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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Nintendo News Thread: "Born a Nintendo Fan, die a Nintendo fan!

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What would you give for Nintendo to be #1 again this gen?

500 dollars 1,316 72.35%
Kidney 2 0.11%
Soul 9 0.49%
virginity 16 0.88%
Your favorite puppy 6 0.33%
Your 1,000 dollar copy of Xenoblades 8 0.44%
An hour of your time 26 1.43%
Other ( post below) 6 0.33%
....Left testicle.... 13 0.71%
Pezus's freedom 22 1.21%
wfz said:

Is anyone else having internet issues?

I've been trying to make my brother a Nintendo Network account before we jump into BLOPS 2 multiplayer, and nintendo keeps telling me that it can't connect to the internet. =/ I know it's not my router, and I did a test in the options menu and connected just fine....

I get through the ENTIRE account-creating process and then at the very, very, very last step, it loses connection. Why. :(


EDIT: It finally worked on my 7th try. Le sigh. At least that's over for now...,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bpcl=38897761&biw=1920&bih=993&sa=X&ei=y7CtUNXsCqPkiwKY74GgBw&ved=0CFUQgggwAA

Around the Network
dahuman said:
wfz said:

Is anyone else having internet issues?

I've been trying to make my brother a Nintendo Network account before we jump into BLOPS 2 multiplayer, and nintendo keeps telling me that it can't connect to the internet. =/ I know it's not my router, and I did a test in the options menu and connected just fine....

I get through the ENTIRE account-creating process and then at the very, very, very last step, it loses connection. Why. :(


EDIT: It finally worked on my 7th try. Le sigh. At least that's over for now...,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bpcl=38897761&biw=1920&bih=993&sa=X&ei=y7CtUNXsCqPkiwKY74GgBw&ved=0CFUQgggwAA

I do not believe that will make a difference, their servers are being slammed, even has been going in and out on my desktop.

jlrx said:
dahuman said:
wfz said:

Is anyone else having internet issues?

I've been trying to make my brother a Nintendo Network account before we jump into BLOPS 2 multiplayer, and nintendo keeps telling me that it can't connect to the internet. =/ I know it's not my router, and I did a test in the options menu and connected just fine....

I get through the ENTIRE account-creating process and then at the very, very, very last step, it loses connection. Why. :(


EDIT: It finally worked on my 7th try. Le sigh. At least that's over for now...,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bpcl=38897761&biw=1920&bih=993&sa=X&ei=y7CtUNXsCqPkiwKY74GgBw&ved=0CFUQgggwAA

I do not believe that will make a difference, their servers are being slammed, even has been going in and out on my desktop.

I see, haven't had problems on my end yet.

I typed the error code into Nintendo's website and it said it was an error regarding the friends list. Apparently they're just having issues... BLOPS 2 servers are down as well (not sure if it's related or not). Ugh..

Also, just found out my USB HDD in fact doesn't work - I'll have to buy a Y split. Le sigh once again!...

This may not be the best thread to post it but I'm sure you guys are the right ones to ask.

So Black Friday, where should I buy a 3DS XL? Also if bundles are cheaper options the main games I care about are Mario 3D land and Revelations. Oh and is the analog add on for XL worth it and common in the US? LOL spare me that talk about stylus aiming being better than dual analog.

Around the Network
JoeTheBro said:
This may not be the best thread to post it but I'm sure you guys are the right ones to ask.

So Black Friday, where should I buy a 3DS XL? Also if bundles are cheaper options the main games I care about are Mario 3D land and Revelations. Oh and is the analog add on for XL worth it and common in the US? LOL spare me that talk about stylus aiming being better than dual analog.

Can't help you on the where, but there is supposed to be some 3DS / Mario Land bundle for black friday, don't know the details or the where.

One thing I do know is the circle pad, and its not really worth it IMO.

The circle pad is good if you are left handed (I am) but it does not add a true extra circle pad to the 3DS, it simply duplicates the one on the left and puts it on the right as well, so they are not seperate controls.

Ryan, how have sales been for the Nintendo products this week? Seeing as it is thanksgiving week.
Tomorrow is the dreaded black friday, right?

Your u draw thread? You lost me! :D

Thanks for the info.
When you can and if possible, could you give us an idea of how BF went in your store? :)

spurgeonryan said:
DélioPT said:
Your u draw thread? You lost me! :D

Thanks for the info.
When you can and if possible, could you give us an idea of how BF went in your store? :)

Udraw is only 10 bucks!


It will be crazy. All prices are insane. We have tons of stacks of stuff to buy. Biggest walmart in my area, and there are 5 of them in my area.

Wii at 89 and 99 really is a bargain! And U draw at 10 with a 89/99 console on the side is a great opportunity!
Maybe Wii will pull the same numbers as last year or really close. 3DS seems like it`s poised to do even better.

I don`t think DS gets the credit it deserves.
If i`m not mistaken the DS line isn`t even at 99$, yet it still has appeal even after 8 years. Nintendo has been doing a good business with it!