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Forums - Website Topics - Montana's Message To The Community

this site is not to bad it's civil. You will understand if you go to any comments section on espn.
Go in with a flack have been warned

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A big reasons so many threads die is because only 16 are shown on the VGChartz home page.

I was very negative about the decrease in threads shown since the (current) redesign. I don't go to 'Gamerconnect' and look for threads, I want them to pop up on the main page. Duh.

The old days of Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft/Music/etc. sections ALL being displayed on the MAIN page will have a huge impact. I mean, people spend 90% of their time on the forums, yet only like 5% of the main page is dedicated to forums.

I don't think I've ever used the word ''troll'' or ''trolling'' in any thread. If I have then it wasn't in the accusative sense.

I find the use of the word idiotic. If we just stop using that stupid word (or at least less) then so many problems will fade away. Rather address the specific issue you have with someone instead of calling him a troll.

It's a word for idiots.


Dr.Grass said:
A big reasons so many threads die is because only 16 are shown on the VGChartz home page.

I was very negative about the decrease in threads shown since the (current) redesign. I don't go to 'Gamerconnect' and look for threads, I want them to pop up on the main page. Duh.

The old days of Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft/Music/etc. sections ALL being displayed on the MAIN page will have a huge impact. I mean, people spend 90% of their time on the forums, yet only like 5% of the main page is dedicated to forums.

Yeah, that's bothered me also. When a thread gets bumped to the second page, the activity of that thread drops considerably. People don't really care much to load the next page to find a thread. I know I've done this myself too. I rarely click on page 2 to find a thread that may interest me. I think a larger front page would help remedy this issue by giving a larger amount of threads to be successful before being doomed to the 2nd page.

Thanks for the effort Monty, I hope it leads to a better community, and it is more than welcome. ^_^

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There's a page 2?

Honestly one of the biggest problems I see is not the trolling... that has always existed. It's people complaining. Every day we see a member posting a thread complaining about something. Too many trolls, user attendance is dropping, the site is being fragmented, etc etc. It really doesn't make the forums to appealing to join when all people do is complain about how the site use to be. I know I've been guilty of this on several occasions(I just want vgcim back :'() but can we just stop all the complaining. It's seriously getting old

Honestly, I'm ready for GameWise... or moreso the community that will come with GameWise. The fact that we're finally getting the video gaming equivalent of IMDB (Why hasn't anyone thought of this before? But I'm glad ioi did. ) is fantastic, and I'm hoping that a community based around a pure gaming database will lead to more discussion about actual video games.

Don't get me wrong, as I do love gamrConnect, but I'm more-or-less burnt out of the constant ebb and flow of video game sales and how they affect discussion here. I mean, at some point every console/handheld is going to be selling worse than others, and then becomes the "doomed" console on gamrConnect (and right now it's the Vita, which shows why many Vita discussions are a bit more... aggressive, and why you wont even see some members outside the Vita Thread). A community that focuses moreso on the gaming aspect of video games is exciting to me, because the ebb and flow of discussion will rely on the actual games themselves (and I'm sure sales will still have a part to play in GameWise discussion).

Keep up the good work Montana and Mod Team. Continue to steer gamrConnect (and later GameWise) in the right direction. ^_^

Hmm.Well we had it way worse in 2007-2009.



Take my love, take my land..

I agree with the underlying idea that people should just be more mature about their actions and reactions. To me, the biggest thing is just having a thicker skin and not crying foul at every little jab here and there.