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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo E3 2012 Conference - E3 is Dead. Long Live Nintendo Direct!

"I know on the Internet there are plenty of message boards, but I hate when people go onto message boards and complain about games they've never played."

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LOL! "Take that NeoGAF!"

neogaf owned

I guess this one is gonna be included with every Wii U, hopefully. I dont expect an AAA title, but it should be fun... the wii sports of the Wii U

Amazing how The Verge can post all the info in detail and make little jokes here and there as well and has practically no typos, while gonintendo is posting bullet-point sentences only every few minutes and still makes typos...

Food for thought: Shove an apple in your brain

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"I know there are message boards on the Internet, but I hate when people go there to complain about games they haven't even played."

Nintendo just put you in your place, internet nerds!!!

seems like a fun game if bundled with the system

NintendoPie said:
Miiverse apparently stalks you and finds out who you are dating.

Dang! Now everyone will know I'm a sad single lonely little man :(

I'm an advocate for motion controls, Nintendo, and Kicking freaking Toad to the Moon!

3DS Friend Code - 0860-3269-1286

Wait did Nintendo just take a pot shot a Neogaf? Awesome!

I'm an advocate for motion controls, Nintendo, and Kicking freaking Toad to the Moon!

3DS Friend Code - 0860-3269-1286

Seems like they are leading into Friends Discussion...