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NintendoPie said:

Fighting is just plain dumb and it shouldn't happen, things can be solved much easier and much more civilized.

I think you'll discover this to be utter bollocks in a year or so when you and your classmates hit adolescence. Polite behavior and rational arguments seldom work on the irrational, and nothing on God's green earth is more irrational than an angry teenager with a newfound self-consciousness. (I would know)

You can be the nicest guy in the world, never doing a thing to provoke anyone, and still get into a fight because some jerk-off with a sore ego who can't handle the sudden surge of testosterone like the rest of us just felt like punching or irritating the Hell out of someone.

@ Gunman

I think the "assface" part was just meant to illustrate how pathetic and awkward the argument was. (As was the entire fight, for that matter) I doubt those were the exact words used.