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Forums - Sony Discussion - New trailer of The Last of Us - my jaw dropped - Most beautiful game ever made

Guys stop posting SHIT about The Last of Us I just want to read what happened between NintendoPie and her underaged girlfriend.

You can proceed NintendoPie.

Around the Network
Boutros said:
Guys stop posting SHIT about The Last of Us I just want to read what happened between NintendoPie and her underaged girlfriend.

You can proceed NintendoPie.

I am not a girl. She was also my age.

NintendoPie said:
Boutros said:
Guys stop posting SHIT about The Last of Us I just want to read what happened between NintendoPie and her underaged girlfriend.

You can proceed NintendoPie.

I am not a girl. She was also my age.

Which is why she's underage.

Food for thought: Shove an apple in your brain

DepthAlly said:
NintendoPie said:
Boutros said:
Guys stop posting SHIT about The Last of Us I just want to read what happened between NintendoPie and her underaged girlfriend.

You can proceed NintendoPie.

I am not a girl. She was also my age.

Which is why she's underage.

Never has my mind ever been as blown as it is now.

pezus said:
brendude13 said:
pezus said:
brendude13 said:
pezus said:
People really need to watch a Pixar movie or a Blizzard Square Enix cutscene to see what CGI looks like


Don't strike out Blizzard! Square Enix make great CGI as well though

The Diablo 3 trailer was pretty, I didn't think Blizzard did that much CGI though.

o.O Have you not played Warcraft 3? Or seen the SC2 trailers??

The CGI cutscenes are almost the best thing about their games lol. I always look forward to seeing the next one

I'm not big on Blizzard games, when my new PC bits arrive, I will be though. I love cutscenes personally, it's why I love Final Fantasy XIII so much and it's why I'm looking forwards to The Last of Us.

Around the Network
Boutros said:
Guys stop posting SHIT about The Last of Us I just want to read what happened between NintendoPie and her underaged girlfriend.

You can proceed NintendoPie.

<---------------- His girlfriend, she's wild , just google her if you don't believe it.

PullusPardus said:
Boutros said:
Guys stop posting SHIT about The Last of Us I just want to read what happened between NintendoPie and her underaged girlfriend.

You can proceed NintendoPie.

<---------------- His girlfriend, she's wild , just google her if you don't believe it.

Meh she looks too old for my taste.

pezus said:
NintendoPie said:
Millenium said:
Oh NinPie, tell us more of how you charmed this girl! I find this.. interesting. Us older men have to use candy and gifts to lure 12-14 years olds, but you youngsters have different ways I believe.

No need to lure them.  

Hot looks talk by themselves.

Did you come to VGChartz to forget about her? Is that why you're so addicted?

Haha, very funny.

No, I broke up with her, she didn't please me enough.

pitzy272 said:
Gamer_of_the_Year said:
the_dengle said:
Jay520 said:
Gamer_of_the_Year said:


And it's RATED FRICKIN' M!!!!!!!!



Is that seriously a selling point for people or is at least one of you being sarcastic?


The game looks amazing. I'm very confident it'll be a GOTY contender. But the rating doesn't affect my opinion of it in the slightest.

I say that for a myriad of reasons.

1) It's Naughty Dog's FIRST Rated M game. Groundbreaking, can't wait to see what they do with the limitless range.

2) It's a HORROR game. Which means the horror can be taken to the FULL EXTENT and NOT HOLD BACK. Which is a GREAT THING.

3) It means the themes and motifs are going to be EXTEMELY mature. And I for one have adored the mature experiences Sony has giving me this Gen ala Heavy Rain.

This game is going to be brilliant. Without a doubt. 

I'm all for some brutal realism (e.g. violence) as long as it's not unecessary/excessive. 

As for the swearing though...I really wish they'd keep the F bomb out of the game. Use any other swear word (again, as long as it's not unnecessary/excessive), just skip f*#$. You can tell an amazing (and still mature) story without having it in there. Look at The Road (movie similar to TLoU). I actually don't remember any swearing, come to think of it.

I really don't mind the word normally, especially in movies; but for some reason, I don't like it when it's in my video games. Worst imo, is that ND is gonna alienate an entire population group (teenagers and kids living in their parents' house) if they make things over-the-top mature. I know I'll likely get flak for this, but I just don't think it's necessary, especially for a ND game (consistently the creators of my favorite games). It just didn't seem right or seem to fit when the ambusher said it. 

OT: Trailer was intense with lots of emotion and atmosphere. Really high hopes for this game.

Man, you're gonna be disappointed to know that Ellie calls a guy F*** face in the AMAZING gameplay footage Kotaku just witnessed. And they say Naughty Dog is making something special and it's going to be brilliant. 

NintendoPie has never even spoken to a girl.