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Forums - Sony Discussion - Should Sony ditch the Playstation Vita?

RolStoppable said:
Chark said:

And why would a Mario Land and a Mario Kart game escape that label? They are both console games. Why would I want to play them on a 3.5" screen?

Because Nintendo games aren't epic, so the lack of a big screen and dolby surround don't have any notable negative impact.

I doubt the only people buying games like Uncharted have large screens and surround sound. I've played Golden Abyss and felt it fit just fine. The daul analogs makes a previously console only experience fit. The vita's screen also puts out a very nice picture. Vita has some nice speakers on it and headphones can really help take you into the game. The talk about console vs handheld is getting really old, I don't feel there needs to be a seperation.

To form an anology it seems like; there is your favorite cafe, where you get your coffee. They sell coffee in 8 oz cups. One day you go in and now they have 8 oz cups and 16 oz cups. All of the sudden the coffee shop isn't doing it right? From what I can tell it is now catering to customers that like larger cups or both. You can still get your 8oz cups, so why all this butthurt? No offense directed to anyone, just in general. This concept seems to be permeated in individuals and ideas spread, especially negative ones, like herpes. While positive views don't get their fair share of traction. People are wired to accept cynicism as a survival mechanism and to be skepticle over praise. I think if you are going to lay waste to opinions and spread your own, at least try it. And just so you know the 3DS is doing the same thing, console experiences, like Resident Evil: Revelations? Adding a second analog stick? Is this really about how things should be done or a primal fear of change?

onsoles have been doing the same thing for a long time, smaller games are pretty prevelant on home consoles. I know one might argue "but this is downsizing a larger game", true but the screen is much closer to you. If the system is capable let it do what it can. You don't like it, don't buy it. Right now Golden Abyss is the biggest selling Vita game. I'd guess other "console type" games will sell well too.

Though screen size and surround could be negatives, I can't take my TV out the door with me, but I can put on some headphones and take my Vita. Home console quality games on a handheld are a HUGE positive. It's been a very long time since a handheld has been able to replicate the majority of console games. Every since the adoption of the analog stick, handheld gaming has been missing out on the control and gameplay changes consoles have. Last gen handhelds had to change gameplay styles entirely to fit some series from home consoles.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

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Plezbo said:
CGI-Quality said:
The Vita isn't lacking good games, it's lacking the price point that will grab mass appeal. Much like the 3DS, when that price comes down, its sales will go up. 

I have to disagree with you.  What games does Vita have that wouldn't be better on PS3?  Nintendo made this mistake by only releasing Ocarina of Time and StarFox 64, home console games, in between launch and "Sorry for the Wait" Price Drop-Mario Time.  Even though the games out now for Vita have great graphics and all that, almost all of them are just better suited to be "Sit in front of the TV" experiences.

Price point makes this problem worse, but it isnt the only problem.  3DS sales went up when the price went down, but not until 3D Land and Kart 7 did they really explode.  Vita needs a killer AAA title that is tailored specifically for a mobile experience.  Why would I want to play Uncharted on a 5 inch screen when I have my 60" Plasma at home?

This comment always make me crazy i really don't understand  the people probleme with the handheld of Sony,3ds has also many consoles games like Resident Evil Revelations,Fifa,PES ,Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3Detc why i would play this game in a tiny screen instead of a big screen but people has any problem with that it's just a problem for them when this type of game realised in PSP or PSVita.

Little big planet is better suited for PSVita then PS3 konami annonnced  Silent Hill for vita who is different from other game in the serie but evryone was angry and would have a traditionnal silent hill .

Also peoples seem to forget that PSVita has olso original game like escape plan,Little Deviants,Gravity rush,Sound Shape and the recently annonnced game Soul Sacrifice why people who critizise the console like game ignore this games.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

mike_intellivision said:
larasactua said:

You need to see the VITA not only as a standalone handheld but Sony can also use the PSV as additional controller for the PS4, such as the Wii-U and its ugly touch screen.

I can see it , like when playing an MMORPG on the PS4 and big screen while you have all your spells, weapons, potions, herbs and other items easily accesible from the Vita touch screen. or it can display a map in HD resolution or character stats or as trade shop system or for typing communication... lots of things this could be used for.

I can also see the PS4 bundled with the PSV, like the Wii-U and its controller screen, so the Vita can have a bright future, if Sony is really going that way.


Also dont forget the idea of playing games on different devices. Like EA said, play your FIFA games on the big screen, and when out for the day, you can scout or trade, or practice your players on the go.

