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Forums - Sales Discussion - Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale will outsell Smash Bros

I'm pretty confident that Sony will push PASBR, because this game is a "free" publicity for PS exclusives, but I don't think it's going to sell so much, maybe (big maybe here) it could crawl to 3 million.
As someone already said, Nintendo characters are far more famous and recognised than Sony's ones, and so SSB has/had a bigger appeal.

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DepthAlly said:
Kasz216 said:
DepthAlly said:

This is hopeless. Let's just stop, please.

Fair enough, i guess this is just one of those situations where having a broad frame of reference and expierence is required for comprhension.  To someone who only really knows zombie movies, i guess they all seem really varied too.

Well I don't think it's that. I just see differences between the FF games. I mean arguably ATB was around before FF4? I could see someone argue that most RPGs have some form of ATB, then. And if you are implying I only know about FF games, then you are terribly wrong there as well.

No, I'm implying your frame of refrence is limited, which if your games collection is accurate is a pretty true statement... the evolution of the FF battle system is very basic and simple.

FF1 - Original system, turns are chosen all at once but executred in order of speed

FF2 - Actully most divergent from the rest, but nobody liked it so nobody talks about it.  Got rid of leveling.  Outside that... functionally FF1.

FF3 - FF1... but with Jobs.

FF4 - Birth of ATB.   ATB is the EXACT same system except you choose your actions AFTER speed or agility plays out instead of before.  The upshot of this was basically it was a lot easier to heal hurt teammates. 

FF5 - Jobs are back.  Not much difference.

FF6 - Jobs are gone... but Espers allow some customization.  Really still just like the rest battle wise.

FF7 - Espers are replaced by Materia which is basically the exact same thing.  Only real change were limit breaks... well sorta.  FF6 had Desperation Attacks too.    Well and you get one less character.   It's funny really, 6-7 are argueably the most similar gameplay wise, yet generally people who love one dislike the other.  Likely due to the narrative change.

FF8 - Second most divergent.  Leveling up is quite different... the battles themselves.

FF9 - Brought back 4 characters... and less customization?

FF10 - CTB.   ATB but you aren't guranteed a turn.  Finally a true break from the FF1 style battle system.

FF11 - MMORPG, really wasn't including it.

FF12 - Combinted CTB and made it action based like an MMORPG.  Essentially the difference between say.  Fallout and Fallout Tactics.

FF13 -Enforced FF12 system more or less.


There's nothing wrong with being similar, afterall if enough people like the battle system why make drastic changes?  However for the people who don't like a final fantasy game because of the battle system, or becuase of the similar story narratives, one is all you do need to see... because they're all basically the same specific tightly wound subgenre.


Something like say fallout/fallout 2 is EXTREMELY different.  It uses a CTB like sysetm and SRPG movement, but the required strategy is TOTALLY different.  Wrong move can have you taken down by one well placed burst.

Kasz216 said:

No, I'm implying your frame of refrence is limited, which if your games collection is accurate is a pretty true statement... the evolution of the FF battle system is very basic and simple.

FF1 - Original system, turns are chosen all at once but executred in order of speed

FF2 - Actully most divergent from the rest, but nobody liked it so nobody talks about it.  Got rid of leveling.  Outside that... functionally FF1.

FF3 - FF1... but with Jobs.

FF4 - Birth of ATB.   ATB is the EXACT same system except you choose your actions AFTER speed or agility plays out instead of before.  The upshot of this was basically it was a lot easier to heal hurt teammates. 

FF5 - Jobs are back.  Not much difference.

FF6 - Jobs are gone... but Espers allow some customization.  Really still just like the rest battle wise.

FF7 - Espers are replaced by Materia which is basically the exact same thing.  Only real change were limit breaks... well sorta.  FF6 had Desperation Attacks too.    Well and you get one less character.   It's funny really, 6-7 are argueably the most similar gameplay wise, yet generally people who love one dislike the other.  Likely due to the narrative change.

FF8 - Second most divergent.  Leveling up is quite different... the battles themselves.

FF9 - Brought back 4 characters... and less customization?

FF10 - CTB.   ATB but you aren't guranteed a turn.  Finally a true break from the FF1 style battle system.

FF11 - MMORPG, really wasn't including it.

FF12 - Combinted CTB and made it action based like an MMORPG.  Essentially the difference between say.  Fallout and Fallout Tactics.

FF13 -Enforced FF12 system more or less.


There's nothing wrong with being similar, afterall if enough people like the battle system why make drastic changes?  However for the people who don't like a final fantasy game because of the battle system, or becuase of the similar story narratives, one is all you do need to see... because they're all basically the same specific tightly wound subgenre.


