DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:
DanneSandin said:
hehe yeah, I'm really looking forward to whatever Retro's working on! Just as long as it isn't a FPS!! I'd imagine they'll have a Direct this fall (perhaps two) and then they'll have one in January/February covering what's to come during the next 6 months.
I kinda think that it will be a FPS! It would be great for Wii U if it had it`s own Halo and nothing better than have Retro develop one. They alread did a great work with Metroid.
A new Nintendo Direct in December would pretty sweet! A Christmas gift with great announcements! :)
Now, remind me how much the games sold? I haven't played them, but every body keeps telling me how good they are - so they must be! But they didn't sell "Halo-much" - and remember that it'll be going up against CoD and Battlefield as well. FPS from Retro is not what WiiU needs imho - it need CoD and Battlefield. What Retro oughta be working on is some form of action adventure! :D
They didn`t sell a lot but they are really good games. Of course, none of them are a FPS. They are First Person Adventures, where the focus is more on the adventure and story than on real shooting.
Wii U will have BO 2 and BF 4, that`s almost garanteed but the problem is, those can be bought on every platform. What will Wii U have for itself? Shooters like Halo make people buy a Xbox console. Shooters are probably the most played games online.
If Nintendo wants to attract that market, nothing like a "Halo" to not only attract shooter fans but to make it`s online platform relevant.