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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Fire Emblem: Awakening thread- European DLC 16/5 out now!

irstupid said:
newwil7l said:
noname2200 said:
newwil7l said:
Does anyone know how many times you can use a master or second seal on the same person?

Infinite times, assuming they're at least level 10 in a base class.

Wow I guess I will my make my avatar and cordeilia invincible. My two favorite characters.

Forwarning.  leveling up becomes super slow after each time of second sealing.

I also love Cordelia.  Here is what I did.

Pegasus Knight lvl 20

Dark Mage lvl 20

Sorcerer lvl 20 (Tomebreaker)

Bow Knight lvl 15 (Bow Breaker)

Falcon Knight lvl 15 (Lancefaire)

finally ending with 

Dark Flier lvl 20 (Galeforce)

Those are the four main skills I wanted with her.  I am currently lvl 12 Falcon Knight.  Right now even killing a boss type character I get only like 20 xp at most.  I usually get like 5 xp per kill with her.  

So as tempting as it is to make a character godly, just remember that it will require a shit ton of grinding to get to that.  It would be great to also get Lifetaker from the Dark Knight skill, but I don't know if I could handle grinding another class to level 15 at least.  I used to level them to 20, but then I realized it was pointless cause I basically alrady have max stats.  I think only mag isn't at max right now.

Thanks also was it a bad idea to have my avatar and cordelia to marry? Who are the best choices for everyone

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newwil7l said:
irstupid said:
newwil7l said:
noname2200 said:
newwil7l said:
Does anyone know how many times you can use a master or second seal on the same person?

Infinite times, assuming they're at least level 10 in a base class.

Wow I guess I will my make my avatar and cordeilia invincible. My two favorite characters.

Forwarning.  leveling up becomes super slow after each time of second sealing.

I also love Cordelia.  Here is what I did.

Pegasus Knight lvl 20

Dark Mage lvl 20

Sorcerer lvl 20 (Tomebreaker)

Bow Knight lvl 15 (Bow Breaker)

Falcon Knight lvl 15 (Lancefaire)

finally ending with 

Dark Flier lvl 20 (Galeforce)

Those are the four main skills I wanted with her.  I am currently lvl 12 Falcon Knight.  Right now even killing a boss type character I get only like 20 xp at most.  I usually get like 5 xp per kill with her.  

So as tempting as it is to make a character godly, just remember that it will require a shit ton of grinding to get to that.  It would be great to also get Lifetaker from the Dark Knight skill, but I don't know if I could handle grinding another class to level 15 at least.  I used to level them to 20, but then I realized it was pointless cause I basically alrady have max stats.  I think only mag isn't at max right now.

Thanks also was it a bad idea to have my avatar and cordelia to marry? Who are the best choices for everyone

Well personally I think best choice for avatar is Chrom cause then your kid gets the skill "rightful king"  But not every person would want to make their avatar a female.  For some reason people kind of like to think of themselves as the Avatar and not just another character.  

But marriages are all up to you.  the last skill in each parents skill list is what carries over to the kid.  So just look at what classes the kid can train in and find the best skills the kid can learn.  Then decide what skill you wish they could learn.  If the mom can't give the kid that skill, have the mom marry a guy who can learn that skill adn thus transfer it over.

For example.  Lucina could not learn the skill Pavise and neither could her "guaranteed" parent.  Thus I have her parent marry someone who had learned the skill and thus was able to give Lucina the skill Pavise.

So just look at it that way.  Just take any kid, such as say Owain.  He can be a Myrmidon, Priest or Barbarian.  If you want to give him a skill that say Pegasus knights get, then he has to get it either from his mom or father.  

That's how I decide on parent/kids.  At least strategy wise.  Sometimes I say screw it and just pair up people I find a good match through their support convos.

Well I think noname has done a pretty good job of explaining some of the fundamentals of the series here. Good job!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

newwil7l said:

Don't get it on the XL its worse

Why do you say that? I heard that the XL was much more comfortable, had better 3D, and obviously has the bigger screen. Is it just for that game or you don't like the XL in general?

@noname: So the gameplay won't be confusing even with all the classes?

@stupid: Once I play it I will understand? That's good. I don't want another Prime situation. Thanks for farther explaining and mentioning grass and sand and stuff. It sounds like its a full out RPG unlike Paper Mario. I've never played an RPG other than Pokemon so I don't know what to expect.

By the way, anyone know how long the main game is?

Cold-Flipper said:

newwil7l said:

Don't get it on the XL its worse


By the way, anyone know how long the main game is?

Straight playthrough of the main game without any sidequests and all takes around 20-30hrs.

More than that if you play on classic and you have to keep resetting in order to save a character. (I'm clocked on 43hrs, but actual playtime is closer to 60hrs becuase of all the soft resets I did.) Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

Around the Network
Cold-Flipper said:

newwil7l said:

Don't get it on the XL its worse

Why do you say that? I heard that the XL was much more comfortable, had better 3D, and obviously has the bigger screen. Is it just for that game or you don't like the XL in general?

Well I'm getting the XL with FE decals and the game pre-installed. I'd better hope it's good!

Near enough everyone I've spoken to say it's the better version as well, so...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Cold-Flipper said:

newwil7l said:

Don't get it on the XL its worse

Why do you say that? I heard that the XL was much more comfortable, had better 3D, and obviously has the bigger screen. Is it just for that game or you don't like the XL in general?

@noname: So the gameplay won't be confusing even with all the classes?

@stupid: Once I play it I will understand? That's good. I don't want another Prime situation. Thanks for farther explaining and mentioning grass and sand and stuff. It sounds like its a full out RPG unlike Paper Mario. I've never played an RPG other than Pokemon so I don't know what to expect.

By the way, anyone know how long the main game is?

I agree that the XL is better, but not for Fire Emblem because its too blocky. The game is about 60+ hours

I got all relationships fixed up yesterday, then blew out my tire on the way home from work...

Did most of Owain's paralogue while waiting at the garage today. Pretty easy so far, but he got stuck with a skill that is only useful to staff-wielders

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

newwil7l said:

I agree that the XL is better, but not for Fire Emblem because its too blocky. The game is about 60+ hours

I will probably get an XL before getting the game (if I get it) because my regular 3DS, while a good system, has many issues. The XL seems to fix these problems. I don't think I'll mind the blockiness at all. Sounds like a long game which is good as long as it doesn't get repetitive. That's actually my main concern is that the Gameplay will be too repetitive.

Cold-Flipper said:

newwil7l said:

I agree that the XL is better, but not for Fire Emblem because its too blocky. The game is about 60+ hours

I will probably get an XL before getting the game (if I get it) because my regular 3DS, while a good system, has many issues. The XL seems to fix these problems. I don't think I'll mind the blockiness at all. Sounds like a long game which is good as long as it doesn't get repetitive. That's actually my main concern is that the Gameplay will be too repetitive.

Not only is it long which is great but it also has great replay value.