Something like say fallout/fallout 2 is EXTREMELY different.  It uses a CTB like sysetm and SRPG movement, but the required strategy is TOTALLY different.  Wrong move can have you taken down by one well placed burst.

Oh no, my collection is far from accurate. I haven't added everything I currently have and I used to sell my games (not any more, though).

Also, I see you listed a bunch of stuff for the whole series, but I'm not going to read it. internet arguing is pretty useless and I try to steer clear of it, so I don't know why I've even bothered as much as I have and this is also horribly off the topic of this thread, so I don't think it's fair to continue.

Food for thought: Shove an apple in your brain

supermario128 said:
My best guess would be 3 million at the most, but 1 to 2 million is much more likely. Of course, we don't know the final character roster yet, so maybe there will be a wider variety of characters than we would have thought. Even with huge third party support the cast won't even be close to what Nintendo can put out. I'd like to see Nintendo get a lot more 3rd party characters for their next game as well.

Hopefully now that their is competition, Nintendo will not want to be outdone so they will bring more 3rd party characters. I'm 95% sure that Rayman will be in it, so hopefully they will be able to keep Snake/Sonic and add Megaman, these 4 are the ideal 3rd party characters, dont see anyone better than those for a Smash game. With these you have 1 character from the biggest companys (Ubisoft, Capcom, Sega, Konami), maybe add Sora from KH for Square-enix, some chick from DoA for Tecmo (or Ryu from Ninja gaiden) and finaly that spiky hair guy from Tekken for Namco.


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)


Kasz you are saying that the addition to summoning is not a major part of the FF battle system?

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

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Final-Fan said:
Kasz you are saying that the addition to summoning is not a major part of the FF battle system?

Not really... summoning spells really were just a tweak on red mages.

Something like Gau or Umaro would be considrered a bigger change if you ask me.  I suppose it's equal to some of the stuff i listed though... which kinda makes my point for me.

happydolphin said:


That sadface could be pointed to a lot of things in my post, so please clarify. xD

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

happydolphin said:
Not sure you can call Cloud's condition amnesia. It's been a while though.

Clouds memories got mixed with Zack Fair when he died and because of Professor Hojo's experiments with Jenova cells on him. I do believe mako poisoning was involved as well. Basically he thought he was Zack.

Gilgamesh said:
happydolphin said:
Not sure you can call Cloud's condition amnesia. It's been a while though.

Clouds memories got mixed with Zack Fair when he died and because of Professor Hojo's experiments with Jenova cells on him. I do believe mako poisoning was involved as well. Basically he thought he was Zack.

That's it, that's why I thought it wasn't really amnesia, but some sort of sick biochemical tampering of thoughts and memories.

@outlawauron. It was about the quote trees

Mnementh said:

enditall727 said:

So you didn't played a MUD, a SRPG, a rogue-like? And you say you played them all?


you mean stuff like Dungeons and Dragons, chocobos dungeon,Pokemon Mystery Dungeon or Baroque? yea i play them


There also graphical variants, here a sceenshot from Doom-RL (that also has a text-mode):

And are you sure about Dungeon&Dragons? That's Dungeon&Dragons:

 That's not a rogue-like, that's an pen&paper. The source after which all vdeogame-RPGs are modeled.

enditall727 said:


i'm not too sure at the moment about the muds i've played but i played Runescape a LOOOOOOOOOOONG ass time ago

OK, some people call MMORPGS also MUDs. I'm not so sure, because they have a different gameplay. I would put them in an own category. But after the loose definition, yes runescape is a MUD. I was more after these sort:

As you type in your actions, you have potentially nearly unlimited options to act. The graphical RPGs tend to have a lot lesser options, as they have to be selected from menus or activated by clicking something.

enditall727 said:

I played them before the PS-series existed

yea, i started on the Super Nintendo

but if you didn't play on the PS1 and PS2 you started only this generation, because no RPG did exist before these consoles, no RPG did exist on platforms beside the PS-series. Sure....

who said that rpgs didn't exist before PlayStation's were around? okay, i see where this is going ;)

basically you want to use the fact that i'm a PlayStation Fan against me right? you are trying to create this illusion that i only play PlayStation RPGs right? so in your mind it is like this "oh he is only praising FF7 because he is a PlayStation fan" while ignoring the fact that maybe i just might be doing it because it was just simply a great game. Maybe you are trying to create that illusion to hide the fact that maybe you dont like them because they are simply PlayStation known games?

hopefully i'm wrong though, Icarus


I see you are only started with the Playstations to play RPGs

and what makes you say that? did i tell you that or did you just pull it out of your ass?

