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360 to hit 70M before september!

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PSP went from like 750k in 2012 to 1.4M crazy.

PS3 and 360 adjusted up this year, with the 360 being adjusted a lot last year reducing the gap to 300k to the PS3 in 2011. With these numbers it´s even safer to say that the 360 did absolutely fantastic in the holiday season last year reducing the gap to the PS3 (compared to the beginning of the year), but right now it is getting even more outpassed buy the PS3, so it will be interesting to see who moves first, we all know both will reduce the price of the hardware, but when.

Those are some weak sauce numbers for the 3ds outside Japan, IMO

Vita and Wii numbers, turrible

Just let me know when the official shipments are in the yo yo'ing on this site is now getting ridiculous, i know there trying to be as accurate as possible, but if the last big adjustment which closed the gap were out by so much what makes this one any more believable

kowenicki said:
amaral_slb said:
PSP went from like 750k in 2012 to 1.4M crazy.

PS3 and 360 adjusted up this year, with the 360 being adjusted a lot last year reducing the gap to 300k to the PS3 in 2011. With these numbers it´s even safer to say that the 360 did absolutely fantastic in the holiday season last year reducing the gap to the PS3 (compared to the beginning of the year), but right now it is getting even more outpassed buy the PS3, so it will be interesting to see who moves first, we all know both will reduce the price of the hardware, but when.

Those are some weak sauce numbers for the 3ds outside Japan, IMO

Vita and Wii numbers, turrible

we do?

Yup, we do. No way Sony or Ms let´s Nintendo drop a new console, that sells at x money, and still have basic bundles out there that cost as much as the new thing.

You fight Nintendo with the Price of the Hardware, so that they have to prove to consumer that the WiiU is real next gen material.

So how does that make YOY numbers for the PS3 and 360 for last years total and this years YTD?

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kowenicki said:
Xenostar said:
Just let me know when the official shipments are in the yo yo'ing on this site is now getting ridiculous, i know there trying to be as accurate as possible, but if the last big adjustment which closed the gap were out by so much what makes this one any more believable

but you belived the last one right?


The official shipment data IS in for Ninty and MS.  Only Sony's left and that can only affect sony hardware numbers.

This one is believable because it ties in with available OFFICIAL data....  it was obvious this adjustment was coming.  I do think adjusting PS3 data just a week or so ahead of shipment figures is a bit risky though.

i wasnt rally convinced by the last one, as it seemed to come of the back of no official data, your right this one makes more sence, but i think the constant massive swings in numbers are making more and more people realise how meanigless these numbers are on VGC, it would be nice if there was also a page that just tracked official shipment data, i know thats only every quarter at best, but at least theyd be accurate enough for those who care. 

Still i stay for the gaming forums, as i enjoy the community.

kowenicki said:
Xenostar said:
kowenicki said:
Xenostar said:
Just let me know when the official shipments are in the yo yo'ing on this site is now getting ridiculous, i know there trying to be as accurate as possible, but if the last big adjustment which closed the gap were out by so much what makes this one any more believable

but you belived the last one right?


The official shipment data IS in for Ninty and MS.  Only Sony's left and that can only affect sony hardware numbers.

This one is believable because it ties in with available OFFICIAL data....  it was obvious this adjustment was coming.  I do think adjusting PS3 data just a week or so ahead of shipment figures is a bit risky though.

i wasnt rally convinced by the last one, as it seemed to come of the back of no official data, your right this one makes more sence, but i think the constant massive swings in numbers are making more and more people realise how meanigless these numbers are on VGC, it would be nice if there was also a page that just tracked official shipment data, i know thats only every quarter at best, but at least theyd be accurate enough for those who care. 

Still i stay for the gaming forums, as i enjoy the community.

:D Thanks lol

With Price Drop 360 might have a chance of being best selling console this year... maybe 3DS will beat it though... Or Ps3.

kowenicki said:

360 PS3 Gap is back to 2.4m

Expected adjustments like I said after Nintendo report.

PS3 on spot.
360 ~500k under.

Previous GAP: 1.9 million
New GAP: 2.4 million


If the 360 has gained 700k as people are saying then that confirms 360 won last year as wasn't the gap around 300k last year supposedly? The only thing saying ps3 won was vgc where there was no official evidence to back that up. With the adjustments basically going back to what it was that has to be seen as vgc finally admitting they were wrong on that then?