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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
Thor 0 0%
Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%
spurgeonryan said:
AndrewWK said:
The Hurt Locker was a good movie. Anthony Mackie did a better job then Renner in this one. Renner was great but I think the black guy was just a bit better.

What me bugged about this movie. We never got a resolution of Sanborns Story.

And whats wrong with Guy Pearce lately? I mean he is a great actor. But in this movie he dies in the first 10 minutes, and then in Prometheus he was there to die (which was a crappy movie after all).

Well after The Time Machine he sort of fell off the map. The movie was not very good. Then he fell farther and farther until we saw him in the Proposition. For what it was it got decent reviews and did well on video. Slowly he built himself back up. Not sure if it was his new star power that scared him or if he just could not find work. But now he is everywhere again. Just take a while to get good roles. That Sci-fi movie that he was in recently about a prison in space did not help and neither did Bedtime Stories.


Just saw this. ^_^


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He will be in Iron Man 3 maybe this can boost his career a bit. But his definitive role will always be Leonard Shelby.

How was the new Universal Soldier?

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Ben Hur 50th aniversary and Prometheus arrived in the mail today.

I just watched a bit of Ben Hur, it looks and sounds brand new. Somehow real crowds of people still look better then copy pasted cgi crowds. Blu-ray is too small already, disc swapping is required half way through.
Going to watch Prometheus now.

Well, I didn't expect comedy. I'm sure my wife would like to have a few words with Ridley Scott if she sees that caesarean section scene.
First I thought the guy is so set in his ways he's simply remaking Alien, even the title appearing is the same. So it turned out to be a prequel to Alien. Flimsy story (stories are better left to books anyway) with giant plotholes and sci-fi cliches a plenty. For example there is always one idiot taking off his helmet, since he doesn't drop dead in 2 seconds, let's all take off our helmets, must be safe.

The visual design and excellent cinematography save the movie. The impractical floating 3D and holographic displays are a bit overused but I guess that's to justify the 3D budget. Overall an enjoyable movie that looks absolutely fantastic on the big screen. I will watch it again sometime. Better then the last 2 Alien outings.

The deleted / alternate scenes with commentary were helpful too to explain some things better. First I thought the guy got poisoned by someone in the opening scene, apparently it was a sacrifice to splice his dna into the life of the planet. I would have never guessed that...

SvennoJ said:

Well, I didn't expect comedy. I'm sure my wife would like to have a few words with Ridley Scott if she sees that caesarean section scene.
First I thought the guy is so set in his ways he's simply remaking Alien, even the title appearing is the same. So it turned out to be a prequel to Alien. Flimsy story (stories are better left to books anyway) with giant plotholes and sci-fi cliches a plenty. For example there is always one idiot taking off his helmet, since he doesn't drop dead in 2 seconds, let's all take off our helmets, must be safe.

The visual design and excellent cinematography save the movie. The impractical floating 3D and holographic displays are a bit overused but I guess that's to justify the 3D budget. Overall an enjoyable movie that looks absolutely fantastic on the big screen. I will watch it again sometime. Better then the last 2 Alien outings.

The deleted / alternate scenes with commentary were helpful too to explain some things better. First I thought the guy got poisoned by someone in the opening scene, apparently it was a sacrifice to splice his dna into the life of the planet. I would have never guessed that...

Prometheus is a really confusing movie. And it is not an Alien Prequel

It's set before Alien, maybe not a direct prequel but as much a prequel as Rise of the planet of the apes is.
Alien was in 2122, Prometheus in 2093. It's the exact same ship design they find in Alien with an Engineer sitting in the pilot seat. Although they are not directly related, Prometheus does give a little bit more insight or back story about the Alien species.

Alien v Predator, that's a spin-off. This has a lot more in common with the rest of the Alien canon.

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pezus said:
Promotheus looked stunning but the plot was only OK and some characters just acted illogically. The scenes in Iceland were beautiful ;o. I'd give it 6.5-7/10 myself

The crew choice was indeed completely illogical. A trillion dollar space ship with a misfit crew that hasn't even met each other before the mission. But eh most of the movie was illogical.
Maybe the next movie will answer some questions. I guess it will be a new mission following the messages left behind. A whole movie with only 2 people on an alien space ship seems unlikely.

pezus said:
...and Gone Baby Gone

don´t forget "The Town"

Ryan this is a mean poll. There where so many great movies you can´t just pick one of them as the best.

spurgeonryan said:
AndrewWK said:
pezus said:
...and Gone Baby Gone

don´t forget "The Town"

I did not. Look at my review of his new movie. Well not my review, but the review.

Sorry haven´t read it.

I just watched Arthur Christmas. This is one of the best if not the best Christamas movie out there, I will watch it for christams again thats for sure.