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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Xenoblade thread- Opinions, thoughts and questions inside! Can it hit 1mil in sales next year? Sequel coming for Wii U???


What is the best 'major' area in the game?

Colony 9 39 12.34%
Bionis' Leg 83 26.27%
The Marsh 20 6.33%
The Forest 17 5.38%
The Sea 24 7.59%
The Mountain 13 4.11%
The Valley 5 1.58%
Fallen Arm 22 6.96%
The Field of Metal 9 2.85%
See results! 73 23.10%
Crystalchild said:
F0X said:
Crystalchild said:

37 Hours in now, and it keeps getting better.

Things i highly dislike:
Some Animations are lazy, and some facial animations outright suck!
i cant lower the volume for sound effects, meaning that - mot of the time - you cant really enjoy the music over the action taking place. =/

but aside of that, the game is just pure awesomesauce.


@Sales: I think LT Sales for Xeno in the US will be around 250-300k, which is a pretty big number for an RPG that isnt named Final Fantasy..


Oooh.. look at the time... i need to keep playin', its REYNTIME after all!

Yeah, the jumping and swimming animations are... lacking. And once I again I must say that this game hasn't been lip-synched for the English language. If you want the facial animations to match the voice, switch to the Japanese version (with English subtitles of course). I don't care anyway, because that British voice acting rubs me the right way.

So far the most annoying thing for me is the lack of a Bestiary. I really wish there was a way to document enemies I've seen and where or under what conditions they spawn. :(

Nah, the lip synching isnt the problem (i DO use the english VA, i think its great, and REYN(TIME!!) and Riki are outright hilarious ), i rather mean that "some" things really look cheap, like when that Highentia Girl (Melia? .. something like that) cried about her father - there was NOTHING on her face, while hearing a crying voice. (er.. how do i explain that spoiler.. uhm, .. suck it, you should be more than fine if youre more than 25 Hours in i'd say)

Oh and a Bestiary would be kinda cool, since there are SO MANY Monsters, which all have insane variety of items stuffed in them..


By the way, ... i cant stop running from Blue Orb to Blue Orb, even if it means running in the opposite direction of where i am supposed to go.. they are so shiny.. *__* .. anyone with me on this?

PS: just arrived on mechonis' Leg.. if that fucker is as big as Bionis, .. dear lord.. xD

No. About 65% of the size.

And your issues are good ones to spot. Some of the facial animations do irk me, and some of the voices in-battle also frustrated me, but I got used to both of them. And I'm with ya on the blue orb thing; gotta catch them all!


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AndrewWK said:

I played tonight again and got to the nopon village where you this new girl and I got to say that the voice acting of the Nopons is very bad. It isn´t aweful but compared to some other games it really isn´t good at all. But its getting more and more interesting.

You get used to it. How dare you disrespect the heropon!

You're also coming up to the first real big plot point up ahead since Colony 9, and also in the biggest area. It's pretty beautiful. And it keeps getting better and better!


@Spurg- I rounded up! It was 43,560 so it was wise to round. Inculde sales from the rest of world and we're looking at 60k.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

I think the game is fantastic so far, but I've only just left colony 9 for colony 6. I can tell the game is going to be huge, and I think the game looks really good as well. The jumping animation is pretty bad though.

chriscox1121 said:
I think the game is fantastic so far, but I've only just left colony 9 for colony 6. I can tell the game is going to be huge, and I think the game looks really good as well. The jumping animation is pretty bad though.

the good thing about the jumping animation is how you can trick the system to moon-jumping.. i think its awesome to jump backwards!

And if you get how big this game will be after Colony 9, good for you - i am still amazed sometimes.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

If I may give you a Little advice the mos powerful team for weaker enenmy with lvl. 30-40 is Dunban Reyne Shulk I mean since I played with them I´am tearing my enemies appart

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AndrewWK said:

If I may give you a Little advice the mos powerful team for weaker enenmy with lvl. 30-40 is Dunban Reyne Shulk I mean since I played with them I´am tearing my enemies appart

Well, from what i see, many party-constellations tend to be good in one way or another.

The Setup you posted is based on Physical attacks, with all of them (Reyn.. not so much, but still.. !) having very good damage. i imagine that the 2 together are capable of keeping the enemies off shulk the whole time, while spamming the shit out of the enemies Backs, but as far as i can see, everyone is a good choice, depending on your likings and the given situation.

Shulk: very good Damage Dealer when ignored by the Enemy, Veeeery good Damage Dealer against Mechons.