So, I dont think that games alone will help the PSV to sell, it should be functionality also. Currently the device cant even play youtube streams and has no copy&paste for the browser. Thats the basic functionalities a 2012 device should have, so Sony should work on that or allow developers to use the PS Suite better. 

I am not sure that a $250 controller is going to be a hit with buyers.

The unit needs software. But Sony can't buy third party hits (ezclusivity) like it once did.


Mike from Morgantown

I do like the idea of a Vita controller for the PS4, but it won't be the only option. If you have a Vita you can use it. Game developers will simply have to program some form of interface that can be interchangeable when using a Vita or a daulshock and display whatever it was on the Vita on the screen or in a menu. It won't be too hard on the developer to add an extra menu type interface, and with the Wii U multiplats will be doing it already.

What I don't see is the Vita being the standard controller. Though it won't be as expensive as time goes on, during the PS4 launch it probably still will be. That and the Vita is a console itself so there would be way too much confusion with user accounts and so on. What I could see Sony doing is creating a stripped down Vita as the new Daulshock 4. A streaming device like the Wii U tablet. Probably design it more allong the lines of a Daulshock 3 controller, handles and whatnot. The only problem would be the size. The Vita is already a little bigger than the Daulshock 3, and that's with the smaller buttons. To maintain the button sizes and the screen size the controller would be and inch or 2 wider. They might also keep the analogs below the screen, making it longer. I guess the screen could be tilted....Oh my God! What am I creating in my head!

Okay, it can be done, but I'm not sure exactly how or in what way. It would have to be larger than the Vita unless they go with an empty streaming Vita and swtich over to smaller analogs and buttons, eliminating the L2, R2, L3, R3 for back touch controlls.

Oh by the way, larasuctua, you should probably not include things like  "and it's ugly touch screen". No need for that.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

RolStoppable said:

Mhm, mhm, mhm.

Did you ever look at the sales of Resident Evil: Revelations, especially the distribution of these sales across the three major regions? Should give you an idea of the market.

I don't think sales of a core 3rd party game on a Nintendo platform should be used as an indicator of anything really

RolStoppable said:
logic56 said:
RolStoppable said:

Mhm, mhm, mhm.

Did you ever look at the sales of Resident Evil: Revelations, especially the distribution of these sales across the three major regions? Should give you an idea of the market.

I don't think sales of a core 3rd party game on a Nintendo platform should be used as an indicator of anything really

Meh, I have an ace up my sleeve: The entire PSP library.

lol GTA did pretty well, had not been for piracy I think others would have done pretty well also

plus PSP couldn't do half the things the Vita can do (and because you probably won't get it, that statement has more to with the 3DS than it does the Vita)

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Chark said:

And why would a Mario Land and a Mario Kart game escape that label? They are both console games. Why would I want to play them on a 3.5" screen?

3D Land is specifically designed for 5-10 minutes at a time levels, so optimized for handheld.  Mario Kart is definitely a great game on consoles, but it is the ultimate travel game, as you can sneak in a few races at the airport, or challenge a bunch of kids on your flight and laugh as they cry to their parents that someone cheated to beat them.  These games rely on gameplay alone, not fancy cinematic experiences, to woo consumers.  Uncharted is an interactive movie, it should be experienced as such, which is why it has sold 500K while these other two have sold >5M.

i am eyeing on vita. if there is a good limited edition version like gun metal metal gear ps3 with a small price cut, i am going for it. i dont commute that much but spends some time on the subway and stuff. it will be fun. i really dont think i will play at home due to my ps3s at home.

small44 said:

This comment always make me crazy i really don't understand  the people probleme with the handheld of Sony,3ds has also many consoles games like Resident Evil Revelations,Fifa,PES ,Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3Detc why i would play this game in a tiny screen instead of a big screen but people has any problem with that it's just a problem for them when this type of game realised in PSP or PSVita.

None of these games is selling well on 3DS, it wasn't a good idea in their case either.  Look at the games that have sold over 1 Million on the 3DS, they are all taylored for the handheld, or Zelda. 

Everyone saying that Uncharted is the best selling game on Vita is missing the point.  Its the best selling game on a system without a million seller.  3DS had this same problem, once they got some good, portable games, the thing went through the roof.  I rest my case. 

From the little I've played of Golden Abyss, it doesn't hold a candle to the original series. But what do I know, I barely played either. What do you more experienced guys think?

Bestsellers game in psp are console like game and it will not be different for psvita Uncharted Golden Abyss will surely sell more then Gravity daze witch is the best new ip in psvita.

How developpers will make new ip when port and remake sold better?

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m