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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

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DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%
spurgeonryan said:
The first kickboxer was supposed to be Bloodsport.

Well, they are pretty much the same movie.  

What was the other one called?  Wasn't it The Quest or something like that?

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20 minutes or less is this movie with the actor who played Mark Zuckerberg right?
It was funny, but nothing breathtaking. And the ending is kinda bizzarre but at least they showed the boobs of Bianca Kajlich.

spurgeonryan said:
Last night I watched Scary Movie 3. Did not remember liking it too much, but it was decent. ACtually I do not remember seeing it all the way through at all. I just remember Leslie Neelson at the end. I like that they added Signs into it. Charlie Sheen was good as usual in these types of movies.

Will probably see Prometheus tonight now that it is at the dollar show.

there goes that duck again

and charlie sheen is brilliant in the spoof movies,one of the best,hot shots are superb for me

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


spurgeonryan said:
AndrewWK said:
20 minutes or less is this movie with the actor who played Mark Zuckerberg right?
It was funny, but nothing breathtaking. And the ending is kinda bizzarre but at least they showed the boobs of Bianca Kajlich.

Is that his name? Kid from Zombieland right? It was not super funny, but I was with a crowd of High School kids and they seemed to think everything was funny. They were probably high on Meth.


I just finished watching IRobot again. It always entertains me. Although even will Smith, gives off a few too many one liners for my comfort. Especially as he is in a high speed Destruction derby with 200 robots and two futuristic Mack Trucks.

The name of the actor is Jesse Eisenberg, he is very talented.

I watched 3:10 to Yuma. Holly shit this movie blew me away. Christian Bale might be the best white actor right now.

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spurgeonryan said:
AndrewWK said:
I watched 3:10 to Yuma. Holly shit this movie blew me away. Christian Bale might be the best white actor right now.

That really helped cement him in my mind as one of the greatest actors around today. It always seems like it is a british or Australian who are the best actors in Hollywood!

I was not expecting as many people to survive at the end like they did. Mainly Bale.



Last night I watch Jack ass number2 again. No matter how many times I watch this late at night on Comedy Central or MTV I always can get a laugh or I will smile the whole time watching it.

Of course I watched Chopped and Breaking Bad as well.

Christian Bale and Leonardo Di Caprio are the more versatile  white actors right now. Because every role they play they play it brilliant.


Yesterday I watched American Reunion. And it was an OK movie but had potential to be much more. Not as good as the first two but better then the 3rd imo.

Just watched Act of Valor. It was a solid Action Movie.

pezus said:
Fassbender, Di Caprio, Gosling, Bale, Hardy, Levitt are pretty much the best actors of the new generation. Tell me if I forgot any

Gosling is overhyped. I have not seen a movie where he really blew me away, like Di Caprio or Bale. And yes you have forgotten Whalberg.

Anyone excited for the Hobbit Trilogy?

Games can and should tell stories and share ideas through their mechanics. This is the intrinsic element of the medium and this is how experiences should be crafted in video games. No company does this as well as Nintendo and their echoes from the past.
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pezus said:
AndrewWK said:
pezus said:
Fassbender, Di Caprio, Gosling, Bale, Hardy, Levitt are pretty much the best actors of the new generation. Tell me if I forgot any

Gosling is overhyped. I have not seen a movie where he really blew me away, like Di Caprio or Bale. And yes you have forgotten Whalberg.

Drive, Blue Valentine, The Notebook (I know, I am not supposed to say that)? He is pretty consistently great. Wahlberg is consistently mediocre which is why I didn't list him. And he plays in too many bad or mediocre films.

Gosling is a trend right thats all I can say about him. But Whalberg was great in almost every movie he was in. He might not have the talent of Collin Farell or Christian Bale, but he knows how to manage his career. Every movie he is in he nail the charater, because he gets roles suited for him mostly.

You should watch The Departed, there you can compare Whalberg to Legend Di Caprio and many many great actors, and he steels every scene he is in. He was great in The Fighter too altough Christian Bale had an advatange in this movie.  Mark Whalberg has not so many high level movie like Di Caprio or Matt Damon but whenever he gets the chance he nails the role.