally different from the home console one.

Kinneas14 said:

Every game that you cited is also "available" on PS3.

There aren't real exclusives on Vita. Ok, there is a new AC, a new Bioshock, a new Resistance, but people will see these games as ports, or as minor PS3 versions.

I own a PS3 and I like it, and I don't want to play Uncharted on the go, I want it in my living room. What Sony doesn't understand is the "handled philosophy", handled market is totally different for the home console one.

Resistance, LBP aren't ports. Gravity rush is a new IP. Uncharted isn't a port. FIFA and AC I think are ports, but that's about it. Bioshock isn't, killzone isn't, we don't know about COD yet. We'll get plenty more at E3. 

@bolded That's fine, and I get that, but you aren't everyone. I for example, would love a console experience on the go, as would 2 million others apparantly, once vita gets a price drop that number will quickly rise. Sony doesn't understand many things, but they know what they're doing with the Vita, the sales start might be very slow, but it won't be that hard to bring it up. It's actually doing pretty well in Europe. All Japan needs is a Final fantasy and a MH and it'll all be good there. An official price drop will do wonders. 

FattyDingDong said:

If they knew they couldn't provide any good games. The thing is over priced, it has no games, and there are no ads on tv. Hell, 99% of my friends have never heard of PS VITA!!   It does not worth 250$  the browser is slow, the video quality is worse than 3ds'.   So why did Sony release the Vita?

To lose money?   They did achieve that. That's what they're best at.


Edit: Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not hating on Sony. I just think that they made a big mistake. They're just digging their own grave imo.

The main problem is if you are trying to be "futureproof" and affordable at the same time you have to compromise things. The PS3 is a half-baked product because of the compromise and so is the PSVita. People will be dissapointed when they notice that the Vita is not capable of playing PS3 games....

Go play Uncharted: Golden Abyss, then ignore the silly touch screen bits and you will see why they made the Vita!

it is just brilliant in terms of replicating the console experience on the move, which is exactly what I want. I will stay patient in terms of games, but I already have 3 good quality games to keep me busy

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Andrespetmonkey said:
Kinneas14 said:

Resistance, LBP aren't ports. Gravity rush is a new IP. Uncharted isn't a port. FIFA and AC I think are ports, but that's about it. Bioshock isn't, killzone isn't, we don't know about COD yet. We'll get plenty more at E3. 

@bolded That's fine, and I get that, but you aren't everyone. I for example, would love a console experience on the go, as would 2 million others apparantly, once vita gets a price drop that number will quickly rise. Sony doesn't understand many things, but they know what they're doing with the Vita, the sales start might be very slow, but it won't be that hard to bring it up. It's actually doing pretty well in Europe. All Japan needs is a Final fantasy and a MH and it'll all be good there. An official price drop will do wonders. 

I know that LBP, Resistance, Uncharted, etc are not ports, but what I wanted to say is that people will see these games as ports or minor PS3 versions.

I know that I'm not everyone, but talking with some people I got the feeling that on an handled device the audience wants something else, different, from home console experience. Vita needs something totally new, and Gravity Rush is a step in the right direction, something like LocoRoco or Patapon would be another good thing. Those are handled games. Just my thoughts, though.


Because Sony thought that people would play their PS3 on the go by buying the same games they already have on the PS3, pay for expensive memory cards and re-buy their entire PSP back library because it was in HD and thus was worth £230 or £270 if you're 3G, but forgetting the reason people buy handhelds are for the games, the games which can be played in 5 minutes on the bus journey to work, NOT a fully-fledged console game which takes that long to load.

But it doesn't seem to have worked out that way. Because, no matter how good the console, the business model was flawed.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

I'm not an owner of any Sony console, but I certainly don't think everything Sony does is a mistake.

What I do think, however, is that given Sony's position in the global market today as well as its severe financial troubles, anything less than amazing should be unacceptable to Sony. Vita is a good machine with good games available or coming, but I don't think it's an amazing one.

For a company like Nintendo, releasing an under-performing handheld following the most successful years in their history is an annoyance, perhaps even a reality check. But for Sony, releasing such a device during the worst years of their history could turn out to be a major pain in the ass.

I simply don't see Vita as something that will have a positive effect on Sony's return to profitability in the near term. Long term is another story, but thinking that far ahead is a luxury.

Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!

the original trolls

Wii FC: 4810 9420 3131 7558
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mini-games on consoles, cinematic games on handhelds, what's next? GameBoy IMAX?

Official Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

I'm a gamer with income to spare. I own a PS3 with the Move and a PSP. Will I ever own an Xbox? No, It doesn't have a game I care for. Basically I'm a Sony guy (Sony's direct target market). Will I buy the PS Vita? NO.


Because I'm tired of Sony's crap operating software. I like Sony products, the hardware have a ton of potential in my opinion. The problem this company has is that it doesn't capitalize all of the hardware through software optimization. For example: recently I cracked my PSP. I can't believe I didn't it do it years ago. I can do so much more with this machine now, that I don't need another handheld. If the Vita could do half the things a hacked PSP can do, I would pay for it, and the legit applications. Don't get me wrong, every game I play on my PSP is legit. I don't mind paying for games. The reason why I cracked my PSP was to get rid of the Lag on my Legit copy of Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions. Sony needs to get of it's high horse, and opening up to the custom firmware community. That's the only way I see Sony to make a comeback.

How quickly people forget what a mess the 3DS was in this time LAST YEAR. Like 3DS, give the Vita some time!