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Forums - General Discussion - I gotta fight a fat guy in a few hours. Goodbye. UPDATE: Never underestimate fat guys.

Just remember, it's easier to lose your fat than to change your face. He might not always be fat, but you will always be an ass face. THAT is the lesson you should take from this.

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Gilgamesh said:

Well everyone's gotta learn eventually, and it turned out to be a bitch fight. To bad you didn't take everyone's advice though.

The next time you think to do something stupid again come to VG Chartz and listen, alright buddy? lol

Edit: and oh yeh an extremely stuppid reason to fight, name calling? come on, but I guess you guys are 17. I thought it was over a girl or something haha

All fights are bitch fights.

Jay520 said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
This is it? No win?

This is more disapointing than the endings of Mass Effect 3 and Final Fantasy XIII-2.

VGC deserves a win, I say you fight him again.

I won knowledge. Isn't that all that matters?

And knowing is half the battle.

theprof00 said:

If he didn't do it now, he would still one day think that he's capable of solving problems with violence, and THAT time might be fatal with a knife involved etc.

I'm sorry but if you've never been in a fight, you're not going to understand.

You say it was dumb by looking at how it ended? That's called retrospection.

Jay knows what he did was wrong, but at the time he THOUGHT it was right. Sorry, but people need to make their own mistakes, you can't just warn people about them and expect them to grow. Sure, they'll never run into whatever you're warning them about, but their brain will never understand, and therefore that person will never truly grow. At least, they will be severely handicapped in that area.

Just think about having a kid who ALWAYS does what you say. Really think about it. Have you done something you were warned against?

True, true. At least you didn't get seriously injured, still you should've known better Jay. Everyone was trying (well not everyone just look at Chocoloco ) to tell you to not do it, you didn't listen and you regret it. What Prof said above is right, what you first said, Prof, wasn't needed. (The don't listen to Ninpie part.) You should've listened to me and everyone else telling you not to do it, but, as he said, at least you learned to never do this stupid fighting ever again.

Now fight again. Next time you wont be as nervous in a fight so you will be able to fight better. Then you will be a better fighter. So the lesson from this fight is to fight again.

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You told me to escape to North Korea. I should have listened to you then?

Jay520 said:

You told me to escape to North Korea. I should have listened to you then?

Of course! 

No. That is why I said enough with the kidding around before I posted my response to your fight story.

what's wrong with some of you people? the guy is in High school! 0_o some of you sound as if you have never been in a fight. It's not a horrible thing especially at that age. It's a learning experience. geez this holier than thou attitude some of you are giving is quite pathetic

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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Jay520 said:
As the update in the title implies, the fight did not turn out as planned. No, I did not die, nor was I permanently injured. I don't know if there was a clear winner or loser in this fight. I'll explain it below to the best of my ability, everything happened so fast.

A few hours before the fight, I drank an entire five-hour-energy tube (an energy drink). I'm not sure if I should have done this as it got my adrenaline pumping far too early and by the time of the fight, I was already tired.

We met at an parking lot hidden from public with a group of about six friends (we have the same friends)

Now for the fight. This was my first fist fight against someone my size or bigger, so I was really nervous. I couldn't remember any of the tactics that I read on here. I really didn't have much of a plan. My brain was so cluttered and my body seemed out of control. My legs were shaking and I felt like I was going to pass out but I had to push forward; I had already come so far.

The only thing I remembered was to go for kicks and keep your hands up. So I attacked first and went in for a kick. Bad idea. The kick was way over-extended and extremely telegraphed. I think I damaged my hamstring muscle with that motion. Anyway, I kicked him directly in the chest and he was barely phased. I could tell the kick was weak. It was nothing like I practised over the past few days; it felt like I had no control over my limbs.

After that kick, my hands dropped immediately. (I'm such a horrible fighter). He threw a few punches as I stepped backwards out of danger (hands still down). At this point, I had no idea what to do. As my brain was in the process of deciding what to do, I found my self at the wrong end of a punch to the cheek. I don't know how he did it, but this guy then managed to leap from out of punching range to tackling range within a second. This fat guy was fast! I then found myself under him as he tried to secure his position. Fortunately, I was always good at scrambling from under people (my older cousins used to wrestle me a lot) so I was able to improve my position a little and tried to stand up.

