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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo E3 2012 Conference - E3 is Dead. Long Live Nintendo Direct!

hahah phew finally caught :D OH man I'm glad I missed that last half..sounds like a disaster. But it was hilarious reading everyones posts real fast..

it was their E3 to lose..and they lost big time. They have the new hardware coming out in a few months.

I think I'm gonna go watch the rest of it (if I can find a recording) just for the gif potential

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Heres the platinum games game

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TruckOSaurus said:
They said NintendoLand was Wii U's Wii Sports, the game that showcases the innovation of Wii U but personally I think Pikmin 3 did a much better job at displaying the strengths of the Wii U controller because it actually showed what it could bring to a game with actual depth.

Wasn't it mostly being played with a Wiimote with the point and click mechanic? I think they used the GamePad for viewing the map but not sure what else. It still looked good, but that's what I got from the video..

Really disappointed. The good stuff they showed we already knew was coming and the rest was bad (and was the majority). Though we got a pleasently surprising peak at Paper Mario (and other 3DS titles), but why the hell didn't I see and allies in Paper Mario Sticker Star and why the hell are the stickers such a huge focus in battle? Where the hell is the other stuff the first two Paper Mario's had!? They better ease my worries tomorrow. Overall, very disappointing.

Food for thought: Shove an apple in your brain

milkyjoe said:
I'm not really sure what to think.

I was bored for quite a lot of the time yet I'm sat here with a count of 6-7 games that I'm planning to buy, which would suggest they've still not got the whole engaging presentation thing nailed.

It seems like they focused on what is going to be out around launch period, when I think they needed to throw in a couple of big hitters for the next year or two on top of that, even if it was just some kind of brief CGI thing.

Quite what you said! No WOW factor, but a lot of games i'm interested in. Disappointed mostly on the lack of hardware details, which means they're hiding something... 

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Holy crap. This guy forgot to wake up.


Platnum is on now!

Project P-100 looks lame also.

jondabomb said:
Heres the platinum games game

looks like pikimin on steroids



They say they don't have enough time to show all the awesome games in production for WiiU, then they proceed to invite random developers on stage who just keep insisting on blabbering about stuff no one cares about... What the hell was that Animal Crossing developer about anyway? O_o he just kept on talking and talking about that Nintendoland stuff, it went on forever! And then, no final big game announcement. I am disappoint.

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