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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Nintendo News Thread: "Born a Nintendo Fan, die a Nintendo fan!

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What would you give for Nintendo to be #1 again this gen?

500 dollars 1,316 72.35%
Kidney 2 0.11%
Soul 9 0.49%
virginity 16 0.88%
Your favorite puppy 6 0.33%
Your 1,000 dollar copy of Xenoblades 8 0.44%
An hour of your time 26 1.43%
Other ( post below) 6 0.33%
....Left testicle.... 13 0.71%
Pezus's freedom 22 1.21%
homer said:
This thread has more articles about the wiiu and more news about the wiiu than N4G does.

Not as much as the Wii U Thread though! This is the place where all the Nintendo news comes together.

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I partially agree Spurge. THQ is in financial trouble though I do expect the company to remain operational till mid 2014 at the earliest bankcrupcy. THQ is taking tons of steps to cut costs and reduce its debt.

Udraw was a huge success on Wii. But THQ was stupid and tried to launch it on the HD twins. Not only did they try launching it they manufactured millions of units which now sit in a warehouse and THQ can't give them away.

Dropping War hammer as an MMO was smart. It would have made a good MMO but their isn't room for more then a dozen MMO's in the industry and it seems everybody is going MMO. I think another reason the MMO genre was dropped is because the game is scheduled for release in 2014, my bet is THQ is on schedule but fears that future cuts between now and then could see the game scrapped. So to ensure the game is finished and brought to market they are ditching the MMO genre and likely starting to wrap the game up. I suspect by spring 2013 the War Hammer title will be complete. The question is will THQ maintain the 2014 release date or push it up to 2013?

I think THQ can make it assuming they do not make the jump to NextBox/PS4. Their upcoming games all look incredible and I am positive their high quality approach is capable of saving the company.

I'd say THQ should put everything its got behind Nintendo. 3DS should start receiving some THQ high quality titles based on either new IP or existing THQ IP. Nintendo WiiU should receive THQ's full support every single THQ game should appear on WiiU and THQ should provide a few exclusives including titles like WiiUdraw, enabling the remaining staff from the Udraw teams to scrape together one last game. THQ could have a team of ten working on future Udraw software for WiiU a lot of it could be DLC for the WiiUdraw title.

THQ has some amazing stuff coming up. If they face having to cancel any further games they should resort to putting out of use IP up for sale and selling any and all licenses that aren't currently being used.

THQ should liquidate any nonessential intellectual properties before making any further cuts. If further cuts are required THQ needs to shed support staff and not developers they cannot cancel more games or cut corners on the quality. They need the 2013 lineup to be huge and for the remaining 2012 lineup to sell well as well.

But I do have hope for THQ!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Mario Party 9 won't reach 1mil copies because the Wii system is dead, let's face it.
Also it was nosense imo to create another Mario Party after the effortless MP8, and Wii Party.

Wii is dying and is full of party games! No wonder MP9 won`t be a "success".
I think it will reach a million. If a bundle comes along for the game it might do even better.

spurgeonryan said:
DélioPT said:
Wii is dying and is full of party games! No wonder MP9 won`t be a "success".
I think it will reach a million. If a bundle comes along for the game it might do even better.

Sadly there was so much shovelware garbage on the system that even at the end it was hard to find Mario Party 9 in all the chaos. It is one of the better versions so it should have been a multi million seller. Hopefully as the Wii  U piques peoples interest in a Nintendo console again this game will be considered as a purchase to play on the wii U. Hopefullyy...

That could happen, that is, if Nintendo decides to push the game during Christmas.
We can also dream about a special Wii U version adapted to the Upad... SquareEnix is doing it with DQX (2 versions of one game). A new packaging, change some mini-games. It could work!

Let´s hope that this time Nintendo does put the Nintendo seal of quality to good use.

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It'll reach a Million. I don't care if the Wii is dying, it'll still get there.
Once the holiday comes people will start buying it up like crazy. Remember how DS SW still sells even though the 3DS's HW is selling like crazy? Yeah, the Wii U is also backwards compatible so it will do the same.

spurgeonryan said:
NintendoPie said:
It'll reach a Million. I don't care if the Wii is dying, it'll still get there.
Once the holiday comes people will start buying it up like crazy. Remember how DS SW still sells even though the 3DS's HW is selling like crazy? Yeah, the Wii U is also backwards compatible so it will do the same.

The only games I see selling in the top 50 for the DS are Pokemon games. Nabunga and Black and White.



I'm not talking about this year I'm talking about last year. They sold far above 3DS games even after SM3DL and MK7 came out.

Namco Bandai has filed two trademarks, one titled All Star Battle, and another titled Project X Zone (Project Cross Zone). It sounds quite possible that either of these aforementioned trademarks could be related to the mystery game that Sega, Namco and Capcom are working on together. The full reveal for the mystery crossover game is expected sometime next week.

RolStoppable said:


As for the poll, you should have used a more appropriate term than the stupid "Casual" label.

"Is the 3DS not Nintendo handheld enough to be popular in America and Europe?"

The answer is undoubtedly: "Yes."

If you disagree, point me to a Nintendo handheld that succeeded on the back of 3D gameplay. It didn't happen, it doesn't happen and it will not happen.

What do you mean by "not Nintendo handheld enough"? If you're trying to say that it isn't Nintendo-like enough then I get where you are coming from, the 3DS, even with the few great first-party releases, still hasn't had enough "Nintendo" pumped into it. This year looks like it'll really make it popular like the DS though, since we have Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, Kid Icarus, and 2D Mario coming out.

RolStoppable said:
NintendoPie said:

What do you mean by "not Nintendo handheld enough"? If you're trying to say that it isn't Nintendo-like enough then I get where you are coming from, the 3DS, even with the few great first-party releases, still hasn't had enough "Nintendo" pumped into it. This year looks like it'll really make it popular like the DS though, since we have Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, Kid Icarus, and 2D Mario coming out.


3D gameplay makes sense in certain games, but it shouldn't be in all games. The market wants REAL Mario games, so Nintendo better makes them. A lot of them. The turning point for the 3DS will be the release of Super Mario Bros.; if Nintendo makes it a great game and accompanies the title with more of its kind (not just more REAL Mario games, but Donkey Kong Country, Yoshi's Island and the like), then all will be well. Weekly 3DS sales will easily double and be sustained, it won't just be a minor boost.

And while Nintendo is at it, they should also restore the glory of the Zelda series. It's time to get back to the basics.

I agree wholeheartedly with the need of 2D games, that is indeed one of the things that Nintendo is strong at and it is one of the things that distinguishes them from the other developers/companies. The only thing is is what will they do to the games you mentioned above to make them the slightest different from their predecessors? They can't go too different or it won't be what we know and love but they have to go different enough to where there was a purpose of making a new one on a new console. What do you think they could do to 2D Mario, Donkey Kong Country, or Yoshi's Island to make them different? Other thanthe different items of course...

Another thing Nintendo needs to do is hit all the bases. If Nintendo just release 2D games then they would upset some people who like 3D games more. The other way around too. They need all different genres for all different people.