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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: NSMB2 will outsell the top 10 PSV games shown off at E3 2012 combined


Will this prediction become true?

Yes, definitely. 244 53.39%
Probably. 103 22.54%
Maybe. Maybe not. 42 9.19%
Unlikely. 33 7.22%
Impossible. 35 7.66%
pezus said:
superchunk said:
I don't see why any of you are talking about COD. At best any COD port... and that's exactly what it would be an lower-end port... would maybe break 1m lifetime. People that buy this and similar games are core gamers. They won't choose their portable machine over their console to buy it on and it certainly wont' be a system selling game.

A game to cause major selling on PSV must be unique to PSV only and far closer to the mass market than an generic FPS. LBP has a far higher chance at that, however, so far the versions of LBP have been way too similar to be considered anything more than slight enhancements over the previous version.

PSV needs a big exclusive game like Monster Hunter for the most part has been on the PSP. But with 3DS getting that, idk if its going to happen. Maybe Sony will follow their current path with copying MKart and SSB and create a clone of Pokemon.

Even the PSP cod sold more than 2m lol. And that was a pretty mediocre game which came out before CoD became a monster franchise.

Exactly BEFORE everyone and their ass-raping uncles owned it on their home consoles. Plus ... PSP and PSV is like comparing succesful consoles with the Apple Pippen.

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It's worth keeping in mind that Nintendo is the only company that has ever managed to make games sell on portables. They've made 17 portable games that have passed 10 million so far (and 2, possibly 3, more released ones are bound to). Meanwhile, only 3 non-Nintendo portable games have managed to break half of that - Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (7.34 million), Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite (5.34 million) and Cooking Mama (5.32 million).

GTA: LCS released at the perfect timing. There was no other GTA releasing in its year, and the game was exclusive to the PsP. What made its sales, though, was its  great legs, which was probably largely because there was no other GTA on a different system until GTA IV 3 years after it released.

A Call of Duty portable has none of those things going for it. It'll be competing against CoD on consoles, and its legs will be cut off by a sequel. Additionally, it's on a  far, far less successful system than the PsP was in 2005, when it rivaled the DS for the biggest system of the year.

I'd say that 5 million lifetime seems incredibly unlikely, and that 2-3 million is more in the likely range. However, if it's not a good game, it could easily end up like the DS games and sell less than a million.

pezus said:

So it would sell less now when the franchise is 10 times more popular? I don't see it, and that's not a good reason. The second statement: Not even close. You're one for exaggerations, that's for sure!

COD is not a portable game. Hence the reason it hasn't had any luck on portable consoles.

At best PSV will get a really similar port of the PS3 version. However, PSV won't have a large userbase to do anything with it. COD is not a system seller since its a heavily ported 3rd party title... i.e. no one will buy it on a lesser version when they can get it on PS360 (probably Wii U as well).

Again, at best you'll get 1m on the PSV version if it exists. (so far it doesn't)

RolStoppable said:
logic56 said:

now think fast

Please elaborate and share your wisdom.

noooo! your suppose to say what and then I say awww you just dropped the only fuck anyone will give - joke ruined

anyway OT: it's certainly not outside of the relm of possiblilty, but certaily no relevation, I mean a 2D mario game selling alot who would see that coming *sarcasm*, I mean it's literrally been the exact same game for the past 25 years , so it's only likely it would sell the same right?

Best PSV game so far is Uncharted Golden Abyss with around 500,000 copies sold.

If every of the 10 PSV games can reach that score, we have a total of 5,000,000 copies (and this is the best case senario).

NSMB2 Will sell far more than 5M.

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RolStoppable said:
Gilmour said:

Best PSV game so far is Uncharted Golden Abyss with around 500,000 copies sold.

If every of the 10 PSV games can reach that score, we have a total of 5,000,000 copies (and this is the best case senario).

NSMB2 Will sell far more than 5M.

Right... that's exactly how it works.

Are you being sarcastic? :P

If you expect a vITa game to sell more than 1m with a 2m userbase you are dreaming.........maybe in a couple of years........

RolStoppable said:
logic56 said:

noooo! your suppose to say what and then I say awww you just dropped the only fuck anyone will give - joke ruined

anyway OT: it's certainly not outside of the relm of possiblilty, but certaily no relevation, I mean a 2D mario game selling alot who would see that coming *sarcasm*, I mean it's literrally been the exact same game for the past 25 years , so it's only likely it would sell the same right?

I have a hard time deciding whether you are angry, sad, bitter or any combination of the aforementioned.

lol reading something does that

edit: are you mad I agreed with you, I voted for the top option

second edit: " because rumor has it that the PSV is widely perceived as a handheld that is a waste of everybody's time".

and you call me bitter hahaha


pezus said:

Yes, it does. Already confirmed by Activision themselves.

Agree to disagree then. The real reason Cod hasn't had any luck on portable consoles is that the controls have always been lacking. Now that is not a problem anymore

Odd that their offical website only lists PS360/PC versions. I figured Wii version wasn't listed as that team is instead working on Wii U version and that version would be confirmed with the rest of Wii U's games at E3. But there is no reason to not confirm a 3DS/PSV version.

Additionally, Amazon/gamestop and other sites don't list a PSV version either.


Prediction: Nintendo fanboys will continue to buy rehashed crap like NSMB2 rather than new and innovative games such as Gravity Rush.

This post has been moderated ~Barozi

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!