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RolStoppable said:
logic56 said:

noooo! your suppose to say what and then I say awww you just dropped the only fuck anyone will give - joke ruined

anyway OT: it's certainly not outside of the relm of possiblilty, but certaily no relevation, I mean a 2D mario game selling alot who would see that coming *sarcasm*, I mean it's literrally been the exact same game for the past 25 years , so it's only likely it would sell the same right?

I have a hard time deciding whether you are angry, sad, bitter or any combination of the aforementioned.

lol reading something does that

edit: are you mad I agreed with you, I voted for the top option

second edit: " because rumor has it that the PSV is widely perceived as a handheld that is a waste of everybody's time".

and you call me bitter hahaha