You made the impression, that all you know is PS-RPGs. You said something that as a RPG-fan you have to own PS1 and PS2. I did disagree, because many RPG-offerings also were on other consoles and on PC.


enditall727 said:

@ the top half of your comment

lets be serious for a second

everybody knows that Final Fantasy is the face of JRPGS

 Everybody knows what? What is thnat for an argument? That was the point I was disagreeing about in the beginning. FF may be the face of interactive-movie JRPGs. But that's only a little subgroup of the diversity of RPGs.

 You should back such ridiculous statements with some facts. As it stands it's only an unsubstantiated claim.

enditall727 said:

the JRPG is the face RPGS(this is pretty much changing now due to the WRPGs presence this gen and the JRPGs absence), Final Fantasy is the face of JRPGs and Final Fantasy 7 is the face of the Final Fantasy series

 The WRPGs are the first time a little bit more successful on console, and this makes them more present? Why, they were always there, on PC.

JRPGS are not the face of RPGs. They are only one flavour of the diversity the RPG-genre has to offer.

enditall727 said:

go up to a person who usually doesn't play rpgs(football,basketball player, boxer or whatever) and show them the case of an any RPG like Persona ,Evolution Worlds or a Tales Of and i guarantee you that the 1st thing they will most likely ask is "is it like Final Fantasy??"

 As I'm here in Europe, they may say: It's something like Baldur's gate or so. As I'm in Germany, they may even say it is something like DSA (Das Schwarze Auge). And your selection is very limited. Would you really think FF, if I show you Pokemon, Battle for Wesnoth, Monster Hunter or stuff like that?




oh i see but i still played them though and i'm sure their are other games that are like those that i've played but i cant remember the names of them.

I will play any RPG and that's that(i'm not too fond of MMO's though)


You made the impression, that all you know is PS-RPGs. You said something that as a RPG-fan you have to own PS1 and PS2. I did disagree, because many RPG-offerings also were on other consoles and on PC

i dont know how or why you got the impression that all i know is PS-RPGs. It seems more like you are just against PS rpgs to be honest

and everybody knows that PS1 and PS2 were basically known as the JRPG consoles and that they are the face of RPGs

 Everybody knows what? What is thnat for an argument? That was the point I was disagreeing about in the beginning. FF may be the face of interactive-movie JRPGs. But that's only a little subgroup of the diversity of RPGs

no, FF is the face of JRPGs

if a person was serious about JRPGs then i would point him towards the the Final Fantasy series(but i'm sure he woud've heard of it already) but if they were 100% newbie's to the game(playing JRPGs) then i would start them out with something like pokemon

Pokemon is like the noobie-ished friendly rpg there is

and seriously, who the fuck would even remotely try to disagree with that(FF being the face of JRPGs) besides maybe somebody like you and @Kasz??

You should back such ridiculous statements with some facts. As it stands it's only an unsubstantiated claim

me saying that Final Fantasy is the face of JRPGs is "ridiculous"?????????


ok, if Final Fantasy isn't the face of JRPGs then what series is then? I am going to love to see what your RPG cred comes up with..


The WRPGs are the first time a little bit more successful on console, and this makes them more present?

no, they have just become a lot more popular this gen while the JRPG has had an absence

Why, they were always there, on PC.

the majority dont really play PC games

to be honest, i never really knew too many people who played pc games and i didn't even know people still actually gamed on PC until i got on youtube and on forums like Vgchartz. I never really seen wrpgs splash last generation the way they do now

even to this day, the only people i know that play PC games are a select limited people over the internet. I dont know ANYBODY who plays PC games in the real. Everybody i know that has a PC DOESN'T actually game on it.

JRPGS are not the face of RPGs. They are only one flavour of the diversity the RPG-genre has to offer.

no, JRPGs(or atleast WRPGs) are definitely the face of RPGs and only a person who doesn't know sh!t about RPGs would claim different ^^-- i hope this doesn't get me banned


As I'm here in Europe, they may say: It's something like Baldur's gate or so. As I'm in Germany, they may even say it is something like DSA (Das Schwarze Auge). And your selection is very limited. Would you really think FF, if I show you Pokemon, Battle for Wesnoth, Monster Hunter or stuff like that?

no they would probably already know what Pokemon is just like how they would know what Final Fantasy is

and you probably wouldn't get anything from Monster Hunter