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Forums - General Discussion - I gotta fight a fat guy in a few hours. Goodbye. UPDATE: Never underestimate fat guys.

M.U.G.E.N said:

dude you are just 13! 0_o for your own growth sake I hope you at least have one or two good fights before you go out to the society.

How's it a growth thing? It isn't good if that's what your trying to imply MUGEN.

OT: At least we all won't be on the news for suspects of assistance to muder/battering

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NintendoPie said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

dude you are just 13! 0_o for your own growth sake I hope you at least have one or two good fights before you go out to the society.

How's it a growth thing? It isn't good if that's what your implying MUGEN.

OT: At least we all won't be on the news for suspects of assistance to muder/battering

you are still 13 kid! life is all about experiences. Fighting (when it's not for sport) is not a fun thing but it's a life experience and you learn and grow as a person through such experiences. you will go through similar things even if you don't want to someday. Mark my words. The man went through it, was honest throughout the whole thing with us (which shows more maturity than most here calling him immature tbh), and expressed what he felt and learned. In the future he will know better and for that reason he has come out of this a better man than before..with a fun story to tell for the rest of your life

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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M.U.G.E.N said:
what's wrong with some of you people? the guy is in High school! 0_o some of you sound as if you have never been in a fight. It's not a horrible thing especially at that age. It's a learning experience. geez this holier than thou attitude some of you are giving is quite pathetic

I doubt they were ever in one. They're the type to get punched in the mouth and try to make friends with their assailant afterwards. If you've ever been to a big college, you've seen them before.

Granted, fighting for the reason Jay520 was fighting for was pretty dumb, but it's better that he learned the lesson now when he's a minor than when he's in his 30's.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


attacking first was one of the worse things you did, but underestimating your opponent because of his size was by far the biggest mistake you made.

and as for taking the advice of those who said not to fight! i was hopping you'd figure that out for your self. it's unfortunate you had to put yourself through pain in the process of learning that.

diplomacy is always the way to victory, but sometimes you'll have no choice but to fight.

warning, never strike first. i told you that in my original post. looks like the wrestling paid off the most.

M.U.G.E.N said:

 you are still 13 kid! life is all about experiences. Fighting (when it's not for sport) is not a fun thing but it's a life experience and you learn and grow as a person through such experiences. you will go through similar things even if you don't want to someday. Mark my words. The man went through it, was honest throughout the whole thing with us (which shows more maturity than most here calling him immature tbh), and expressed what he felt and learned. In the future he will know better and for that reason he has come out of this a better man than before..with a fun story to tell for the rest of your life

Completely agree. People say that violence solves nothing, but from my own experiences I know that ain't true.


My last fight was five years ago. A near-fat kid kept talking shit about me and mocking me for not not having a cell-phone for about half a year. Eventually I had enough and challenged him for a fight, and it was over after approximately 10 seconds (pushed him head-first at a metal pillar).


He never did anything against me again during the upcoming two years where we shared the same class. And beating him is probably still the proudest moment of my life.

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adriane23 said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
what's wrong with some of you people? the guy is in High school! 0_o some of you sound as if you have never been in a fight. It's not a horrible thing especially at that age. It's a learning experience. geez this holier than thou attitude some of you are giving is quite pathetic

I doubt they were ever in one. They're the type to get punched in the mouth and try to make friends with their assailant afterwards. If you've ever been to a big college, you've seen them before.

Granted, fighting for the reason Jay520 was fighting for was pretty dumb, but it's better that he learned the lesson now when he's a minor than when he's in his 30's.

exactly! In the future if he ever fights it should be for either sport or self defense and nothing else.

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

NintendoPie said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

dude you are just 13! 0_o for your own growth sake I hope you at least have one or two good fights before you go out to the society.

How's it a growth thing? It isn't good if that's what your trying to imply MUGEN.

OT: At least we all won't be on the news for suspects of assistance to muder/battering : i've already called the fed's, there on there way, and you're going to the big poky, the slammer, the big house, and you're going to serve 25 to life for conspiracy in the plotting to beat up fat guy magee.

mr. pie is to nice of a guy to ever get in a fight, but a good argument would go along way in preparing you for the working world, for when you get a job, cause management can be a bitch.

NintendoPie said:

Fighting is just plain dumb and it shouldn't happen, things can be solved much easier and much more civilized.

I think you'll discover this to be utter bollocks in a year or so when you and your classmates hit adolescence. Polite behavior and rational arguments seldom work on the irrational, and nothing on God's green earth is more irrational than an angry teenager with a newfound self-consciousness. (I would know)

You can be the nicest guy in the world, never doing a thing to provoke anyone, and still get into a fight because some jerk-off with a sore ego who can't handle the sudden surge of testosterone like the rest of us just felt like punching or irritating the Hell out of someone.

@ Gunman

I think the "assface" part was just meant to illustrate how pathetic and awkward the argument was. (As was the entire fight, for that matter) I doubt those were the exact words used.

Only good thing I got out of this is that Jay has a new nickname. Ass face.

- Fighting is not fun

Speak for yourself

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