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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Nintendo News Thread: "Born a Nintendo Fan, die a Nintendo fan!

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What would you give for Nintendo to be #1 again this gen?

500 dollars 1,316 72.35%
Kidney 2 0.11%
Soul 9 0.49%
virginity 16 0.88%
Your favorite puppy 6 0.33%
Your 1,000 dollar copy of Xenoblades 8 0.44%
An hour of your time 26 1.43%
Other ( post below) 6 0.33%
....Left testicle.... 13 0.71%
Pezus's freedom 22 1.21%

Not sure if this is the right thread to post this in,But just got a wii U today and here are some of my impressions.

Really surprised by the qaulity of the screen and the weight of the controller.The tv remote set up works like a charm on my sky box and tv.The update was a chore to do it but luckily I only had to do it once rather than 2 which I though they would make us do.
Downloaded trine 2 of the's still downloading so cant say much about that.
I tried to play sonic all stars but no one was online.
I love the browser on it though.Just read some manga chapters while listening to music on the youtube browser is really cool.
Anyways Happy with my purchase...the loading screens are still a chore to go through.

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This New Super Mario Bros. 2 Course Pack Will Push Your Skills To The Limit

Posted Thu, 20 Dec 2012 | 10:00 GMT by Damien McFerran


"Impossible" and "Mystery" packs available in North America today

Nintendo has revealed the final DLC Course Packs for New Super Mario Bros. 2.

The "Impossible" and "Mystery Adventures" packs will be available in North America from today for $2.50 a piece. Both contain three new courses for the game's popular Coin Rush mode.

Mystery Adventures is focused around exploration and seeking out hidden pathways, but it's the Impossible pack which has caught our attention. All three courses included are devoid of coins and power-up items - the coins you earn are determined by your remaining time at the conclusion of the level. Unsurprisingly, Nintendo recommends that this pack is only purchased by supremely skilled Mario players only.

Will you be taking up the challenge?

spurgeonryan said:
What does it mean...gone gold?

Yeah the 3DS will finally blow up in the West next year. Maybe Nintendo planned ot that way since they have more time,. Less resources spent on R&D.

I this it means it has achieved its last final stretch and is now ready to go on sale.

Going gold means that the master CD/DVD/Blu-Ray has been delivered to the manufacturers. I think the phrase was first coined due to CD-Rs at the time being gold coloured but will stand to be corrected on that.

Anyone know if there are Wii U points cards yet? I can't find any...

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se7en7thre3 said:
Anyone know if there are Wii U points cards yet? I can't find any...

Got 3DS not so long time ago with half a dozen of games. Not even nearly impressed with 3D, though I kinda anticipated this. The thing is... I have problems even seeing it. Moving slider all the way up hurts the eyes and instead of 3D I see double vision like a drunk person, moving it only a notch up I barely see the difference compared to 2D picture. I only can see 3D if I concentrate enough focusing my eyes behind the screen a-la when you stare at stereogram pictures.

Not that I disappointed with the product, didn't buy it for 3D. I believe I'm not the only "stereoscopically blind" person around, or probably I'm doing smth wrong?

mai said:

Got 3DS not so long time ago with half a dozen of games. Not even nearly impressed with 3D, though I kinda anticipated this. The thing is... I have problems even seeing it. Moving slider all the way up hurts the eyes and instead of 3D I see double vision like a drunk person, moving it only a notch up I barely see the difference compared to 2D picture. I only can see 3D if I concentrate enough focusing my eyes behind the screen a-la when you stare at stereogram pictures.

Not that I disappointed with the product, didn't buy it for 3D. I believe I'm not the only "stereoscopically blind" person around, or probably I'm doing smth wrong?

This is actually pretty common for people having trouble 'seeing' the 3D.

Hold it perfectly perpendicular to your face about 8-16 inches away.  12 inches seems to be the sweet spot.  If you still see double, tilt the angle you are viewing at slightly.  Any shift at an angle can throw off the 3D effect and you'll see double.

If might also be that your eyes are either set very far apart or very close together which could prevent you your eyes from both beeing in the proper line of sight (it's the way the parallax barrier 3D technology works).  Thankfully very few games use the 3D effect as a real gameplay mechanic so if you don't use it, you're not limiting your gaming options.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

spurgeonryan said:
I only used it for a few games. It was great with Zelda!

How come? You're talking about OoT, right?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

snowdog said:
Going gold means that the master CD/DVD/Blu-Ray has been delivered to the manufacturers. I think the phrase was first coined due to CD-Rs at the time being gold coloured but will stand to be corrected on that.

Actually it was a term used before there was Opitical Disc it is a spin on Being Golden. Meaning that they are in a desirable situation leading to sucess, in this case everything is done and all that left is make copies and hopfully reap the profit.