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Forums - Sony Discussion - God of War: Ascension announced for PS3. Boxart, TRAILER inside.

This is the most stupid discussion I´ve ever seen since more then 3 sites people are arguing about the same damn thing without the slightest fucking progress. And all post are the same, if somebody thinks the GoW franchise is milked then let em think that goddamnit and the same is for Halo you can´t change each others view so let it be.

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zero129 said:
Player1x3 said:
zero129 said:
Player1x3 said:
zero129 said:
Player1x3 said:

No. Not only a sequel to the main series is counted as a true game. There are going to be 4 Halo games on 360 by the end of 2012. (not counting ODST and Anniversary) There are going to be 2 GOW games on PS3 by the end of 2013 (not counting HD collections)... Only a unique game is counted

Well MS doesnt have a handheld to give their Halo games to. so we might as well count how many games of each the has been this gen as it is only right.

The has been 3 Gow games this gen, and 3 Halo FPS games this gen. at the end of the gen the will be 4 each.

Anyway like i already said both series have not been milked, so can we give this a rest now?. And just be happy we are getting a new Gow -_-

MS has Games for Windows...but that doesn't matter, i was talking about PS360 only

And that has anything to do with it?. The still only has been 3 Halo FPS games this gen (Not including Hd versions of old games) and 3 GoW games this gen.  Why are you even keeping this up?. unless your trying to say one of the 2 is being milked, when its clear both of them are not....

So far, there was only 1 GOW game on Ps3.

So far, there have been 3 Halo games on 360 (not counting ODST or Anniversary, OR not counting Anniversary and Wars)

Why you quoted me again ?

But the original question wasn't how many GOW games the has been on the PS3, but how many GOW games has been released "THIS GEN".

And the answer to that question is 3. You cant just leave out the PSP games, as they are still in the same style, they are from this gen, they are not remakes of older GoW etc.

It would be like if MS released an exclusive Halo FPS game on Windows (Since you added Windows), it would still be included as Halo game from this gen.

Anyway both games are not being milked. And like pezus said, if they can keep up the great quality i wish they would milk them more.

Yes and i said there has been only one GOW game on PS3 this gen. And if you're gonna include PSP GOW games why not include Halo games for a cell phone ? It makes about as much sense

I dont know if any of u guys caught on to this but if u pay close attention to the trailer,u will notice the narrator emphasizes alot on TIME.She also switches from past tense to future tense also. For example when she says "There was a time before Kratos became the ghost of Sparta ... a time when something other than rage consumed him. A time when Kratos would break his blood oath to an unjust god." Here she is referring to the time before Kratos killed his family and became the ghost of sparta.Most likely she is also talking about the time in which Kratos was the captain of the spartan army and before he promised to serve Ares.Then she says "A time in which he WILL no longer be bound in blood" Here she is referring to something of the future.Maybe this can be an indication that Kratos will go back in time to save his family instead.The trailer does seem to give us the idea that this GOW will be a prequel,but if u really break down everything the narrator was saying and how she was hinting that there was a "TIME" before Kratos became the ghost of sparta,a "TIME" before he was consumed by rage.I think the devs want us to think this is a prequel but in fact it is a sequel to GOW3.And if it is in fact a sequel,what I think the devs will do is show us what actually happened to Kratos at the end of GOW3 and where he disappeared to.And if Kratos does go back in time to save his family,this will allow the players to experience the events of Kratos' life before he became a mad man,before he killed his family and before he gave his life to Ares thus explaining why the narrator kept emphasizing on "TIME" in the trailer.

Ok so after first being super let down it was probably a prequal I've warmed up to it.

Still would have preferred a true GOD IV but you know what, the other games in the franchise have been so rediculously awesome I don't even care at this point I just want to play another GOW game. GOW 3 had seriously some of the most incredible boss battles I've every played and I still think at times GOW3 is the most beautiful console game ever released the Posiedon battle in particular looking gorgeous.

That being said though I do hope they freshen up the gameplay because in terms of gameplay GOW3 felt a little too familiar to me. They need a totally new hook for gameplay, CO-OP woulve been nice but since thats been ruled out hopefully they bring in something totally new.

pezus said:
gcarline2020 said:
I dont know if any of u guys caught on to this but if u pay close attention to the trailer,u will notice the narrator emphasizes alot on TIME.She also switches from past tense to future tense also. For example when she says "There was a time before Kratos became the ghost of Sparta ... a time when something other than rage consumed him. A time when Kratos would break his blood oath to an unjust god." Here she is referring to the time before Kratos killed his family and became the ghost of sparta.Most likely she is also talking about the time in which Kratos was the captain of the spartan army and before he promised to serve Ares.Then she says "A time in which he WILL no longer be bound in blood" Here she is referring to something of the future.Maybe this can be an indication that Kratos will go back in time to save his family instead.The trailer does seem to give us the idea that this GOW will be a prequel,but if u really break down everything the narrator was saying and how she was hinting that there was a "TIME" before Kratos became the ghost of sparta,a "TIME" before he was consumed by rage.I think the devs want us to think this is a prequel but in fact it is a sequel to GOW3.And if it is in fact a sequel,what I think the devs will do is show us what actually happened to Kratos at the end of GOW3 and where he disappeared to.And if Kratos does go back in time to save his family,this will allow the players to experience the events of Kratos' life before he became a mad man,before he killed his family and before he gave his life to Ares thus explaining why the narrator kept emphasizing on "TIME" in the trailer.

This is an excellent point, I was beginning to suspect something to that as well ESPECIALLY since they said we have seen nothing yet AND because it's on a console. There has never been a GoW prequel made for a console thus far, why start now?

Yea there has to be a reason they are doing it for console and not the vita/psp.GOW3's engine is amazing,so for them to push it further and improve on what they already have is a good starting point since they only did one GOW game on PS3 so far.U can only gather so much from this trailer but to be honest I'm more excited for this GOW than any other GOW simply because I'm interested in seeing what they will do with this one.The story has me interested the most,especially since they will take us to how it began and see the events unfold( I assume).I think it would be a dumb move on the devs part to make this GOW a full blown prequel,GOW fans already pretty much know the story of Kratos,we know he served Ares,killed his family,raged with the gods,etc...but a prequel and sequel in the same game?I think thats possible,it seems they are using the concept of time so we'll have to see what ascension actually means to Kratos.Maybe him rising pass the level of a god?Who knows

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M.U.G.E.N said:
Tridrakious said:
I wish that was going to be the final boxart for the game. That is epic. However we're probably going to get a another close up of Kratos' eye. Maybe they will at least add a tear going down it.

it will be the right eye this time around. we haven't seen that one up close yet I guess

That is true. Got to show the softer side to Kratos. You know, how sensitive he is.

I also want to say that I'm so damn happy that Linda Hunt is back as the narrator/Gaia! I was so disappointed when she wasn't in God of War III passed the intro. Susan was alright as Gaia (GoW III), but Linda Hunt is amazing.

Wait Gaia is going to be in this game?

How? She's dead, and if its a prequel she wasn't even involved until later in the storyline but this is supposed to adress Kratos before he was a god

Guys could this game be about his youth? How he started off as a soldier to rise and become a general and so on!

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@ pezus

GAH I need more info the GOW hype is taking me over, I need gameplay footage and some story details NOW!!!