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Forums - General Discussion - I gotta fight a fat guy in a few hours. Goodbye. UPDATE: Never underestimate fat guys.

M.U.G.E.N said:
NintendoPie said:
theprof00 said:

If he didn't do it now, he would still one day think that he's capable of solving problems with violence, and THAT time might be fatal with a knife involved etc.

I'm sorry but if you've never been in a fight, you're not going to understand.

You say it was dumb by looking at how it ended? That's called retrospection.

Jay knows what he did was wrong, but at the time he THOUGHT it was right. Sorry, but people need to make their own mistakes, you can't just warn people about them and expect them to grow. Sure, they'll never run into whatever you're warning them about, but their brain will never understand, and therefore that person will never truly grow. At least, they will be severely handicapped in that area.

Just think about having a kid who ALWAYS does what you say. Really think about it. Have you done something you were warned against?

True, true. At least you didn't get seriously injured, still you should've known better Jay. Everyone was trying (well not everyone just look at Chocoloco ) to tell you to not do it, you didn't listen and you regret it. What Prof said above is right, what you first said, Prof, wasn't needed. (The don't listen to Ninpie part.) You should've listened to me and everyone else telling you not to do it, but, as he said, at least you learned to never do this stupid fighting ever again.

dude you are just 13! 0_o for your own growth sake I hope you at least have one or two good fights before you go out to the society.

A fight doesn't have to be with your fists. You can fight just as exhausting battles just using your mind, as you fight people who try to wrong you.

On another note, this thread.. This whole thread is ... pretty silly. I saw it days ago, and have been keeping check, and I've been wanting to post multiple times, but I was fearing what I might say if I did.

The thing is, As I see it, there was no honor in the fight, the reason for fighting was silly, although, with that in mind. Yes, name calling can be hurtful. But you should be able to get over it when it's just that one guy calling you shit. The fact that you posted about it on this forum, just seems like you wanted attention. I guess it's not wrong, but in context with everything you claim. It is. I mean come on, there are better places to find information on fighting someone than on a forum. Especially on a videogame forum. It's not to say that people who play games can't fight.. But if it was just for the information, you would have easier obtained it by googling and looking at various pages dedicated to teaching/showing you how to fight.

The fight itself was well written. So kudos on that. And that is about all I have to say on the matter.. To summerise, it was silly and I don't understand how you can claim it had anything to do with honor, or anything to do with anything else than getting attention, since you posted about it, in the manner you have, online. With that said, people have different definitions of honor.. But come on.

Check out my game about moles ^

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Shinobi-san said:

I guess the only issue i had with this fight was that it wasnt in the spur of the was planned and organised...which does seem knda silly. If you ask most guys who have actually been in fights its usually something that just happens...once you get to the point where someone is saying "Lets go fight outside" or "One day im gonna find you and beat the shit out you" etc. well lets just say no1 really bothers to walk outside to go fight and that "one day" usually never happens.

You must have completely missed my comment.

sounds like neither of you knew how to fight

i want to fully read through this thread but there are just too many damn comments

haha that sounded like two little girls fighting!! hilarious stuff!..well done bro.

NintendoPie said:
Jay520 said:
NintendoPie said:
Jay520 said:


Wow! I was spot on!

Well, my age was given several times in this thread, so it's not that surprising.

I never saw your age on this thread. XD

Yes you did, stop trying to play it off as if you predicted something amazing.....I told you bro.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.

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M.U.G.E.N said:
Jay520 said:
Shinobi-san said:
Jay dont listen to these assholes...

I think its kinda cool that you even bothered to share your story/experience with us. This has been by far the most interesting thread on here in a long time.

I guess the only issue i had with this fight was that it wasnt in the spur of the was planned and organised...which does seem knda silly. If you ask most guys who have actually been in fights its usually something that just happens...once you get to the point where someone is saying "Lets go fight outside" or "One day im gonna find you and beat the shit out you" etc. well lets just say no1 really bothers to walk outside to go fight and that "one day" usually never happens.

So i guess thats why most people found this a little bit more silly than your average that it could have 100% been avoided.

Thanks for the support Shinobi. I understood that some people would disagree with my philosophy, but I didn't expect to see some of the reactions on here, like from the yanamaster guy. He sounds like he's personally offended by my actions.

Well I guess that's a big hint as to who he might be then :P

A douche???

I am the Playstation Avenger.


did you try using food as a distraction?

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

What a pussy

zero129 said:
badgenome said:

So much for your lie about nobody filming the fight.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG thats one funny video. And is pretty much how Jay even said it went down hahahahahaha, the video matches perfect to his story of the fight xD .


You're ugly as fuck and you're gay - 3:54


Fat kid: You want me to hock a luggy right in your face, dog?

Ginger kid: Nah, thats pussy - 4:59


OMG that was the funniest fight lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaao

This thread smells like an "I want attention" thread which probably didn't really happen. However if it were true why would you take any advice from people on THIS site, when half of it seems like its full of gay people who can't throw a punch.

It's a street fight, theres no tactics and the other guy being fat isnt going to put him at a disadvantage as itll end before he gets tired. You're best bet would have been to hit his face before he expected it and not have stopped until his friends pulled you off.

He would have been that taken aback by it he'd never have had it in him to fight back again.