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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The 'Kid Icarus Uprising is awesome'-thread

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Yeah, give it time as you get used to levels raising the cauldron is easier.

My main problem lies in speed runs, some stages such as Dark Pit where it is a little random trap or there is some puzzle or near platform like jumping always slows me down or when my healthy is low knows me down a notch in what I wagered earlier.

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Beat the final fight against Hades. The one QTE where you have to focus the reticule killed me twice, the first time having no idea what i should be doing, the second time only having a vague idea, the third time i finally got it, but by then i was down to a 2.7

Reminded me of the one thing i hated about Other M's final boss, when the Queen Metroid would suck you up and the game suddenly gives you Power Bombs with no fucking hint that it gave you Power Bombs. In the Queen Metroid's case as in Hades' case, they were both fun, challenging final bosses otherwise. At least Palutena is telling you what to do in this case.

Now i'm going to try online play a bit, before i leave for college graduation when i'll be forced to focus on offline achievements (of which there are many).

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Yes, Kid Icarus is so awesome, it derserves a GMV! Here's one for you, made by me! Spoiler alert for those who haven't completed the game!

Kid Icarus Uprising GMV - Pit vs Hades - Goodbye by SR-71

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

Comeon...reach a million,I dont want to wait another 25 years just cause uprising didn't sell

this will become the game i have playd longer in history. 43 hours gameplay solo - 31 hours gameplay together.

But only 96.3% complet i cannot get more than taht, not sure what i am missing!

I have played half of the chapters at 7/8 and the other half at intensity 5.


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You earn a acheivement for playin all the chapters on 9. You get the ultimate prize...

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

As much as we all love Kid Icarus... Has anybody got Mario Tennis?? I did :D I have over 3000 points and a 2500 rating for online multiplayer

EpicLight said:
As much as we all love Kid Icarus... Has anybody got Mario Tennis?? I did :D I have over 3000 points and a 2500 rating for online multiplayer

Out this friday in the UK!


i will let you know later!!! CAN ANYONE OPEN AND ONLINE THREAD PLEASE!!!!


I've added you! mine is 4038-5998-0369.

We really need an online thread :D