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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendo earnings net loss 43 Billion yen, 3DS still sold at loss (until approx August '12)

The drop in earnings also shows one key ingredient for Nintendo's success: SW sales. Since the 3DS wasn't able to pick up the DS' legacy from a SW PoV in FY 2011, expect FY 2012's resurgence of 3DS SW sales to address the lackings for the next fiscal year. Added to profitability on 3DS HW, and increase in HW sales, Nintendo is looking fine.

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Evereything overtracked like I expected.

Wii is dead.
3DS is not selling in the West like people here would like to think.
DS should never surpass the PS2.

Seem intersting to see the future adjustments... now waiting 17th May.

^3DS is not selling like people here wants to show is a terrible misstatement ethomaz. Can you be more specific, it would make you sound less biased? Try "3DS is not selling in the West like people here would like to think".

happydolphin said:
^3DS is not selling like people here wants to show is a terrible misstatement ethomaz. Can you be more specific, it would make you sound less biased? Try "3DS is not selling in the West like people here would like to think".

lol thanks... I'm really bad with english .

I'm waiting the Presentation slides with the hardware/software sales breakdown by region (SOLD and not SHIPPED)... one or two day to Nintendo release them.

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People are thinking 3DS is selling well in the west? I fail to see who, not kidding, at least here. 3DS received an internet fame of beast after it started selling well (price cut + games), but here in VGChartz, only japan is giving good numbers, and barely! There'll never be a DS anymore.

Anyway, I still don't know why people argue about VGChartz numbers, it's good to have them, but they can be no ammo for both sides of the discussion. If someone want to "battle", they should always use shipped numbers.

^I think sold numbers give a good idea of end-client reception of a product, though.

Time for Nintendo to release that 3DSiXL Motion Plus with Rumble Pak and Vitality Sensor pack in

kowenicki said:
ethomaz said:

Evereything overtracked like I expected.

Wii is dead.
3DS is not selling in the West like people here would like to think.
DS should never surpass the PS2.

Seem intersting to see the future adjustments... now waiting 17th May.

jesus... how would you sumamrise the Vita then?

Vita sales are bad... how bad? I don't know yet... I'm waiting the Sony numbers for a better view.

Anyway what the bad vita sales have to do with the bad 3DS sales??? I'm talking just about 3DS here.

kowenicki said:
ethomaz said:
kowenicki said:
ethomaz said:

Evereything overtracked like I expected.

Wii is dead.
3DS is not selling in the West like people here would like to think.
DS should never surpass the PS2.

Seem intersting to see the future adjustments... now waiting 17th May.

jesus... how would you sumamrise the Vita then?

Vita sales are bad... how bad? I don't know yet... I'm waiting the Sony numbers for a better view.

Anyway what the bad vita sales have to do with the bad 3DS sales??? I'm talking just about 3DS here.

the sony shipment numbers you mean?  i didnt think they mattered???  you change your arguments and expectations and predictions (guesses) to suit the day.....

What? I'm saying to you every time 3DS is not selling like you think... it's not OK... it's bad... Vita in the same way or even worst.