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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The unofficial 3DS Thread


Do you own a 3DS?

Yes 117 70.48%
No 8 4.82%
2 of them 7 4.22%
3 of 'em 2 1.20%
4+ 6 3.61%
Planning on getting one soon. 5 3.01%
Planning on getting the remodel. 8 4.82%
Once my favorite game comes out. 0 0%
Once the price drops closer to 100$. 3 1.81%
When I can get one 2nd hand. 1 0.60%

We have 3 3DS in my house. We like them very much. I got mine day one. I can't wait until Harvest Moon, Rune Factory 4 come out.

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

Around the Network

Trailer Time

Crush 3D (SEGA), Released Feb 21st

(Thanks spurge for the links)


Mario Tennis Open, coming May 20th


Japan Earthquake - Nintendo Aimed To Make Japan Smile With Super Mario 3D Land

The date March 11, 2011 appeared on the projector screen as Mr. Hayashida's face became uncharacteristically serious. He explained he was delivering a presentation about Super Mario Galaxy 2 on the fifth floor of the Nintendo studio when the earthquake hit. He recalls the cacophony of noises he heard as the building sustained damage and he thought he was going to die. Fear of aftershocks, power outages, and radiation suspended development of Super Mario 3D Land for two weeks, a stretch of time off that Hayashida says is very damaging. After what felt like an eternity to Hayashida, the team returned to development.

"We’re all asking ourselves what we can do to help right now," says Hayashida regarding the disaster. "Bringing smiles to the faces of people by the end of this year is something we can do."

With spirits low due to the strife in Japan, the team banded together to help boost morale. Developers hung out together while play-testing Super Mario 3D Land, which Hayashida says reminded him of just playing games while hanging out at a friend's house. Work was fun again.

(more at the jump)

Look into the

Dillon's Rolling Western, Released February 22nd

Dev Tidbits BIG

Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance

Square Enix reconfirmed a 2012 North American release for Kingdom Hearts 3D!

NEW! Tron Inspired World screens




Around the Network

Trailer Time:

Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir

GDC Trailer

(can't embed this one, sorry)

Critic's Corner:

Kid Icarus: Uprising Awarded 8/10 From Edge Magazine (go)

BasilZero said:
Even though I dont have a 3DS yet I will post here just like on the PSV thread.

Planning to either get it when the remakes of the third gen pokemon/6th gen comes out or if a revised model (XL more than likely) gets released.

If I am to get a 3DS now the games I would get would be:

-Super Mario 3D Land
-Mario Kart 7
-Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D
-Resident Evil Revelations

Can anyone suggest me some games I might have missed or forgotten?

My favorite game companies are: Nintendo, Squareenix, Capcom, Namco, Tecmo, Konami/Hudson, Atlus and Nipon Ichi.

My favorite genres are: RPG, Adventure/platformer, fighting, action and racing.

You covered the four best titles on the 3DS at the moment. You may, however, be interested in several remakes/ports, such as Super Street Fighter 4, Devil Survivor Overclocked, and Tales of Abyss.

I think I have a 3DS.  So I voted yes!

sethnintendo said:

I think I have a 3DS.  So I voted yes!

Are you shooure?