Reyn: Good Damage Dealer, damn High HP (You can max him up to 9999 halfway into the game), high survivability

(Careful, spoilers inside.. which should be obvious)

Sharla: THE Medic Class. period. If you take damage you cannot handle, put her into the team.

Dunban: Very good Damage Dealer, high survivability to physical attacks, if running around with a good AGI Build. also, can keep Enemies at him fairly well.

Melia: *Shrug*.. i dont know..^^ she has very good Buffs, and she is capable of dealing high Etherdamage, but it takes some time to get used to her., if you play her. (which is highly advised, since if she is handled by the computer, she may not act properly in certain situations)

Riki: Now this guy is awesome. He doesnt look like much, but his Damage in long fights is insane, once you get all the Damage-over-Time Skills, also he has a good Healing spell.

Fiora: .. i am clueless, since she joined the fun just recently, with almost no Tech-Points.. <.<

I am changing my party often right now, since i want 'dem to like each other! D: .. but my favourized setup so far is Shulk/Dunban/Riki

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

Crystalchild said:
AndrewWK said:

If I may give you a Little advice the mos powerful team for weaker enenmy with lvl. 30-40 is Dunban Reyne Shulk I mean since I played with them I´am tearing my enemies appart

Well, from what i see, many party-constellations tend to be good in one way or another.

The Setup you posted is based on Physical attacks, with all of them (Reyn.. not so much, but still.. !) having very good damage. i imagine that the 2 together are capable of keeping the enemies off shulk the whole time, while spamming the shit out of the enemies Backs, but as far as i can see, everyone is a good choice, depending on your likings and the given situation.

Shulk: very good Damage Dealer when ignored by the Enemy, Veeeery good Damage Dealer against Mechons.

Reyn: Good Damage Dealer, damn High HP (You can max him up to 9999 halfway into the game), high survivability

(Careful, spoilers inside.. which should be obvious)

Sharla: THE Medic Class. period. If you take damage you cannot handle, put her into the team.

Dunban: Very good Damage Dealer, high survivability to physical attacks, if running around with a good AGI Build. also, can keep Enemies at him fairly well.

Melia: *Shrug*.. i dont know..^^ she has very good Buffs, and she is capable of dealing high Etherdamage, but it takes some time to get used to her., if you play her. (which is highly advised, since if she is handled by the computer, she may not act properly in certain situations)

Riki: Now this guy is awesome. He doesnt look like much, but his Damage in long fights is insane, once you get all the Damage-over-Time Skills, also he has a good Healing spell.

Fiora: .. i am clueless, since she joined the fun just recently, with almost no Tech-Points.. <.<

I am changing my party often right now, since i want 'dem to like each other! D: .. but my favourized setup so far is Shulk/Dunban/Riki

Good advice for the most part, and your select team is possibly my favourite. To fill in the gaps (5th and 7th character spoilers perhaps!):

Melia: *Possibly the best character to play as, as she is highly fun to play as, and very, very strong! If you can span lightning whilst keeping a Flame elemental in-stock, you're unbeatable really. Her spear break-Starlight kick combo is a straight combo, and can evenpush enemies off of ledges. Sure, you get no loot, but you maintain the exp/AP etc. gain. Very worthwhile to have in the team!

Fiora- Sure, you get her at around 60% of the way through the game, but my word is she overpowered. She can attack for double strength what most people do, she has a nice mix of arts (can break, topple and daze an enemy), some interesting effect arts (system down, second gear) etc. She also gets Final Cross at the end of Agniratha, which auto-topples any and ALL enemies in range, aside from those who are immune. That includes those who are resistant to it. In addition, syou can change her footwear to change her talent art. Could be worth doing! But most importantly is the fact she can be anything, depending on her body. Change her body to speed and she'll be quick. Power and she'll be storng etc. The more you play, the more you experiment, and you just realise how good she is...!


 Hope that's cleared things up for ya. Definitely switch those two in though. Experimenting is key now you move into the real tricky fights up ahead. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

I just killed the telethia but the fight was very very easy the Xord fight was much harder

AndrewWK said:

I just killed the telethia but the fight was very very easy the Xord fight was much harder

The second one with Riki on your team? 

Yeah, it's not too hard. That other one was pretty hellish, admittadly. Things get harder later on, though, so you'd best be ready...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
AndrewWK said:

I just killed the telethia but the fight was very very easy the Xord fight was much harder

The second one with Riki on your team? 

Yeah, it's not too hard. That other one was pretty hellish, admittadly. Things get harder later on, though, so you'd best be ready...

yeah the one with the hero puff-puff. The on that this new girl destroys with some badass Äther attack

I took it down in less then 5 minutes