Valdney said: ANY Nintendo game that is able to maintain good sales never gets a price cut. It is a fact. Zelda is not a healthy series anymore. It's ok if you want to live in denial. |
Zelda not being a healthy series is a freaking joke. First of all SW sold 3.2 million units so far. This is great numbers especially for a game that launched only on 1 console. And TP sold 8.04 million (GC and wii version combined), witch is more than ANY Resident Evil, Uncharted, God of War, Killzone, Metal Gear Solid or Gears of War games... but I guess none of these franchise are considered healthy to you...
And yes, SW did not sell 8 million units. But if you compare the numbers of the 10 first weeks for both games, you will see that SW sold 1 million more units than TP did in its first 10 weeks. This means that so far SW is doing better than TP did. And that is despite the fact of many factors playing against SW:
- The Wii is dying, extremely weak compared to other consoles and became pretty much irrelevant to gamers unlike TP that had the advantage of launching at the launch of the wii.. I have a friend who bought and loved TP but wasn't rly interested in SW because he havnt been playing his wii for over a year and moved on to the ps3/x360... And not all gamers are willing to leave their awesome HD looking games ala Skyrim or Uncharted 3 to go back to the SD wii.
- SW needs motion+. Me personally I didn't have motion+, same thing for my friend I just mentioned above so I know allot of ppl doesn't have it. I wasn't sure if I was going to buy it or not because of the fact that buying the game = game/50$ + m+/40$ for a total of over 90$ just to play 1 game. Never less the more the launch date was approaching the more I was thinking of buying it and when they announced a bundle with that pretty golden remote I knew I was going to buy it.
- Finally this is completly a opinion but I think their is ALOT more competition and ALOT more quality games these days. Look at last october/november, Akahm city, UC3, Battlefield, CoD, Skyrim and alot more that I probably forgot were all competing with SW for the consumer's money. I cant remember what games were launched when TP came out but I know their is alot more games launching these days than 5years ago. I remember hearing somewhere that they was like a 100 games that launched in November alone. So its a FACT that more games launched at the same time as SW but when it comes to quality of other games I'm pretty sure that the games of last Novembers are of a way greater quality than in 2006 but that is a opinion. All of this to say that SW had to deal with alot more competition than most zelda games before it.
- EDIT: And like Dark_Ghost mentioned a few posts after this one, Wii games get pirated ALOT now. Xenoblade got pirated 1 million times and super mario galaxy got pirated something like 2.5 million times last year alone. So we can assume that SW got pirated ATLEAST 1 million times, add this to the current numbers and thats 4 million sales in 4months for SW, 2million more than TP year to year(witch I remind you ended up selling 8 million). That's a problem that none of the previous zelda games on N64 and GC had to deal with. Not even TP had to deal with this kind of piracy cause they was almost no piracy 5years ago when the wii first came out.
So despite these factors, SW still did better than TP so far if you compare year to year sales. I'm not saying that SW will reach 8 million (witch is just idiotic of calling that number not healthy) because the wii is dying, but it will still continue to sell and will probably end up reaching at least 4 million if not 5 million eventually. I have a other friend who doesn't own a wii but knows he will be buying a wiiu, he is srsly thinking of buying it when he gets a wiiu (but I bet I will just end up lending it to him tho :P). My point is that even if zelda games dont have the most impressive launches, they still end up selling for a looong time and all end up selling multiple millions.
And don't forget OoT 3D that sold 2.6 million units on a 16 million unit sold console. This means that around 15% of 3DS owners bought the game and that game is a REMAKE. Seems pretty healthy to me.
Now just incase when you used the words ''not healthy'' you were referring to quality instead of sales, well ALL zelda games are well above the 90s in gamerankings and metacritic so that argument is just as absurd. SS is ranked at 93/100 and that is despite the fact that its on a terribly dated console... I cant possibly tell you how many reviews i've read that toke off a few points because of the graphics, or the fact that we see pixels, or that the overworldcant compare with skyrim or because they used a fog to cover whats far away or even because they was no voice acting. All these things to many game reviewers are unacceptable today in 2012, and I actually agree (except for the voice acting thing). But the fact is that all these things are unacceptable for a ps3/xbox360 game, but the wii cant be compared to these two consoles... hell! I think my watch has more power than my Wii, so Nintendo had to deal with a huge handicap developing this for the Wii, and despite that and the fact that many many many reviewers toke off some points or even simply trashed the game because of all these things I've mentioned above, it still managed to score a 93 witch is a amazing score for any game standard.
So yeah, I can assure you that Zelda is definitely healthy in term of both sales and quality and I can assure you that their is hundreds of game franchises who would wish they could constantly sell 3 million+ units for all of their games (with 3millions being considered by some like you as ''dissapointing'' lololol) and always score in the 90s.