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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale Thread - OP Updated

TheKoreanGuy said:

Guys, remember the Michael promo from back before? Could this have been a possible teaser for this game?

List of characters found in the promo:


Nathan Drake, Lightning, Cole Macgrath, Sweet Tooth, Helghan, Chell (Portal)

Ghost (Modern Warfare), Athena, Kratos, Isaac (Dead Space), Agent 47

Joe Mauer (MLB the Show), Old Snake, Paul Phoenix, Parappa

Little Sister (Bioshock), Ezio, Rico (Killzone), Ratchet, Sackboy

I thought about this too but the promo doesn't have Parappa

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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sales2099 said:
Well I will leave this to the Nintendo fans vs Sony fans.

But my 360 centric take on this is: Not gonna come close to Smash Bros reviews or sales, and aside from Nathan Drake and Kratos its gonna be the most WTF list of characters seen in a "Big 3" fighting game.

Color me amused.

Thats expected from you, you are such a negative person.

dexterlablab1 said:
I DEMAND Tomba be in this!!

Or I swear, faces will be smacked, and heads will roll.

People like you make me realize the world does have a few individuals of good taste

M.U.G.E.N said:
TheKoreanGuy said:

Guys, remember the Michael promo from back before? Could this have been a possible teaser for this game?

List of characters found in the promo:


Nathan Drake, Lightning, Cole Macgrath, Sweet Tooth, Helghan, Chell (Portal)

Ghost (Modern Warfare), Athena, Kratos, Isaac (Dead Space), Agent 47

Joe Mauer (MLB the Show), Old Snake, Paul Phoenix, Parappa

Little Sister (Bioshock), Ezio, Rico (Killzone), Ratchet, Sackboy

I thought about this too but the promo doesn't have Parappa

This is IGN's analysis of the trailer when it came out. They mention Parappa at 2:03

Edit: Forgot to mention the Chimera from Resistance in the trailer also.

It looks... really damn fun! :D
Yes, its a clone of Smash Bros, I immediatly though about the Snake´s Final Smash when I saw the Level 3 Super from the Killzone guy, and about the PictoChat stage from Brawla when I sae the LBP stage that changes every now and then. This will be a win-win situation for all of us, we will either get another amazing Smash-like game or we could have a disaster of a game and laugh at Sony for being so shameless. Competition is good, and if Sony creates a great game, Nintendo will have to put extra effort and polish for the next SSB.

Around the Network
TheKoreanGuy said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
TheKoreanGuy said:

Guys, remember the Michael promo from back before? Could this have been a possible teaser for this game?

List of characters found in the promo:


Nathan Drake, Lightning, Cole Macgrath, Sweet Tooth, Helghan, Chell (Portal)

Ghost (Modern Warfare), Athena, Kratos, Isaac (Dead Space), Agent 47

Joe Mauer (MLB the Show), Old Snake, Paul Phoenix, Parappa

Little Sister (Bioshock), Ezio, Rico (Killzone), Ratchet, Sackboy

I thought about this too but the promo doesn't have Parappa

This is IGN's analysis of the trailer when it came out. They mention Parappa at 2:03

Edit: Forgot to mention the Chimera from Resistance in the trailer also.

If you look close enough when holds the Michael picture frame up, you can see what appears to be a Robot like the ones on SuperBot's page and their logo. 

CGI-Quality said:
snfr said:
gentii said:
snfr said:
Some people's comments are really funny, ridiculous and also quite predictable.

However, it looks a lot like Smash Bros., but I enjoyed every single SSB game. So I'm definitely interested in this and I'm looking forward to more info. I also hope that Sony tries a few new things that Nintendo haven't done with Show

SONY is so great for Copying Nintendo !!! Well Done SONY

GOO SONY? COPY the next thing THE Wii U Tablet


hahahahahahahahahahaha everything when copy is MADE IN CHINA hahahahahahahhaha SONY CHINA

Thanks for indirectly implying that I'm a Sony fanboy, it gives me a reason to report you. (You're also probably an alt...)

"Childish" is an understatement for someone like you.

Why he's yet to be banned is beyond me.

Perhaps he got a warning at least, well... I hope so.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


Since it seems VGChartz only wants to complain and not actually read up about the game, I will provide the information for you all.

Here is a breakdown of the (6) characters shown thus far. I am sure you will find differences to how characters differ in Smash Bros.

Parappa the Rapper: Parappa is small and fast; a short-range melee character. His moves come right out of Chop Chop Master Onion's kung-fu dojo, though you'll have to be right up on your opponents to connect with most of them. One of his most useful moves is also pretty funny: he brings out his Boxy Boy boom box (it arrives with the classic "Aw yeah!" hip-hop sample) to the play field, where it spews AP bubbles that can be picked up to charge super meters. Smart players were using the boom box to level up and use Parappa's skateboard super, which dashes through and knocks out anyone in sight. It's a total dick move, but it works, and wins matches.

