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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
Thor 0 0%
Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%
spurgeonryan said:
RedInker said:
I've just started to watch Starship Troopers 2. I'm 15 mins in and so far it appears to be really poor,

Poltergiest is a classic. "this house is clean"

Is Casper van dien in Starship trooper 2 still? Classic B movie actor! Lol I am watching you only live twice. Plus there has been an Adam sandler marathon. My girlfriend has missed most of his movies sonwe are watching that as well. Going to see Battleship again tonight at 8 at the dollar show.

No he isn't in the second one. I think he is in the third film though. You can tell this film is a low budget sequel, very poor effects. Is Battleship any good? Please tell me the line "you sank my battleship" is in it?

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I recently watched Rise of the planet of the apes and John Carter.

Rise of the planet of the apes was pretty good, much better then I expected. Good script and great acting by the apes. It all looked very realistic until the whole bridge sequence, but you got to have some Hollywood action. A pleasant surprise for a bargain bin title.

John Carter was even more enjoyable. I love fantastical adventure movies. It gave me a bit of a Flash Gordon vibe in a good way. The visuals look great on blu-ray, and the all too popular orange-blue filter worked well on the red (well orange) planet. Definitely one I want to watch again.

It's official. Starship Troopers 2 sucks monkey balls.

@SvennoJ I may have to pick up Rise of the Planet of Apes. I was put off by the Mark Wahlberg remake. As long as it's better than that.

spurgeonryan said:
Battleship....did you guys not read my post on kitsch up above? I found Battleship to be really good. It was define. a big blockbuster sci fi movie, but it had some of that Hunt for the Red October feel to it. I whole hesrtedly reccomend it. You may not love it as much as I did, but you should still enjoy it.

John Carter was another surprise. Just a good movie all around. Not as intense as Battleship or The Avengers, but another very enjoyable film.

Rise of the planet of the Apes was another reboot. It was done better than the recent xmen reboot. Imo. Not as exciting, but good story.

I've just read it. Lol :) Does it contain the famous line though? If it does I'm definatly going to watch it.

Just saw MIB3. I really enyoed it; it was a better tham the second one. So far I saw 3 movies of this year. Next im going to the premier of the Dark Night Rises and the Expendables 2 next. Maybe Brave but im not sure about that one yet.

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RedInker said:
It's official. Starship Troopers 2 sucks monkey balls.

@SvennoJ I may have to pick up Rise of the Planet of Apes. I was put off by the Mark Wahlberg remake. As long as it's better than that.

Much better and completely different, it's a prequel set in the near future. The title is misleading since the rise is in it's very early stages at the end of the movie.

spurgeonryan said:
Battleship....did you guys not read my post on kitsch up above? I found Battleship to be really good. It was define. a big blockbuster sci fi movie, but it had some of that Hunt for the Red October feel to it. I whole hesrtedly reccomend it. You may not love it as much as I did, but you should still enjoy it.

John Carter was another surprise. Just a good movie all around. Not as intense as Battleship or The Avengers, but another very enjoyable film.

Rise of the planet of the Apes was another reboot. It was done better than the recent xmen reboot. Imo. Not as exciting, but good story.

Yeah I read it, hence I picked up John Carter when I saw it. Still not interested in Battleship though. Off to watch planet 51 instead.

I watched 127 hours last night. Beautifully shot movie. Never mind years of desensitization by video games, movies and tv shows, the scene where he cuts off his arm made me feel physically ill. One of those times it would have been better to watch it on vhs on a 14" bw tv.
A true horror movie for me, being claustrophobic and going out on a mountain bike regularly along some steep hills. Luckily no canyons here and should always be found within a day, I hope...

I have 127 hours, but I have never got around to watching it. I know it was nominated and one a bunch of awards so it is obviously a decent movie. I will have to push myself to watch it after The World is not enough.

It's definitely a movie that makes you think about your own questionable moves in the past while you still thought you were invincible.

Sherlock holmes 2 was just on tv here, I recorded it. First was one good, glad to hear the second one is enjoyable too.

I can't wait until the new batman movie comes out. It can't be any more disapointing,then that alien prequel. lol