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Forums - Website Topics - Seece in April 2011: Kinect Guarenteed to top 10m in Q4 2011!, Motion Controls Still A Fad!

Lord Ciansworth said:
TheSource said:

As far as I can tell Seece got my screen name from Brett just so he could make fun of me. I did the Japanese data from August 2008 to March 2012 as a favor to Brett, and I wrote articles because Brett asked me to. I did the preview because Brett asked me to, from April 2007 to February 2012 in one form or another. Seece  and a couple others were essentially hired originally because the site used to be 40 / 40 / 20 between Nintendo / Sony / Microsoft fans. The idea was to hire fanboy writers for Microsoft...and yes I have that conversation too if I really wanted to be a dick.

I am just fascinated by these two sentences. Food for thought?

Yeah, I found that post to be quite astonishing too.


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EDIT: don't wanna break the thread!

What the fuck? Damn mudslinging politics man, crazy. Well might as well go all out fellas, expose the shit out of each other.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.

Dont know why you guys are suprised VGChartz wanted to hire some 360 fans, after all to this day 360 fans are a huge minority on this site. There was a time on this site if you even mentioned the word 360 you were treated like some crazy person with a disease or something.

That being said I wouldn't say things are quite as hostile now for the most part but how you guys are surprised by that sentance is just weird. If I were ioi I would want to start getting some more 360 fans on the site as well especially how strong its been as of late.

RolStoppable said:
Carl2291 said:
Lord Ciansworth said:
TheSource said:

As far as I can tell Seece got my screen name from Brett just so he could make fun of me. I did the Japanese data from August 2008 to March 2012 as a favor to Brett, and I wrote articles because Brett asked me to. I did the preview because Brett asked me to, from April 2007 to February 2012 in one form or another. Seece  and a couple others were essentially hired originally because the site used to be 40 / 40 / 20 between Nintendo / Sony / Microsoft fans. The idea was to hire fanboy writers for Microsoft...and yes I have that conversation too if I really wanted to be a dick.

I am just fascinated by these two sentences. Food for thought?


Yeah, I found that post to be quite astonishing too.

Well, in 2007 some moderators were picked by the same criteria. VGC was deemed to be highly Nintendo biased, so some moderators were added based on their console preference.

The Sony moderator called us Nintendo fans out in a thread, because we were "masturbating to Iwata". True story.

But I masturbate to Hirai all the time. He's solid 8/10 material.

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RolStoppable said:

The Sony moderator called us Nintendo fans out in a thread, because we were "masturbating to Iwata". True story.

By "true story", you mean you guys used to actually have masturbating sessions here on VGChartz? Wow, VGVhartz was so cool back in the day. Now, you can't even have sexual avatars. What a drop in quality.

A mod said that? That's funny

I feel to be a mod, you cant really be too attached to a certain company. You have to have open views on all 3 and be able to judge something without bias getting in the way.

Id be a terrible mod. Id ban anyone who puts down Valkyria Chronicles.


toadslayer72 said:
What the fuck? Damn mudslinging politics man, crazy. Well might as well go all out fellas, expose the shit out of each other.

Well I thought osamanobama was a racist & homophobic doucebag... But that's about it, I don't 'dislike' anyone else on this site really. I probably shouldn't have even posted this :-p

RolStoppable said:
Carl2291 said:
Lord Ciansworth said:
TheSource said:

As far as I can tell Seece got my screen name from Brett just so he could make fun of me. I did the Japanese data from August 2008 to March 2012 as a favor to Brett, and I wrote articles because Brett asked me to. I did the preview because Brett asked me to, from April 2007 to February 2012 in one form or another. Seece  and a couple others were essentially hired originally because the site used to be 40 / 40 / 20 between Nintendo / Sony / Microsoft fans. The idea was to hire fanboy writers for Microsoft...and yes I have that conversation too if I really wanted to be a dick.

I am just fascinated by these two sentences. Food for thought?


Yeah, I found that post to be quite astonishing too.

Well, in 2007 some moderators were picked by the same criteria. VGC was deemed to be highly Nintendo biased, so some moderators were added based on their console preference.

The Sony moderator called us Nintendo fans out in a thread, because we were "masturbating to Iwata". True story.

That's beyond ridiculous! Hiring people because they're Xbox nuts, rather than in spite of that fact. I mean, how do you ever expect to maintain any integrity and independence in your site's output? That said, all of this does begin to explain the absurd and downright aggressive conduct of certain staff members in forums, and why they are allowed to continually get away with it.