: Killzone character Radec isn't as cute as our favorite dog rapper, but he makes up for it with badassness. He's quite the opposite of Parappa, working best as a long-distance attacker, with projectiles and lasers that easily land hits on the opposite side of the play field. His level one super gives the player a reticule that can be placed over any character to direct a large-scale fire attack.

Sweet Tooth: Those wanting to play as a strong bully will want to choose Twisted Metal's scary clown hero. He's huge and all about space control, with attacks that can send you flying. Up close he hits really hard, so stay away if you can. I loved using him to shoulder check enemies to send flying across the screen. His level three special is flashy, bringing fire and parts flying out of the sky to his body to turn him into Mechatooth, armed with a machine gun that will easily mow all opponents down.

Fat Princess: No one picked the big girl in the first rounds, but I found that she was one of my favorites after trying her out. I fell in love after seeing her match opening animation, which has her instantly plumping up after downing a piece of cake. Princess has swinging mid-range attacks that are fast and reliable, and they provide good defense, as a lot of jumping and blind swinging can take place. She's surprisingly agile and has lots of power.

Sly Cooper: Sly is unique in that he has no defense at all. Instead, and true to his character, he can turn invisible by hitting the block button. This makes him quite a bit more sneaky, as he can get behind opponents to use his special moves in close range. His normal attacks glide him from platform to platform, and he can fly/attack diagonally, making him great at recovery.

Kratos: Anyone that has enjoyed any of the God of War games will feel right at home with Kratos, as he plays exactly the same in All-Stars. He's the best all-arounder of the initial line-up, with a mix of both ranged and close quarters moves. His spin attacks take up huge space, and his spear-based pokes will push you back. He's a beast.


Also, here are some gameplay tidbits.


- The team consists of members with extensive backgrounds in fighting and combat titles

- Either the left analog stick or the d-pad controls movement of your character.

- The right stick will let you perform throws, with different ones assigned to each direction.

- The X button jumps, and the other three face buttons are assigned to different attacks.

- L1 blocks and R1 picks up items.

- R2, executes a super move. While fighting, you'll build up a meter that lets you perform a super move that knocks out characters.

- Also, some attacks knock AP (action points) out of opponents, letting others pick them up to fill up these meters. There are three levels of supers, each one stronger than the last, and each requiring another filling of this meter. If you can manage to land hits and survive long enough, a level three super can knock out all other players, earning you points.

- Victory goes to the player with the highest number of KOs; knocking out a character adds to your score while being knocked out subtracts from it.

- So, there's nothing in the way of health bars here, as health doesn't really matter in the long run.

- Most of the matches I played were frantic free-for-alls that had us hitting each other in any way possible in an effort to get those meters filled up.

- get excited about the control, because it's outstanding. SuperBot really nailed it. It's fast, super-responsive, and never gets in the way of the crazy action. The in-air stuff is not floaty at all; jumps do what you need them to, when you need them to. I never had a problem blocking, platforming or recovering.

- While the game may look the same, it feels much different.

- You don't die from going out of the ring.

- Things in background can hit you and reduce your AP. In the LBP level, when Buzz asks you questions, you get KO'd if you try to answer it and you answer wrong.

- The glow around characters signifies your "Smash" power level.

- The game can be played locally or online with up to four players, which will no doubt be the meat of the experience for many players. But a single-player campaign has also been promised, one that will satisfy solo gamers while supplementing everyone else's experience. It's not only about online or only about single-player, but rather a combination of both. In other words: the best of both worlds.(Possibly meaning that if the next stage is against Kratos, it will pit you either against a CPU controlled Kratos or have your opponent be someone playing as Kratos online. Remember the Monk boss in Demon's Souls??)

- Tons of gameplay options, including stock lives, weapon drops, etc...



Biggest part of all is that there is plenty more for them to reveal.




See? It pays to look into something before making claims. Sly alone shows one major difference, which is that each character will have different move sets. I believe in Smash Bros. everyone has the same block, which is the small red ball like aura. Sly has no defense at all, just invisibilities, which adds a different gameplay style if you use him.

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Those snippets are from IGN and Destructoid.

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pezus said:
sales2099 said:
Well I will leave this to the Nintendo fans vs Sony fans.

But my 360 centric take on this is: Not gonna come close to Smash Bros reviews or sales, and aside from Nathan Drake and Kratos its gonna be the most WTF list of characters seen in a "Big 3" fighting game.

Color me amused.

Just be happy MS didn't make a similar game. That would mean a lot of work for you defending the roster

I mean really it would be Master chief, Don/Marcus, a random car from Forza and that dude from lost odyssey. Hell of a roster, right? :D

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian