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Forums - General Discussion - I gotta fight a fat guy in a few hours. Goodbye. UPDATE: Never underestimate fat guys.

I was expecting a video

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I just read the after fight update. I don't know what I would have said if I had found this thread before the fight but this was entertaining and it reminds me of my adolescence. Interesting that you gave such a detailed before and after report on a gaming site's forum. You've taught me not to take an energy drink too far before a basketball game" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

3DS: tolu619

Wii U: FoyehBoys

Vita, PS3 and PS4: FoyehBoys

XBoxOne: Tolu619

Switch: Tolu619

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Pretty much what i expected out of the fight, some small guy who has never fought found out punching people does little harm to them. You should have followed my adivce and just punched him in the face the entire fight. No doubt by the end you would have bloodied his nose and lip at the very least and it would have appeared you won.

Good, don't get in a fight ever again.

badgenome said:

Don't do it. This could be you.



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M.U.G.E.N said:
adriane23 said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
what's wrong with some of you people? the guy is in High school! 0_o some of you sound as if you have never been in a fight. It's not a horrible thing especially at that age. It's a learning experience. geez this holier than thou attitude some of you are giving is quite pathetic

I doubt they were ever in one. They're the type to get punched in the mouth and try to make friends with their assailant afterwards. If you've ever been to a big college, you've seen them before.

Granted, fighting for the reason Jay520 was fighting for was pretty dumb, but it's better that he learned the lesson now when he's a minor than when he's in his 30's.

exactly! In the future if he ever fights it should be for either sport or self defense and nothing else. 

fighting experience can be very valuable at a young age, because you may need it when you grow older to protect yourself or more importanty your wife or family if something happened.

"I couldn't remember any of the tactics that I read on here." I laughed my head off

Jay's update had me laughing my ass off.
At least you didn't get badly beaten or anything like that.

Jay dont listen to these assholes...

I think its kinda cool that you even bothered to share your story/experience with us. This has been by far the most interesting thread on here in a long time.

I guess the only issue i had with this fight was that it wasnt in the spur of the was planned and organised...which does seem knda silly. If you ask most guys who have actually been in fights its usually something that just happens...once you get to the point where someone is saying "Lets go fight outside" or "One day im gonna find you and beat the shit out you" etc. well lets just say no1 really bothers to walk outside to go fight and that "one day" usually never happens.

So i guess thats why most people found this a little bit more silly than your average that it could have 100% been avoided.

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Shinobi-san said:
Jay dont listen to these assholes...

I think its kinda cool that you even bothered to share your story/experience with us. This has been by far the most interesting thread on here in a long time.

I guess the only issue i had with this fight was that it wasnt in the spur of the was planned and organised...which does seem knda silly. If you ask most guys who have actually been in fights its usually something that just happens...once you get to the point where someone is saying "Lets go fight outside" or "One day im gonna find you and beat the shit out you" etc. well lets just say no1 really bothers to walk outside to go fight and that "one day" usually never happens.

So i guess thats why most people found this a little bit more silly than your average that it could have 100% been avoided.

Thanks for the support Shinobi. I understood that some people would disagree with my philosophy, but I didn't expect to see some of the reactions on here, like from the yanamaster guy. He sounds like he's personally offended by my actions.