As I was in the transition to stand up, he put me in a headlock and tried to crush my head. Luckily, his flabby body acted as a cushion for my skull. Then, I guess my inner martial artist came out. I somehow extended my leg forward, wrapped it around his leg, and tripped him to the ground. I was on top of him but I was still in the headlock. So I just started punching at his face and he eventually let my head go.

This led to what felt like a few minutes of exhausting scrambling and wrestling for position on the ground. Very few punches were thrown during this time. I've never been so tired in my life. I wanted to just walk away.

Eventually we both stood up and looked at each other, both of us completely exhausted. I guess this was like a mutual resting time for us. My arms and legs felt like noodles. We stared each other down for a good ten seconds. I thought he had to be more tired than I, so I went in for a flurry of attacks. They were all on point right to the face, but they were weak! I knew my arms were tired but I wasn't expecting him to just eat my punches at will. I punched him about four or five times in a row before he hit me one good time and made me stumble. Surprisingly, he didn't pursue me as I stumbled back. At this point, we were a fair distance apart and neither of us tried to continue the fight. I think both of us wanted to end the fight right there, I know I did. This is when it got really awkward. We just looked at each other. We both looked like bitches.

Obviously not wanting to fight anymore, he was like "you gonna say sorry?". I was like "you gonna say sorry?". Then he was like "you called me fat". And this 'argument' continued for about two minutes combined with some weak shoves and grabs. Eventually the argument changed to "don't call me fat anymore", "don't call me assface anymore","as long as you don't call me fat",etc. While the argument was going on, he picked up his items from his friend and it looked like the fight was over. I was happy. I didn't want to fight anymore.

Post-fight feelings were terrible. When I sat down, my legs were still shaking and my lower back became really sore and stiff after so much heavy lifting. As I caught my breath, my face started to hurt more and more. He had only got in two clean punches but those were some powerful blows. My cheek felt like it had a dent in it. I just wanted to go home and relax (which is what I did). I feel like such a failure to you guys. I didn't lose, but I certainly didn't win either.

I think I should have listened to those who told me not to fight. My cheek stil hurts and I gotta feeling my back is going to hurt even more tomorrow. Writing about it now does make me feel a little better though.

I don't think I'll ever get into a fight again. :(

What I learned from this:
- Fighting is exhausting
- No one really wants to fight someone their size or bigger
- When fighting, you are going to forget any plan you set
- Fighting is not fun
- I suck at fighting

My two friends had a fight almost exactly like that, it was pathetic and hilarious at the same time. After they were exhausted, they walked back to their things side by side arguing about who actually one the fight.  They were cool with each other after a few hours, but I occasionally remind them of that hilarious night even to this day (It was six years ago). You'll look back on this and laugh, and you'll have a story to tell.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


NintendoPie said:
theprof00 said:

If he didn't do it now, he would still one day think that he's capable of solving problems with violence, and THAT time might be fatal with a knife involved etc.

I'm sorry but if you've never been in a fight, you're not going to understand.

You say it was dumb by looking at how it ended? That's called retrospection.

Jay knows what he did was wrong, but at the time he THOUGHT it was right. Sorry, but people need to make their own mistakes, you can't just warn people about them and expect them to grow. Sure, they'll never run into whatever you're warning them about, but their brain will never understand, and therefore that person will never truly grow. At least, they will be severely handicapped in that area.

Just think about having a kid who ALWAYS does what you say. Really think about it. Have you done something you were warned against?

True, true. At least you didn't get seriously injured, still you should've known better Jay. Everyone was trying (well not everyone just look at Chocoloco ) to tell you to not do it, you didn't listen and you regret it. What Prof said above is right, what you first said, Prof, wasn't needed. (The don't listen to Ninpie part.) You should've listened to me and everyone else telling you not to do it, but, as he said, at least you learned to never do this stupid fighting ever again.

dude you are just 13! 0_o for your own growth sake I hope you at least have one or two good fights before you go out to the society.

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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