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AndrewWK said:

If I may give you a Little advice the mos powerful team for weaker enenmy with lvl. 30-40 is Dunban Reyne Shulk I mean since I played with them I´am tearing my enemies appart

Well, from what i see, many party-constellations tend to be good in one way or another.

The Setup you posted is based on Physical attacks, with all of them (Reyn.. not so much, but still.. !) having very good damage. i imagine that the 2 together are capable of keeping the enemies off shulk the whole time, while spamming the shit out of the enemies Backs, but as far as i can see, everyone is a good choice, depending on your likings and the given situation.

Shulk: very good Damage Dealer when ignored by the Enemy, Veeeery good Damage Dealer against Mechons.

Reyn: Good Damage Dealer, damn High HP (You can max him up to 9999 halfway into the game), high survivability

(Careful, spoilers inside.. which should be obvious)

Sharla: THE Medic Class. period. If you take damage you cannot handle, put her into the team.

Dunban: Very good Damage Dealer, high survivability to physical attacks, if running around with a good AGI Build. also, can keep Enemies at him fairly well.

Melia: *Shrug*.. i dont know..^^ she has very good Buffs, and she is capable of dealing high Etherdamage, but it takes some time to get used to her., if you play her. (which is highly advised, since if she is handled by the computer, she may not act properly in certain situations)

Riki: Now this guy is awesome. He doesnt look like much, but his Damage in long fights is insane, once you get all the Damage-over-Time Skills, also he has a good Healing spell.

Fiora: .. i am clueless, since she joined the fun just recently, with almost no Tech-Points.. <.<

I am changing my party often right now, since i want 'dem to like each other! D: .. but my favourized setup so far is Shulk/Dunban/Riki

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!